
  • 网络Environmental Friendly Technology;environmentally friendly technology;Environment Friendly Technology
  1. 低碳环境友好技术国际转移博弈论研究

    Study on International Transfer of Low-carbon Environmental-friendly Technology by Applying Game-theory

  2. 环境友好技术成为该条件下的必然选择。

    The friendly technology of environment became the inevitable choice under this condition .

  3. 顺丁烯二酸酐生产的环境友好技术

    Environmentally Friendly Reaction Technologies for Maleic Anhydride Production

  4. 地下管线非开挖技术作为一种综合成本低的环境友好技术在发达国家得到了很好的应用,但是在中国的应用却困难重重。

    As an environment friendly low cost technique , Trenchless Technology has been widely applied in construction of underground pipelines in some advanced countries .

  5. 光催化技术是一项新型环境友好技术,在环境的防护与治理等领域中,展现了广阔而诱人的前景。

    Photocatalytic technology was a new environmental-friendly technology which has been showed a vast and tempting prospect in the field of environmental protection and management .

  6. 电化学技术作为一种环境友好技术,在含染料废水处理领域,已成为一类具有竞争力的废水处理方法。

    As electrochemical method is an eco-friendly technology , in recent years , there has been increasing interest in the use of electrochemical methods for the treatment of dye wastewater .

  7. 在专利法中规定对环境友好技术要促进其推广和实施,发达国家的环境友好技术应向发展中国家以优惠的条件转让,否则出于环境保护的需要,对环境友好技术可以颁发强制许可。

    In the patent law , to stipulate that developed countries should transfer environment-friendly technologies to developing countries on favorable terms . Otherwise , for the protection of environment , the mandatory license can be presented to environment-friendly technologies .

  8. 但是中国国内法对于环境友好技术转移并没有特别的规定,还需要从强制许可事项,可强制许可技术和强制许可使用费这三方面做出完善和改进。

    While the domestic laws of China have no specific regulation on ESTs transfer , and shall be completed and improved in the field of reasons of compulsory licensing , technologies that can be licensed and remuneration for compulsory licensing .

  9. 催化燃烧是一种环境友好的技术。

    Catalytic combustion is a kind of environment-friendly technologies .

  10. 环境友好农业技术创新激励政策研究

    Research on the Incentive Policies of Environment-Friendly Agro-Technical Innovation

  11. 技术跨越:环境友好型技术发展中的路径依赖与路径创造

    Technological Leapfrogging : Path Dependence and Creation in the Development of Environment Friendly Technology

  12. 环境友好催化技术发展趋势

    Future Trend for Environmentally Friendly catalytic Technology

  13. 20世纪发展的用以消除排放污染物的环境友好催化剂技术将在本世纪得到广泛重视并将应用于汽车及静态污染源。

    Environmentally Friendly catalytic technologies developed during the 20th century for end of pipe clean up of pollutant emissions will continue for mobile and stationary sources .

  14. 光催化降解有机污染物工艺简单,成本较低,无二次污染,是最有希望的环境友好新技术。

    Photo degradation of organic contaminant perhaps is the most prospective environmental purification technology due to its low cost , without secondary pollution and ease of processing .

  15. 该法案说,为了促进环境友好的技术、实践规则和生态标签,政府将为环保和符合环保标准提供财政激励。

    The act states that to promote environment-friendly technologies , codes of practice and eco-labelling , the government will provide financial incentives for environment protection and compliance .

  16. 介绍了炼油工艺和石化工艺新技术的最近进展,包括常规工艺改进和环境友好生产技术两方面。

    Recent advance of the new technologies for refining process and petrochemical process , which involve improved conventional processes and production technology environmentally friendly , are presented .

  17. 环境友好型技术,尤其是风能等清洁能源产业专利技术对于全球节能减排极为重要。

    Environmentally Sound Technology , especially the patented technologies in the Clean Energy industry like wind power industry , is extremely important for the global energy conservation .

  18. 与传统的酸水解和酶糖化工艺比较,纤维素超临界水解工艺具有效率高、过程简单和环境友好等技术特点;

    Compared with traditional technologies of acid hydrolysis and enzymatic saccharification , the technology of supercritical hydrolysis has the advantages of high efficiency , simple processing and environment friendly .

  19. 光催化技术是一项环境友好的技术,在环境净化领域,特别是在治理室内空气污染领域的应用前景诱人。

    Photocatalysis , as an environmentally friendly technology , has attracted much attention and showed potential application in environmental protection , especially in the purification of indoor air pollution .

  20. 主要包括对《联合国气候变化框架公约》和国际知识产权公约下环境友好型技术转让相关条约和文件的研究。

    The research focuses on provisions of treaties and other documents related to international Environmentally Sound Technology transfer under United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and international intellectual property treaties .

  21. 有机废水的半导体光催化氧化技术是一项价廉而环境友好的技术,在水处理领域的应用前景诱人。半导体光催化技术因其能降解污染物而成为一个被广泛研究课题。

    Semiconductor photocatalysis has become increasingly promising technology in the wastewater treatment because it is low-cost and completes the hazardous organic compound mineralization . Semiconductor photocatalysis as a method for destroying pollutants has been extensively researched .

  22. 全球气候变化问题事关人类的生存与发展。环境友好型技术的持续创新以及在全球范围内的广泛扩散和有效应用,是成功减缓和适应气候变化的基础。

    Global climate change concerns human survival and development , therefore , the continuous innovation , the worldwide spread and the effective application of Environmentally Sound Technology is the basis of successful mitigation and adaptation to climate change .

  23. 同时,环境友好型技术扩散缓慢是实现可持续增长目标的重大障碍,环境管制的增强有助于缩小落后地区与技术前沿的差距,加快技术扩散。

    Meanwhile , the slow diffusion of the environment-friendly technology is a major obstacle to achieving the objective of sustainable growth , and the enhanced environmental control can help narrow the gap between the frontier of technology and the backward areas , and it can speed up technology diffusion .

  24. 与化学法的QPQ技术相比,Ion(NC+O)复合处理技术是一种环境友好的处理技术。

    The process of Ion ( NC + O ) treatment is a kind of environment-friendly process .

  25. 棉铃虫Helicoverpaarmigera的环境友好型诱杀技术研究细胞因子诱导的杀伤细胞体外培养技术的评价

    Environment-friendly methods for trapping cotton bollworm , Helicoverpa armigera Preliminary Study on the Culture Method of Killer Cells Induced by Cytokines

  26. 液相微萃取(LPME)是近年来发展起来的一种新型的样品前处理技术,该技术集采样、萃取和浓缩于一体,需要有机溶剂量非常少,是一种环境友好的萃取技术。

    Liquid phase microextraction ( LPME ) is a new sample pretreatment technique that integrates sampling , extraction and concentration into a single step and only little organic solvent is required .

  27. 国内外环境友好有机化工技术进展

    Development of Environment-Friendly Organic Chemical Technologies at Home and Abroad

  28. 环境友好石油炼制技术的进展

    The recent development of environmental friendly petroleum refining technology

  29. 环境友好型发电技术的特性分析

    Analysis of Green Power Generation Technologies

  30. 日本汽车生产商丰田与德国宝马将合作开发环境友好型发动机技术。

    Japanese carmaker Toyota and Germany 's BMW are to work together on environmental-friendly motoring technology .