
  • 网络Orbiting the Moon;Round the Moon;Zond
  1. 认为地球环绕月球运转的观点很可笑。

    It 's absurd / ridiculous to believe that the earth goes round the moon .

  2. 与以前的探月任务不同的是,C不仅仅环绕月球的赤道飞行。

    Unlike earlier lunar missions , C didn 't orbit only around moon 's equator .

  3. Ebb和Flow的大小就像洗衣机和烘干机,在它们降落到那座山上之前,他们的任务就是环绕月球并绘制它的地图。

    Ebb and Flow were about the size of a washer and dryer , before they crashed landing into that mountain , their mission was to orbit the Moon and map it out .

  4. 它可以环绕月球,但不能完成登陆;

    It could orbit the moon , but could not land on it .

  5. 这次飞行证明了宇宙飞船可以环绕月球,并平安回到地球。

    The flight proved that a spacecraft could orbit the moon and return to Earth safely .

  6. 宇宙飞船环绕月球飞行。

    The spacecraft rounded the moon .

  7. 美国航天局的重力恢复与内部实验室计划,又称“圣杯”号月球探测器将首先环绕月球轨道飞行,然后在月球表面着陆。

    NASA 's Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory , or GRAIL , mission spacecraft will orbit the moon before landing on the lunar surface .

  8. 也被视为印度要追上日本与中国的一项努力。日本与中国已经送出无人驾驶飞船环绕月球轨道飞行。

    It is also being seen as an effort by India to catch up with Japan and China , which have already sent unmanned spacecraft to orbit the Moon .

  9. 在1968年12月24日,环绕月球轨道的阿波罗8号宇航员,圣诞前夕在电视广播上读旧约圣经中的《创世纪》。

    On Dec. 24 , 1968 , the Apollo 8 astronauts , orbiting the moon , read passages from the Old Testament Book of Genesis during a Christmas Eve TV broadcast .

  10. 这个东西真的曾经环绕过月球、而后又重返地球吗?

    Did this thing really go around the moon and come home again ?

  11. 这些反光板会组成一个6800英寸长的板子,环绕整个月球亮面的赤道。

    The panels would form a " 6,800 mile-long band stretching around the light side of the moon 's equator ," so , not exactly a disco ball , but pretty close .

  12. 其二是行星资源公司改变较小的小行星的运行轨道,将其安置在环绕地球或月球的轨道上,再在有空时仔细研究之。

    The other way of doing things is for the company to retrieve smaller asteroids , put them into orbit around Earth or the moon , and then dissect them at its leisure .