
  • 网络environmental news;Environment News;Environmental journalism
  1. 他还为他的报纸写了一篇报道,并凭借此报道赢得了全国环境新闻奖。

    And he wrote a story for his paper that earned him a national award for environmental journalism .

  2. 美国环境新闻的轨迹及其先锋人物(1844-1966)

    Traces of American environmental news and its pioneers ( 1844-1966 )

  3. 环境新闻伴随着环境保护运动诞生。

    Environment News along with the environmental protection movement was born .

  4. 唤醒公众环保意识的群体&美国环境新闻的轨迹及其先锋人物

    The Group of People Who Wake up the Environmental Awareness of the Public

  5. 我国环境新闻生产影响因素的个案分析

    An Initial Study on Influence Factors of the Production of Environmental News in China

  6. 论21世纪环境新闻的走势

    Trend of Environmental News in the 21st Century

  7. 本研究从职业职责、职业权利、职业利益等角度探讨环境新闻从业者的职业理念。

    The research discuss the vocation idea from the responsibility , right and interest angle .

  8. 环境新闻起源于美国,改革开放以后才逐渐传入我国。

    Environmental news report which originated from U.S.A was introduced in China after the policy of reform and opening-up .

  9. 在政治经济改革的推动下,环境新闻将向着更高层次迈进。

    In the circumstance of the reform of politics and economy , environmental news will go forward to a high level .

  10. 而作为环境新闻发源地美国的一份大报,《纽约时报》在环境新闻发展史上贡献突出。

    As the birthplace of environment News ' major newspaper , New York Times outstanding contributions to the history of the development of environmental news .

  11. 环境新闻在中国的兴起与中国社会经济的发展、环境状况的变化不无关系。

    The rise of environmental news in China has a close relationship with the development of the social economy and the changes of environmental state .

  12. 虽然在众多学者的努力下,我国环境新闻研究已经取得了丰硕的研究成果,但甚少有学者对这些已有的研究成果进行系统地、学术地整理。

    Although China Environment News Research has achieved fruitful results by many scholars efforts , but there are very few scholars have been systematically , academic to finishing these research results .

  13. 随着这一系列方针理念的提出,媒体在环境新闻的报道数量和报道篇幅等方面都有所增加,显示出了媒体对于环境新闻重视程度愈来愈高。

    With the proposed a series of policy ideas , the media has increased in number and length about the environmental news . The media pay more and more attention to the environment news .

  14. 在环保部旗下中国环境新闻工作者协会担任秘书长的刘国正表示,要应对雾霾问题的根源,中国需要进行大胆得多的尝试。

    Liu Guozheng , deputy director of the China Forum of Environmental Journalists , a part of the environment ministry , said the Chinese would have to undertake a much more ambitious effort to get at the roots of smog .

  15. RSS标准在Internet环境下新闻发布系统中的应用研究

    Research on Application of RSS Standard in News Publishing System in Internet

  16. 联合国环境署新闻抗战时期的中国空军

    UNEP News Chinese Air Force During The Period of the Anti-Japanese War

  17. 浅谈网络环境下新闻资料的分类

    Talking about the Classification of the News Information under the Network Environment

  18. 网络环境下新闻图书资料建设的思考

    The Construction of Journalism Book Corpus in the Network Background

  19. 开始关于一个方面的简单谈话(比如天气,环境,新闻)。

    Engage in one line of small talk ( weather , surroundings , news ) .

  20. 因此,研究媒介生态环境与新闻自律的关系就具有一定的理论价值与实践意义。

    So study media ecological environment and relation that news contain by oneself have certain theory value and practise the meaning .

  21. 本篇文章最初登在环境健康新闻上,它是由一家非盈利性媒体公司-环境健康科学发布的新闻源。

    This article originally ran at environmental health news , a news source published by environmental health sciences , a nonprofit media company .

  22. 通过对比研究英汉环境类新闻语篇的修辞关系,本文试图找出两者的异同点并分析其中可能的原因。

    Through the analysis of similarities and differences between English and Chinese environment news , the thesis intends to explore the reasons for them .

  23. 新闻网站上市是一种全新的探索,也是市场经济环境下新闻网站做大做强的必然选择。

    Listing is a new way for news websites . It is also the inevitable choice to become bigger and stronger in the market economy environment .

  24. 本文首先从批评报道的历史沿革、社会环境、新闻从业人员的认识、批评报道的内容、对象、领域以及社会各界对批评报道的处理实践等方面对批评报道的现状做出了分析。

    This paper firstly analyzed the situation of critical reports by studying its history , environment , practitioners ' cognition , the reports content , object , domain and the different treatments .

  25. 本研究从媒介融合对新闻产品升级的影响入手,探讨媒介融合这一媒体大环境对新闻内容产品的影响,并从经济学的视角分析其中的原因。

    This study is commenced with the influence of upgraded news products which is given by media convergence ; besides , it is committed to discuss this effect to news products so as to analyze the reason from the perspective of economics .

  26. P2P环境下视频新闻发布系统设计

    Research on the Application of Video News Issuing System in P2P Environment

  27. 浅谈数字化环境下青海新闻电视业的成本控制

    The Digital Environment of the Qinghai News Television Industry Cost Control

  28. 提供有关中国环境问题的新闻,链接和信息资源。

    Provides news , links and other resources relating to Chinese environmental issues .

  29. 相关论文介绍;关于动物与环境保护的新闻报道等资源。

    Contains information , articles , reports and news concerning animal and environmental preservation in the UK and internationally .

  30. 网络新闻伦理问题与传统媒体环境下的新闻伦理问题存在着历史上的承继性和逻辑上的相关性。

    The Net News ethics question and news ethics question under the traditional media environment have historical and logical relevance .