
  1. 长江三角洲环境地质调查评价GIS管理系统建设初探

    Preliminary design of GIS for environmental geology survey evaluation in Changjiang Delta

  2. 基于GIS的区域环境地质调查空间数据库数据组织初探

    A discussion on the data texture of regional environmental geological survey on GIS

  3. 在区域环境地质调查工作中GIS应用技术初探

    The application of GIS to regional environmental geological investigation

  4. GIS在环境地质调查中的应用

    GIS and its Application to Environmental Geology Investigation

  5. 基于嵌入式GIS的环境地质调查野外数据采集系统的设计和实现

    Design and Implementation of Field Data Collection System in Environmental Geology Investigation Based on Embedded GIS

  6. 3S技术在矿山环境地质调查中的应用

    Application of ″ 3S ″ Technology in Mine Environmental Geological Investigation

  7. 总结了应用3S技术进行矿山环境地质调查的工作方法和程序。

    And summed up the methodology and procedure of the ″ 3S ″ technology in mine environmental geological investigation .

  8. 在此基础上,对利用GIS进行上海地区环境地质调查成果管理过程中的有关问题进行了必要的探讨,并提出了对策。

    Based on these , the preliminary plan and the basic purpose of using GIS for management of the data obtained from environmental geology investigation in Shanghai as well as the problems may be encountered .

  9. 全国1∶50万环境地质调查信息系统开发初探

    Development of the national 1 ∶ 500000 environmental-geological survey information system

  10. 长江中游主要水患区环境地质调查评价

    Environmental geologic survey on main flood disaster area of middle Yangtze River

  11. 生态环境地质调查在我国尚处于起步阶段。

    Geologic-ecologic environment surveying is in starting stage in China .

  12. 矿山环境地质调查技术要求研究

    Study on technology and method of mine geo-environment survey

  13. 南岭地区矿山环境地质调查的意义、目标与方法

    Significance , aim and method for geological survey of mining environment in Nanling region

  14. 青岛市天然放射性环境地质调查中测量方法探讨

    Investigation on Measurement Methods for Natural Radioactivity in Environmental Geological Survey of Qingdao City

  15. 生态环境地质调查进展与展望

    Eco-environmental geological survey : progress and prospects

  16. 矿山环境地质调查工作方法的探讨

    Probe into Mine Environmental Geological Investigation Method

  17. 论区域环境地质调查研究

    On Geological Survey of Regional Environment

  18. 青岛市氡的环境地质调查初探

    A preliminary discussion on radon environmental geological survey in Qingdao city and an analysis of the results

  19. 对南方岩溶石山地区地下水资源及生态环境地质调查的一些意见

    Aspects on the new round land and resources survey in Karst rock desertification areas of South China

  20. 本文在扶余油田水文地质、工程地质和环境地质调查基础上对研究区的地下水污染机理和污染途径进行研究分析。

    Based on hydrology and environmental geology works , the dissertation mainly discussed pollution ways and mechanism .

  21. 生态环境地质调查及其相应的生态地质环境评价是一个目前还处在不断探索之中的工程和科学问题。

    The eco-environmental and geological surveying and its relative assessment is also a engineering and science problem .

  22. 吉林省南部地区生态环境地质调查中土壤环境地球化学研究

    A Study of Soil Environment Geochemistry in Geological Investigation of Ecological Environment in the South Jilin Province

  23. 以中国地质调查局资助的《淮河流域环境地质调查》项目为依托,对收集到的区域基础地质和水文地质资料进行了二次开发。

    With the help of environment geology investigation project in Huaihe River basin , we have studied the data on regional geology and hydrogeology .

  24. 直流电阻率法是矿产资源勘查及水文地质和环境地质调查中,十分有效和应用相当广泛的物探方法之一。

    As one of the effective geophysical exploration methods , DC resistivity is widely used in mineral resources exploration , hydrological and environmental survey .

  25. 讨论了开展水文地质、环境地质调查工作的重要性、必要性和社会需求,以及今后开展水文地质、环境地质调查工作方向和战略研究。

    It also discussed the importance , necessity of such work and its social demand as well as the work direction and strategy in the future .

  26. 使用遥感技术与地理信息系统来提取和分析地质地貌信息,已经成为生态环境地质调查的一种必然趋势。

    Making full use of remote sensing technology and geographic information systems to collect and analyze geological topography information has become an inevitable trend of the ecological environment geological survey .

  27. 在参与安吉地区农业生态环境地质调查过程中,结合资源环境的调查评价,在整顿矿业秩序,改善和修复矿山生态环境,矿山地质灾害调查防治等方面做了些尝试。

    During the investigation on agricultural ecology , environmental geology and resource environment in Anji County , attempts were also done or rectifying mining order , improving ecological environment of mine and preventing geological hazards in mines .

  28. 电磁法是一种广泛应用于矿产资源勘查、水文地质和环境地质调查的地球物理勘探方法,依据响应性质可分为频率域电磁法和时间域电磁法。

    Electromagnetic method is a kind of geophysical methodology widely used in exploration of mineral resources and environmental hydrogeology , which can be divided into two kinds : those are frequency domain electromagnetic methods and time domain electromagnetic methods .

  29. 全球变化、区域海洋环境地质调查、滨海城市地质、沿海地下水环境、海洋灾害地质、海底不稳定性、滨海湿地、人类活动对海洋地质环境影响等,都是今后我国海洋环境地质研究的重要方向。

    Global changes , regional marine environmental geological survey , littoral urban geology , coastal groundwater environment , marine hazardous geology , seafloor unstability , wetland , and human influence on marine geologic environment are the main contents of study of future marine environmental geology in China .

  30. 环境地质调查重点则放在确定海岸基准线,开展重点城市、港口以及湿地环境地质调查评价,建立海岸带地质环境监测体系和地质灾害预警系统,构建海岸带地质环境保障体系等方面。

    We should be focused on the datum line of coast zone , and on the major cities ports and wetlands in the geo-environmental research work ; set up the geo-environment monitor system and geological disaster alarm system ; set up geo-environmental guarantee system for the coastal zone .