
  • 网络rose;muscat hamburg;Muscat
  1. 细致优雅香气,有时会有野玫瑰香;

    Bouquet : Delicate , sometimes it presents musk and wild rose signs .

  2. 玫瑰香塑料的剖析

    The analysis of perfumed rose plastics

  3. GC-MS法研究玫瑰香葡萄果实中的香气成分

    The volatile components of Muscat Hambourg grape were analyzed by GC-MS

  4. RAPD技术提高玫瑰香葡萄优系纯度研究展望

    Enhancing Purity of Muscat Hamburg Grape by RAPD

  5. 单一使用SO2不能很好地防止葡萄酒的氧化,采用抗坏血酸钠与SO2结合防止玫瑰香干白葡萄酒的氧化的效果很好。

    The use of SO2 could not effectively prevent the oxidation of grape wine . However , combined use of SO2 and sodium ascorbate could achieve satisfactory anti-oxidation effects .

  6. 爸爸每周给我们每人十块阿富汗尼Afghanis,阿富汗货币名称。的零花钱,我们用来买温热的可口可乐,还有洒着开心果仁的玫瑰香露雪糕。

    Baba gave us each a weekly allowance of ten Afghanis and we spent it on warm Coca-Cola and rosewater ice cream topped with crushed pistachios .

  7. 接着我用Clark's植物洁面乳(一种舒缓温和的草药黏液)洗脸,然后用一种看似像粉色糖霜但实际上来自知名英国公司Geo.F.Trumper的高级玫瑰香剃须膏刮胡子。

    Next , I used Clark 's Botanicals Face Wash ( a soothing , mild , herbal goop ) and shaved my face with what appeared to be pink icing , but was really a premium rose-scented cream from the storied British company Geo . F. Trumper .

  8. 加香料的米饭,有番茄、洋葱和青椒。美女口中葱蒜臭,胜过丑女手中玫瑰香。

    Spicy rice with tomatoes and onions and green peppers .

  9. 人工诱变获得四倍体玫瑰香葡萄的研究

    Study on Autotetraploid Grape Muscat Hamburg with Good Quality

  10. 数学分析玫瑰香葡萄霜霉病防治效果

    Mathematic Analysis of Antiseptic Effect for Preventing Plasmopara viticola on Muscat Hamburg Grape

  11. 浅谈蓄冷式空调系统玫瑰香葡萄贮藏环境气体阈值和极值的研究

    On cooling storage air conditioning system Controlled Atmosphere Storage of " Meiguixiang " Grape

  12. 同源四倍体玫瑰香葡萄嫩枝扦插不定根发生过程中内源激素的变化

    Changes of Endogenous Hormones in Adventitious Root Formation in Softwood Cuttings of Autotetraploid Grape Muscat Hamburg

  13. 介绍了建立静态顶空气相色谱法测定贮藏后玫瑰香葡萄中乙醇、乙醛含量的方法。

    A method for determination of alcohol and acetaldehyde in grapes with static headspace GC-FID has been developed .

  14. 首先说明一下,没有人说她们在做梦的时候闻到了玫瑰香或者臭鸡蛋味。

    To be clear , none of the women reported actually smelling roses or rotten eggs in their dreams .

  15. ‘玫瑰香’葡萄无核率达95%以上,提早成熟25-30天。

    And for ' Muscat Hamberg ' , seedless rate and earlier mature were 95 % and 25-30 days , respectively .

  16. 他的几十亩葡萄园都种植了玫瑰香,再过一个月就可以采摘了。

    He planted Muscat Hamburg grapes over the entire ten mu of his vineyard , to be picked one month later .

  17. 大玫瑰香葡萄的细胞学和育种行为&中国果树资源细胞学研究之三

    CYTOLOGY AND BREEDING BEHAVIOR OF VITIS VINIFERA CV . " GIANT " MUSCAT HAMBURG Cytological Studies on Resources of Fruit Trees in China ⅲ

  18. 在玫瑰香葡萄原汁同时添加苯甲酸和山梨酸,于避光、通风处密封保存半年。

    Muscat Hamburg grape juice added by benzoic acid and sorbic acid simultaneously had been hermetically in dark , airy place for half a year .

  19. 通过采用冷冻法浓缩玫瑰香葡萄汁,然后进行发酵,生产出了一款优质的甜白型葡萄酒。

    In this paper , by freezing and concentrating Muscat grape juice , then fermenting it , a kind of high quality sweet white wine was produced .

  20. 玫瑰香代表着浪漫和爱情,涂上它肯定能让你散发迷人的魅力。

    Roses are synonymous with romantic attraction and love , the sure fire perfumes that will compliment you are those that have a lingering quality , especially roses .

  21. 本文用正交实验对经发酵的玫瑰香葡萄皮渣的总色素、食用色素的优化提取工艺进行了研究,同时对粗色素的纯化工艺进行了探索。

    In this paper , not only the optimum extracting processes of the total pigments and food colourant from the fermented Muscat Hamburg g ape pomace have been studied by orthogonal experiments , but the purifying process of the gross pigments has been discused .

  22. 结果还显示,罗勒、玫瑰和香柠檬均能抑制脂质过氧化,明显的抑制和延缓DNA损伤,起到预防型抗氧化剂和断链型抗氧化剂的双重作用。

    Basil and lemon could obviously inhibit and delay DNA damage caused by ? OH , acting as mixing-type antioxidants .

  23. 罗勒、玫瑰和香柠檬水提非挥发性组分抗氧化及对离体培养小牛主动脉内皮细胞和平滑肌细胞氧化损伤的保护功效研究

    A Study on the Effects of the Nonvolatile Parts of Three Aromatic Plants on Antioxidation and Protection of Cultured Bovine Aortic Endothelial Cells and Smooth Muscle Cells Against Oxidative Damage

  24. 抗氧化实验结果表明:罗勒、玫瑰和香柠檬不但能直接清除超氧阴离子自由基(O2~-),而且能通过抑制黄嘌呤氧化酶的活性而减少O2~-的产生;

    The experiments revealed that basil , lemon and rose could not only directly scavenge O_2 ~ - , but also reduce the production of O2 ~ - through inhibiting the bioactivity of xanthine oxidase .

  25. 你闻闻这朵玫瑰。多香呀!

    Just smell this rose . Isn 't it sweet !

  26. 这些玫瑰气味很香。

    These roses smell good .

  27. 研究表明:易名玫瑰,闻着香与不香就看你是怎么想的了。

    The results suggest that a rose by any other name would smell as sweet . Or be as irritating as you expect it will .

  28. 这句话译成中文就是理想主义者,他们注意到玫瑰比白菜更香,便断定玫瑰煮汤比白菜更美味。

    An idealist is one who , on noticing that a rose smells better than a cabbage , concludes that it will also make better soup .