
  1. 中国现代人起源的年代学新证据

    New Chronological Evidence for the Origin of Modern Humans in China

  2. 现代人起源的多地区进化学说在中国的实证

    Evidence of multiregional human evolution hypothesis from China

  3. 与中国现代人起源问题有联系的分子生物学研究成果的讨论

    Discussion on the Results of Some Molecular Studies Concerning the Origin of Modern Chinese

  4. 这个假说支持现代人起源的多地区进化说,并受到旧石器考古研究的支持,而与现代人出自非洲说(夏娃说或替代说)相矛盾。

    It is supported by the archeological study in China and supports the Multiregional evolution hypothesis of modern humans origin .

  5. 包括农业考古、人类起源与现代人起源等的专题研究。

    Studying of special archaeological fields , such as the agricultural archaeology , the origin of human , and so on .

  6. 由于它表明亚洲至少是某些现生人类群体的重要发源地,所以对于现代人起源的伊甸园理论有着重要的含义。

    It has significant implications for the " Garden of Eden " theory of modern human origins , since it shows Asia can be an important source area for at least some living populations .

  7. 分子人类学与现代人的起源

    Molecular Anthropology and the Origin of Modern Human