
xiāo fèi shì chǎnɡ
  • consumer market
  1. 低成本、改善的IP环境和巨大的消费市场。

    Lower costs , an improved IP environment , and a huge consumer market .

  2. 根据消费市场的情况来看,估计安卓设备将大量进入企业级市场,不论这些设备是否带有SAFE标志。

    If the consumer market is any indication which it is you can expect to see a lot more Android devices entering the workplace , with or without safe .

  3. 迷你车在日本的销量迅猛增长,使日本超过英国成为该车最大的消费市场。

    Sales are booming in Japan , which has overtaken Britain as the Mini 's biggest market .

  4. 现在,通过直通消费者模式,谷歌希望凭借自家媒体商店GooglePlay,在内容消费市场分得一杯羹。

    With a direct-to-consumers model , Google wants a piece of the content consumption market via its own media store , Google play .

  5. 运用支持向量机(supportVectorMachine,SVM)智能预测方法对农产品的消费市场需求进行动态预测。

    A dynamic forecasting system of demands for farm products in consuming market is studied by means of applying the intelligent forecast method SVM ( Support Vector Machine ) .

  6. 随着我国加入WTO,西瓜消费市场面临着国际化的竞争,提高西瓜果实品质已十分迫切。

    With the entrance of world trade market , domestic watermelon markets are challenged with global competition . Hence , it is very imperative to improve fruit quality .

  7. 随着中国加入WTO,中国零售行业竞争日趋激烈,特别是本土商业零售行业面临着外资商业的进入、消费市场的不断完善等冲击。

    The competition of retail store industry has been severely after China entered into WTO , especially the family retail store industry facing the influence of foreign business coming and consume market completing .

  8. 据估计,这款高清版iPad的分辨率将是iPad2的两倍,并将定位于高端消费市场。

    This " iPad HD " will supposedly sport double the screen resolution of the current version and aim for the higher end of the consumer market .

  9. 如果说有一个词可以概括当前EMBA课程的消费市场,那就是选择。

    If there is one word that sums up the consumer market for Executive MBA programmes these days , it is choice .

  10. 贝克指出Windows8的触摸屏笔记本电脑平均售价867美元(540英镑),占了Windows8笔记本电脑销售额的6%,已经帮助“Windows笔记本电脑消费市场重建了一个溢价段。”

    Baker noted that Windows 8 touchscreen laptops with an average price of $ 867 ( £ 540 ) , accounting for 6 % of Windows 8 laptop sales , had helped " re-establish a premium segment to the Windows consumer notebook market . "

  11. 消费市场研究公司NPD集团(NPDGroup)的哈利•巴尔泽称,2000年的时候,平均一年是215顿,而从去年8月到今年8月这一年间,平均只有194顿。

    For years the number of meals the average American purchases annually at restaurants has dropped & 194 meals during the year-ended August 2012 , down from 215 in 2000 , according to Harry Balzer of consumer market research firm NPD group .

  12. 建立高效、完善的现代化的OTC药品营销体系对增强我国OTC药品生产企业和流通企业的市场竞争能力,在中国未来巨大的药品消费市场赢得先机,具有十分重要的战略意义。

    To establish a consummate and high efficient trade channel has strategical significance in increasing the market competitive strength of Chinese medical trade enterprises , and to gain the benefits in advance in Chinese huge medical consuming market in future .

  13. 农村是我国最大、最具开发潜力的消费市场;

    Country is the most consumptive marketing with great development potential ;

  14. 其次,天然气的消费市场是落实的。

    Secondly , the consuming market of natural gas is ascertained .

  15. 成都市大众游泳消费市场调查与分析

    Investigation and analysis of the mass swimming consuming market in Chengdu

  16. 实施有效的政策措施启动农村消费市场

    Taking Effective Strategic Measures to Develop the Rural Consuming Market

  17. 湖南消费市场特点分析及趋势预测

    Analyses and Forecast of the Characteristics and Tendency of Hunan Consumer Market

  18. 高校消费市场探微

    A Probe Into the Consuming Market in Higher Education Institutes

  19. 体育消费市场成为从竞技运动走向大众体育的热点之一;

    Sports consuming market become one of the hot topics .

  20. 市场机会之二:新兴国家消费市场

    Market opportunity number two : consumer markets in emerging countries

  21. 老年市场将成为未来最具潜力的消费市场之一。

    Elder market will be one of the potential markets .

  22. 山西城市消费市场分析

    Analysis on the Consumption Market in Cities of Shanxi Province

  23. 国家政策为轿车消费市场打开绿灯

    State Policies Turn on the Green Light for Car Markets

  24. 华东地区是最大的地区润滑油消费市场。

    East China is the largest regional consumer market for lubricating oil .

  25. 甘肃农村消费市场的潜力分析及启动思路

    Potential analysis and start-up consideration of rural consume market in Gansu province

  26. 周边国家巨大的旅游消费市场亟待开发,双方拥有共同开发的核心项目,合作前景广阔。

    The huge tourism market of the surrounding countries demands prompt development .

  27. 中小城市房地产消费市场启动的对策

    Countermeasure of activating the real estate consumption market of middle and small cities

  28. 实行三个进一步消费市场方可获得充足动力&访国家统计局副局长邱晓华

    Implement Three Step Forward , the Consumer Market can Obtain Sufficient Motive Force

  29. 2004年国内动画消费市场分析(上)

    Analyse On the 2004 National Cartoon Consumptive Market (ⅰ)

  30. 家具作为一种现代工业产品,是国际贸易与消费市场常盛不衰的大商品。

    Furniture is one of a large amount of commodities in international trade .