
xiàn chǎnɡ zhí bō
  • live broadcasting
  1. 论新闻现场直播在电视媒体业中的重要性

    On the Importance of News Live Broadcasting in TV Media

  2. 随着电视台播出质量的提高和播出形式的变化,现场直播的形式正在得到广泛应用。

    With the improvement of the broadcasting quality and the diversity of broadcasting forms , the form of live broadcasting is being widely used .

  3. 我们观看了那场演说的现场直播。

    We watched a live broadcast of the speech .

  4. 音乐会明晚将现场直播。

    The concert will be broadcast live tomorrow evening .

  5. 我们上了7点30分进行的现场直播。

    We went on the air , live , at 7.30 .

  6. 现在有一个专门的电视网络对大部分比赛进行现场直播。

    Now a special TV network gives live coverage of most races

  7. 波兰电视台现场直播了记者招待会。

    The press conference was broadcast live on Polish television .

  8. 英国广播电台第二频道的路演将会进行现场直播。

    The BBC Radio 2 Roadshow will broadcast live from the exhibition .

  9. 这场音乐会将由英国广播公司进行现场直播。

    The concert will be broadcast live by the BBC .

  10. 我们一直打算现场直播这部新的电视系列节目。

    We had always intended that the new series would be live .

  11. 音乐会将通过电视和广播现场直播。

    The concert will be broadcast live on television and radio

  12. 这场比赛在西班牙和意大利进行了现场直播。

    The game was transmitted live in Spain and Italy

  13. 这次访谈向全美国现场直播。

    The interview was beamed live across America

  14. 演奏会将现场直播。

    The concert will be broadcasted live .

  15. 这场音乐会采用现场直播,吸引了当时电视史上的单晚最大观众数。

    The concert was broadcast live and attracted the largest one night audience in the history of television up to that time .

  16. 对于Twitter在现场直播方面的问题,萨卡提供了很多明显的改进建议。

    Mr. Sacca offered many obvious improvements to Twitter 's problems with live viewing .

  17. 2013年美国青少年选择奖颁奖礼将于美国时间8月11日晚举行,届时FOX将全程进行现场直播。

    The Teen Choice 2013 awards were scheduled to air live on August 11 on Fox .

  18. CNN对这件大事进行现场直播。展示开始很顺利。

    The event was broadcast live on CNN.The demo started out well .

  19. FoxNews将从中午12点起通过Hulu网站进行现场直播,持续时间大约2小时。

    Fox News will provide live streaming coverage via Hulu beginning at noon for about two hours .

  20. 我是SamSparks从Chew和Swallow现场直播。

    Flint . Flint , This is Sam Sparks , live from Chew And Swallow .

  21. 不要错过这场盛大的节目。周二,CNN将现场直播。

    Don 't miss the rare treat right here live on CNN this Tuesday .

  22. CNN和Facebook合作,对宣誓就职和奥巴马的就职演讲提供现场直播。

    CNN is partnering with Facebook to provide live streaming of the swearing in and Obama 's speech .

  23. 2014年奥斯卡颁奖典礼将由著名脱口秀主持人艾伦德杰尼勒斯主持,将于3月2日星期天由ABC电视台现场直播。

    The 2014 Oscars are hosted by Ellen DeGeneres and will be broadcast live Sunday , March 2 on ABC .

  24. 《美国机车》(AmericanChopper)则代表了另外一类&一家制造定制摩托车的家族企业被打造成一出现实版的肥皂剧,包括对法律诉讼进行现场直播。

    American Chopper represents another theme & the family-run , custom motorcycle manufacturer is portrayed as a real-life soap opera , including on-air lawsuits .

  25. 《美国机车》(AmericanChopper)则代表了另外一类——一家制造定制摩托车的家族企业被打造成一出现实版的肥皂剧,包括对法律诉讼进行现场直播。

    American Chopper represents another theme - the family-run , custom motorcycle manufacturer is portrayed as a real-life soap opera , including on-air lawsuits .

  26. 本文探讨了网络直播方案的构建方法,提供了一种基于Internet和Web平台,采用流式媒体实现全球现场直播的技术方法。

    In this paper a method of construction plan of direct cast in the internet is discussed , and a technique way is provided , which based in internet and web platform realize with stream media .

  27. 据NewsTimes(AP),这本来是朝鲜的复仇之战,朝鲜官方更是对比赛做了现场直播

    According to News Times ( AP ) , It was supposed to be North Korea 's revenge match against Portugal which for the first time was aired live in North Korea .

  28. 介绍了利用CATV光纤网回传电视现场直播信号的优势,讨论了回传系统技术指标及计算方法。

    This paper introduces the advantage of using CATV Net to return living signal and discusses the back to spread technique and calculation methods .

  29. 在现场直播过后,Hulu视频网站将提供对仪式点播观看。

    After the live stream , Hulu will provide on-demand access to the ceremony .

  30. 现场直播以及来自Hulu的就职倒计时节目为可嵌入式。

    The live stream is embeddable , as is an inauguration countdown from Hulu .