
  • 网络Self-investment;ego investment
  1. 还贷结束后,如能在成本电价的基础上增加一部分作为企业滚动开发基金,则水电将具有强大的自我投资能力。

    As a result the hydropower enterprices will have a strong capability of self-investment .

  2. 民营企业自我投资膨胀与约束对策

    Private Enterprises'Self - Investment Inflation and Restraint Solutions

  3. 我生意中的乐趣就是不断地再自我投资,让生意变得令人兴奋。

    The fun in my business is to constantly reinvent ourselves and that makes it exciting .

  4. 最后一条自我投资的方法是经常花些时间让自己保有一定的社会文化常识。

    One final way to invest in yourself is to regularly take the time to remain culturally literate .

  5. 一个有重要意义但尚未开发的市场在于联营或集合基金,并可能包括自我投资的个人养老金。

    A significant , as yet untapped , market might be found in syndicated or pooled funds , possibly capable of inclusion in a self-invested personal pension .

  6. 学校除提高教学质量外还应采用多层次的办学评价指标;家庭也应不断提高自我投资能力。

    Except improving the teaching quality , the school should adopt multi-layer assessment standards and family should also improve their capabilities of education investment , in order to reduce the unreasonable behaviors in the investment .

  7. 我真的很想参加课程,也付得起学费,但我不知道,到头来可能破坏我在目前公司前途的自我投资,是不是一种疯狂之举。

    I really want to do this and can afford to pay for it , but I wonder if it is madness to make an investment in myself that may amount to damaging my prospects with my current employer .

  8. 只有返回他们的中介服务,并严格控制,如自我买家,投资经营规模和结构,以避免市场风险。

    Only the return of their intermediary services , and strictly control the buyer , such as self-investment business scale and structure in order to avoid market risks .

  9. 自我国风险投资产生以来,我国陆续制定了一系列促进风险投资发展的税收政策,对促进我国风险投资的发展发挥了重要作用。

    Since the capital risk in China , one after another in China have formulated a series of the venture capital to promote the development of tax policy , promoting the development of the venture capital in China which has played an important role .

  10. 投资是产出中最具波动性的组成部分,在中国,投资占国内生产总值(GDP)的比例高达46%,因此,具有自我实现效应的投资导致经济崩溃的可能性是真实存在的。

    Investment is the most volatile component of output and in China accounts for a whopping 46 per cent of GDP , so the possibility of a self-fulfilling investment led collapse is real .

  11. 结果表明自我效能感和投资分别重要且直接影响感情承诺和继续承诺。

    The hypotheses testing results indicate that self-efficacy and investments are key factors that significantly and directly influence affective commitment and continuance commitment respectively .

  12. 贫困农村地区的特点之一是文化落后,农民医疗卫生知识缺乏,自我保健及健康投资意识薄弱。

    One of the characteristics of the health situation in poor rural China is that the peasants lack of health knowledge and consciousness of self-care .

  13. 摘要知识型企业人力资本具有高自我激励力、较强的自我价值投资意识、明显的层次性与融合性、权力不对称性等特征,激励设计时应充分考虑这些特征,有针对性地设计激励制度。

    Considering that human capital in knowledge-based enterprises has the characteristics such as higher self-motivation , stronger consciousness of self-value investment , distinct structure and fusion , and power asymmetry , the motivation system should be designed differently from enterprise to enterprise .

  14. 相较于低自我效能组,高自我效能组的投资决策的交互作用参数估计更加显著,因而其行为模式更加有据可循。

    Compared to low self-efficacy group , related parameters of high self-efficacy group are estimated more significantly , and thus their behavior patterns are more based on evidence .