
  • 网络Environmental resource value;TEV
  1. 条件估值法评估环境资源价值的研究进展

    Using Contingent Valuation Method to Value Environmental Resources : A Review

  2. 近海环境资源价值评估探讨

    A preliminary study on evaluation of coastal environment and resources

  3. 意愿调查法评估环境资源价值的思考

    Consideration on Evaluating the Environmental and Natural Resources with Contingent Valuation Method

  4. 新环境资源价值论&兼论生态文明的价值观

    The New Environment Value Theory & Ecology Civilization Value View

  5. 海岸带环境资源价值评估&理论方法与案例研究

    Evaluation of Coastal Environmental Resources : Xiamen Case Study

  6. 环境资源价值评价方法在农地价格评估中的应用

    Apply environmental resource assessment methods to agricultural land assessment

  7. 运河两岸经济价值、环境资源价值、历史文化价值一直得不到体现。

    The economic , environmental , historical and cultural value has been neglected .

  8. 环境资源价值计量是环境会计核算的主要方面。

    The measurements of environmental resource value is main aspect of environmental accounting .

  9. 水资源配置中环境资源价值评估方法及应用

    Evaluation Method of Environment Resources Value and Its Application in Water Resources Distribution

  10. 环境资源价值不对称性的研究

    Study on the Inequality of Environmental Resource Value

  11. 正算法与倒算法林价的差额的主体部分是森林环境资源价值。

    The balance of cost-based and market-based forest value is mainly forest environment value .

  12. 环境资源价值的价格策略

    The Price Strategies of Environmental Resource Value

  13. 环境资源价值探讨

    Researches on the Values of Environmental Resources

  14. 此外,文中还提出了构建近岸海洋环境资源价值评估数据库的基本思路。

    Meanwhile , a new point of view is provided for building the marine environmental resource evaluation database .

  15. 因此,在这种情况下,建立旅游环境资源价值观尤为重要。

    Therefore , in this case , the establishment of tourism values of environmental resources is particularly important .

  16. 最后文章提出了环境资源价值与持续发展战略及相关研究的关系。

    Finally , the article proposes the relation of environmental resources value with the sustainable development strategy and relevant research .

  17. 从实证研究结果看,两阶段二分式虚拟市场评价法可以很好地应用于评估我国环境资源价值;

    Positive study result shows that two-bounded dichotomous choice model of contingent valuation method can be entirely applied in China successfully ;

  18. 旅游环境资源价值核算对旅游环境资源的政策、保护、可持续发展都具有重要的意义。

    Tourism value of environmental resources accounting policies of environmental resources for tourism , conservation , sustainable development are of great significance .

  19. 为开展成本与效益分析而进行的环境资源价值评估研究是非常活跃且发展迅速的领域。

    Evaluating the environmental and natural resources for the benefit and cost analysis is a very active area in natural resource and environmental economics .

  20. 用于分析商品价值的理论和方法不能简单照般来分析环境资源价值。

    Secondly , theory and method used to analyse the value of goods can not be used to analyse the value of environmental resources .

  21. 排污收费制度的建立是以环境资源价值理论、环境污染外部不经济性理论及排污收费的经济有效性理论为其经济学基础的。

    It is founded on theories of value of environment resources , external diseconomy of pollution and economic effectiveness of collection of discharge dues .

  22. 继而从劳动价值理论、效用价值理论和功能价值理论等角度探讨了近岸海洋环境资源价值的成因;

    Firstly , the marine environmental resources were separated into three groups , then exploring the causes of formation of the marine environmental resource values .

  23. 而旅游环境资源价值观的确立要通过旅游环境资源价值核算的建立来体现。

    The values of environmental resources , the establishment of tourism to the value of environmental resources through tourism to reflect the establishment of accounting .

  24. 在叙述自然资源核算研究进展的基础上,总结了环境资源价值的分类以及生物多样性经济价值的研究进展。

    Thus the environmental resource value is classified and the research progress on biodiversity economic values and skills & methods for the evaluation are summarized .

  25. 文中以环境资源价值为依据,对水利水电工程生态环境影响价值核算方法进行了研究。

    According to the value of environment resource , calculation methods of environment impact value for water resources and hydropower works is discussed in the paper .

  26. 在此基础上,对旅游环境资源价值的核算从理论层面和技术层面进行了分析,分析了各种方法及其适用范围。

    On this basis , the value of environmental resources for tourism accounting and technical aspects from the theoretical analysis carried out to analyze the various methods and scope .

  27. 具体包括:系统理论、生态学理论、环境资源价值理论、环境经济学理论、区域可持续发展理论、土地优化配置理论等。(2)技术方法研究。

    They are : sydtem theory , ecology theory , environmental resources value theory , environmental economic theory , regional sustainable development theory and land optimization disposition theory . ( 2 ) Technology research .

  28. 简要回顾了国内外有关环境资源价值及其价格策略等方面的理论、方法及应用的发展历史及研究现状,并指出了需要研究和解决的问题。

    It reviews the national and foreign developing history and researching actuality of the theories , methods and applications concerning environmental resource value and its price strategy . And then it points out the questions worth researching .

  29. 讨论了实验经济学的优缺点,并分别介绍了实验经济学在环境资源价值评估中两方面的应用:在意愿调查法中使用实验拍卖方法与选择实验。

    It discusses the pros and cons of experimental economics and introduces two kinds of application of environmental economics in the valuation of environmental resources & the experimental auction in contingent valuation method ( CVM ) and choice experiment .

  30. 研究了效果评价法、收益损失法、旅行费用法、随机评估法等国外专门用于环境资源价值的评估方法,举例分析了这些方法在农地价格评估中的应用,并重点介绍了随机评估法。

    The paper specifically analyses Effect Assessment Method , Beneficial Lost Method , Travel Cost Method and Contingent Value Method which are widely used abroad in the assessment of the environmental resources value , in addition , the existent problems and strategies are discussed .