
huán jìnɡ měi
  • Environmental beauty;beautification of the environment
  1. 关于城市的环境美和环境设计的几点思考

    A few considerations concerning the beauty and design of Municipal Environment

  2. 论环境美的本体&景观的生成

    The Ontology of Environment Beauty : The Create of Landscape

  3. 建议通过美的情境,对幼儿进行环境美的熏陶。

    It is suggested that children are edified by the beautiful situation .

  4. 现代图书馆&建筑美与环境美的和谐统一

    Modern Library & Harmony of Beauty between Architecture and Environment

  5. 城镇环境美的文化研究

    Cultural Study of the Comfortable Surroundings in Town

  6. 试论环境美的性质

    On the Nature of Aesthetics of Environment

  7. 城市环境美是自然美与人工美的结合。

    The beauty of city environment is the combination of nature beauty and artificial beauty .

  8. 论自然环境美

    On the Beauty of Natural Environment

  9. 生态环境美

    The Beauty of Ecological Environment

  10. 试论城市环境美

    On urban environmental beauty

  11. 校园建筑是校园环境美的物化,更是一种精神上的彰显。

    Campus architecture is not only materialization of beautiful campus environment , but also a kind of spiritual highlight .

  12. 心灵美,语言美,行为美,环境美

    beauty of the mind , beauty of the language , beauty of the behavior , beauty of the environment

  13. 生态环境美的研究是当代生态环境美学研究的重要组成部分与发展。

    Research on eco-environment is an important part of the eco-aesthetic study and its further development in contemporary day .

  14. 景观是环境美的存在方式,也是环境美的本体。

    The beauty of environment exists in landscape which is the living style and also the major part of environmental beauty .

  15. 同时,他也提倡要选择正确的树木管理方法,让大地山川绿起来,让人民群众生活环境美起来。

    Also , he called for proper management of planted trees to make people 's living environment greener and more beautiful .

  16. 它应表现在建筑与环境美、内部环境艺术美、行为语言美等方面。

    It exists in the following aspects ; building and beauty environment , esthetics of art and inner environment , and beauty behavior and language etc.

  17. 作者对上海现有的城市标志物进行了系统的分类,剖析了标志物的现状,并针对其中存在的问题,着重从城市环境美的角度,提出标志物在进一步建设时应遵循的原则及建议。

    Then from the aesthetic angle of the urban environment , the paper proposes some principles and methods on further development of urban sign in Shanghai .

  18. 自然环境美具有整体性、功能性、具体的对象性、实体的精神性、空间的稳定性及时间的变易性等特殊性。

    The beauty of natural environment has some specific features of wholeness , function , concrete object , substantial spirit , stable space , and changeable time .

  19. 本文系统论述了城市环境美的基本因素及其美学特征,还介绍了评价城市环境美的科学方法。

    This paper discusses systematically these factors in city environment beauty and its important significance , introducing the method of evaluating the beauty of a city environment .

  20. 作者认为,城市环境美是城市建设的目标,是进行城市环境综合整治的出发点和落脚点。

    Autor holds that the urban environmental beauty is the goal of urban construction , is the starting point and destination of comprehensive treatment of urban environment .

  21. 它能够传递信息、表达情感,成为构成服装美、环境美的重要因素。

    It can transmit information , express feelings , to become the United States constitute the clothing , the environment an important factor in the United States .

  22. 塑造城市环境美,要依城市的规模、性质和功能,并依其自然特征等,注意创建自己的风格和韵味。

    The urban environmental beauty with oneself style and charm should be constructed according to the scope , performance and function as well as their natural characteristic .

  23. 通过充分展示服务形象美、服务产品美、行为品质美和服务环境美,来实现馆员与读者心理相容和情感相悦的无障碍双向交流。

    Image display services through full service products , services acts and service environment , librarians and readers to realize the psychological compatibility and emotional accessibility two-way exchanges .

  24. 结合城市住区环境美的结构分析,论述了城市住区环境美创造的个性特征与基本原则。

    It also lays bare the specific features and basic principles of beauty creation of urban dwellings environment by means of analyzing the beauty structure of urban dwellings environment .

  25. 其他环境美学家也纷纷发展了各自的自然鉴赏理论,使得自然美学在经历长期的沉寂之后迎来了当代复兴。

    Other environmental esthetician also developed their own theories of natural appreciation , which enables Natural Aesthetics to receive a contemporary revive after the silence for a long time .

  26. 在装饰美中,通过探讨体育服装美、体育装备美、体育建筑美和体育环境美,论证了体育美的条件。

    As to the form of decoration , the beauty of dress and equipment , the beauty of building and environment were discussed as the condition of sport aesthetics .

  27. 在体育教学活动中应该注重语言美、人格美、形态美与环境美的渗透。

    This paper discusses and analyses from four following aspects , which should emphasize the infiltration of beautiful language , beautiful personality , beautiful form and beautiful environment in sport teaching campaign .

  28. 创造城市环境美,是市政府的主要职能之一,尤其要加强规划和管理,从物质文明建设和精神文明建设两个方面抓起。

    The building of urban environmental beauty is one of the main functions of urban government , so that must enhance the urban planning and mangement , starting out spirit civilization construction and material civilization construction .

  29. 人们对环境美的感受能力是在一定的历史过程中形成的,每个民族特有的文化心理结构使他们的审美感受力和创造力都带上了本民族的特色。

    The capacity for an aesthetical appreciation of environmental beauty is the result of a specific historical development . In any culture the psychological structure of people determines the features of their ability in aesthetical appreciation and creativity .

  30. 生态环境美的建设过程实际上是其三种形态与内涵向更高层面的攀升与循环,即中和-美化-审美场的阶梯性升级以及表现于外的三个阶段。

    In fact , the construction of eco-environment beauty is the improvement and circulation of three forms and content getting to the higher level , that is the gradual promotion and the externalized three-stages as follows : interacting → prettifying → aesthetic field .