
  • 网络environmental strategy;environmental tactics
  1. 最成功的环境策略是把绿色信息与我们自身的认同感结合起来。

    The most successful environmental strategy will marry the green message to our own sense of identity .

  2. 在客户的压力下,为了让公司能够生产出某种环境策略的地毯,他组成了一个小的特别工作组。

    Under pressure from customers to produce some sort of environmental strategy for his company , he got a small task-force together .

  3. 在此之后,我们将比较几种不同的针对测试工件而创建的CM开发环境策略,并且我们将为您介绍一些案例。

    After that , we will compare different strategies for setting up a CM environment for test artifacts , and we will provide implementation examples .

  4. “人与地球”是近来不断涌现的致力于帮助英国学校推行环境策略的NGO之一。

    People and Planet is another of the growing number of NGOs that 's helping schools across Britain to implement environmental strategies .

  5. 广州市内环路项目环境策略研究

    Study on Environmental Countermeasure about the Inner Ring Road of Guangzhou City

  6. 综合预防的环境策略&清洁生产

    Cleaner Production : Environmental Tactics for Comprehensive Prevention

  7. 第六章,优化县域经济发展环境策略。

    Chapter VI , Optimize the environment for the development strategy of the county economy .

  8. 清洁生产是对表面处理生产过程采取整体预防的一种环境策略。

    Clean production is an environmental tactics in the whole prevention for surface treatment production process .

  9. 在这一部分提出了生活情景化策略、类比策略、环境策略这三个转变策略。

    There are strategy about scene , strategy about analogy and strategy about environment in this part .

  10. 因此,确立可持续的资源环境策略,就成为摆在我们面前的一项艰巨而又紧迫的任务。

    Therefore , it becomes an urgent mission to establish some strategy of resources and environment for sustainable development .

  11. 通过科学分析,为基础的旅游策略与生态环境策略以及关于生态保育的原则,提供了一个真正的城市绿心设计。

    The planning also provides a real green urban design through tourism tactics , ecological tactics and ecological protect principal .

  12. 但是,由于被英国电信提供的机遇“打动”,巴洛赫留了下来,他如今担任该公司的能源与环境策略主管。

    But , having been " impressed " by the opportunities at BT , Balloch remained at the company and is now head of energy and environment strategy .

  13. 本周在里约热内卢举行的联合国可持续发展大会将敲定一些提议,将要求全球范围内的数千家公司汇报它们的环境策略和成效。

    Thousands of companies worldwide will be pushed to report on their environmental strategies and performance under proposals to be finalised at a UN summit in Rio de Janeiro this week .

  14. 本文通过问卷调查,着重从复习策略、预习策略、划线/做记号/记笔记策略、利用或创造学习环境策略、补偿策略等几个方面对少数民族预科学生汉语学习的认知策略进行了调查分析。

    Based on questionnaire , this paper emphatically studies the cognitive strategies in national minority students ' Chinese studying during their preparatory period for college , especially the strategies of preview , review , lineation , marking mark , keeping notes , environment 's utility , creation and compensation .

  15. 山特UPS营销环境与策略分析

    The Analysis of Santak 's Marketing Environment and Strategy

  16. 美国ADHD儿童课堂环境管理策略及启示

    A Probe into Classroom Environment Strategies for ADHD Children in America

  17. 采用了有特色的概率相关因子优化GEP中的适应度函数,使得GPF方法精度提高了27%,同时GPF提出了宽松环境进化策略LEE使得GEP成功率比传统技术提高了最大58倍。

    Optimize the fitness function in GEP by a truly original approach called probability correlation factor , improving the precision by 27 % . And adopt a brand new strategy named LEE ( Loose Environment Evolution ) to improve the success-probability by 58 times compared with traditional approaches .

  18. 建设安全城市的空间环境调控策略探讨

    Discussions on Strategies of Spatial Environment Control for the Safety City

  19. 基于循环经济理论的农村环境保护策略

    Rural Environmental Protection Strategy Based on the Theory of Circular Economy

  20. 中国物流现代化的发展环境与策略

    The development environment and strategy of the Chinese logistics modernization

  21. 基于生命周期理论的军事环境安全策略

    Strategies of Military Environment Security Based on Life Cycle Theory

  22. 地下商业空间景观环境改善策略研究

    Strategy on the Landscape Designs of Underground Commercial Space for Environmental Improvement

  23. 旅游活动全过程中的环境教育策略研究

    Study of Environmental Education Strategy in the Entire Process of Tourism Activities

  24. 黑龙江省地质灾害防治与环境保护策略分析

    Strategy analysis of geological disaster prevention and environment protection in Heilongjiang Province

  25. 面向同步协同的协同环境共享策略研究

    Research on sharing strategy of synchronal cooperative - oriented environment

  26. 试论水网地区水环境保护策略

    On Strategies of water environmental protection in drainage network areas of China

  27. 新农村建设中改善农村人居环境的策略

    Strategy on Rural Human Settlements Improvement in New Countryside Construction

  28. 沿江开发与靖江市环境保护策略问题思考

    Thought about Environmental Protection for Developing Area Alongside the Changjiang River in Jingjiang

  29. 供应商的竞争环境及策略分析

    An Analysis on Suppliers ' Competitive Environment and Strategy

  30. 可信计算环境下策略控制系统的研究

    Research on Policy Control System Under Trusted Computing Environment