
  • 网络Annular structure;Token Ring;ring architecture;Cyclic;HIPER-Ring;ring composition
  1. 仔细观察蜜蜂的身体,就会发现,它是由很多彼此相连的环形结构组成。

    If we examine the body of the bee carefully , we shall see that it is made of a number of rings joined together .

  2. 请不要把FDDI的环形结构与令牌环混淆起来。

    Don 't confuse FDDI 's ring structure with Token Ring .

  3. 针对电力系统无功优化中的PSO算法的特点,采用的信息拓扑结构为环形结构,对PSO算法中的变异算子进行研究。

    A PSO algorithm for reactive power optimization is proposed in this paper . The topological structure of information adopted is the annular structure .

  4. 本文讨论预条件GMRES方法和在环形结构的Transputer系统上块不完全分解预条件GMRES方法的并行实验。

    This paper discusses the preconditioned GMRES method and the parallel realization of block incomplete decomposition preconditioned GMRES method on Transputer system .

  5. 研究了构造MCS-96分布式多单片机系统的网络拓扑结构,分析了单向环形结构和主从式总线结构中单片机结点的连接方式,探讨了系统中结点通信的同步机制。

    In this paper , the author researches the network topology of MCS-96 distributed system , analyzes the interconnecting mode of microcontroller nodes in a undirectional ring topology or a host-hypotaxis bus topology system , looks into the syncs plan of communication .

  6. 另外,PilA蛋白羧基端拥有相对保守的半胱氨酸残基,该位点能够形成二硫键并产生一个环形结构,在Ⅳ型菌毛发挥功能时起到重要作用,而且是主要的抗原决定部位。

    We also find the C-terminus of PilA possesses cysteine residues that are conserved in type ⅳ pilus of many species , and it forms a disulphide bond that produces a loop , which is important for the function of pilus and also comprises a major antigenic determinant . 2 .

  7. 因此本文采用了邢永丽等人提出的有限深偏心抛物势模型(FECPP),此模型不仅避免了上述两种模型出现的困难,而且能合理的体现出量子环约束势的环形结构。

    Thus we adopt the finite eccentric circular parabolic potential ( FECPP ) model put forward by Yong-Li Xing et al . This model not only can avoid difficulties in applying the two models above but also can reasonably describe the ringlike confinement potential of the quantum ring .

  8. 环形结构塑料光子晶体光纤色散特性分析

    The Analysis of Dispersion Properties in Ring-structured Plastic Photonic Crystal Fibers

  9. 化学;原子是按环形结构排列的。

    Chemistry ; having atoms arranged in a ring structure .

  10. 基于环形结构带缓存器模型的并行微粒群算法

    Parallel Particle Swarm Optimization Based on Ring Structure Model with Buffer Storage

  11. 基于环形结构光的药室容积测量技术

    Volume measurement for powder chamber based on ring structured light

  12. 《百舌鸟之死》中双环形结构的意蕴

    On the Bi-Circular Structure in To Kill A Mockingbird

  13. 输送带的环形结构及施工设计

    Work Design and O-ring Structure of Conveying Rubber Belts

  14. 在不同亚稳态之间的畴界处,发现存在2种不同的环形结构。

    Kinds of ring like structures were observed at domain boundaries of different reconstructions .

  15. 凸缘为环形结构,凸缘贴合在桌子上表面或者下底面。

    The annular flange closely contacts the upper surface or underside of the table .

  16. 激光热自散焦的远场环形结构

    Far-field ring pattern of laser-induced thermal self-defocusing

  17. 由于光网络的环形结构相对简单,光层恢复机制可以达到很好的恢复效率。

    As the simple structure of ring net , optical recovery can achieve good recovery rate .

  18. 一种环形结构的耦合振荡器阵列及其在有源天线阵中的应用

    Coupled Oscillators Array with Concentric Rings Structure and Its Application in Active Antenna Array square-wave oscillator

  19. 第四章介绍了对磁性小球体系环形结构的统计学规律的研究。

    Chapter four devoted to the study on rings structure of magnetic particles and their statistic rule .

  20. 环形结构和晶粒间的晶界的出现表明颗粒之间发生了明显的烧结现象。

    Appearances of ring type structure and grain boundaries indicate that sintering have been occurred between particles .

  21. 给出产生环形结构的阈值功率和环数公式。

    The threshold power for the ring pattern and a formula for the number of rings are obtained .

  22. 设计了一种具有复合功能的环形结构的多极子声波测井辐射器。

    A novel kind of multi-function acoustic transmitter with annular structure that can be used in acoustic logging was designed .

  23. 在同一个网络中用于分配计算机的通用的拓扑结构有点对点,总线结构,星型结构和环形结构。

    Common topologies used to arrange computers in a network are point-to point , bus , star , and ring .

  24. 设计了星型和环形结构相结合二级光互连网络。利用电路级联技术,对二级光互连网络进行了扩展,可实现大规模数据交换。

    Based on circuits cascading technique , the two-layer network can be expanded to meet the requirements of large-scale data communication .

  25. 该换能器使用环形结构,能得到方位向的高分辨率,提高地形成像的质量;

    Since the annular structure is used , it can provide high resolution in azimuth to improve the terrain imaging quality .

  26. 尽量保留颊部软组织,行肌功能修整,恢复口轮匝肌环形结构;

    Buccal soft tissues were remained as far as possible , functional muscle trimming was done to repair ring structure of musculus orbicularis oris .

  27. 如缘起因果影响下的环形结构、虚实互证式结构、连串嵌入式结构等是汉译佛典带来的叙事结构的新变;

    Such as the ring-shaped influenced structure by Karma . The false or true-proof structure , the embedded-in-continuity structure are the new products of Buddhist Scripture .

  28. 湖州太湖明珠酒店是由两个对称塔楼通过连接体形成的巨大环形结构,单塔采用钢框架-混凝土核心筒结构体系,连接体采用双向钢桁架转换体系。

    The Taihu Mingzhu hotel is a super ring structure which is made up by two high-rise steel frame-core systems building contacting by a two-way steel truss .

  29. 受并行遗传算法的启发,文章设计和实现了一种基于环形结构带缓存器模型的并行微粒群算法。

    A novel algorithm of parallel particle swarm optimization based on ring structure model with Buffer storage is designed and implemented . It is enlightened parallel genetic algorithm .

  30. 在分析研究煤矿井下综合业务传输网络的基础上,提出了一种适合于环形结构互连网使用的路由简化算法&1/2路径和算法。

    Based on the analysis and study of the coal integrated service network a simplified routing algorithm , 1 / 2 cost sum routing algorithm , was presented .