
  • 网络modern manufacturing;Contemporary Manufacturing;e-Manufacturing
  1. 从CIMS在现代制造中的应用探讨相关人才的培养

    Personnel training based on the application of CIMS in the contemporary manufacturing

  2. 作为制造业信息化技术中枢的CAPP,只有按分布式进行工艺设计与管理,才能适应现代制造业的发展要求。

    Acting as hinge of the process of manufacturing information , CAPP can accommodate requirement of contemporary manufacturing developing , unless according to model of distribute to plan and manager process .

  3. 现代制造业和技术的发展使公司能够快速而廉价地生产产品。

    Thanks to modern manufacturingand technology , companies are able to produce products quickly and inexpensively .

  4. e制造在现代制造企业中的应用分析

    E-manufacturing Application Analysis in Modern Manufacturing Enterprise

  5. 适于装配的设计(DesignForAssembly,DFA)是现代制造技术的重要内容之一。

    Design for assembly ( DFA ) is an important technique in modern manufacturing techniques .

  6. 现代制造环境下的CAD技术

    CAD Technology under Modern Manufacturing Environment

  7. CAM软件在现代制造企业中的位置人生的位置

    Station of CAM Sofware in Modern Manufacturer Where Is the Proper Place in My Life

  8. 针对现代制造领域中产生的新技术、新理论对基于PC的控制系统的影响作了深入的分析。

    The author analyzed the influence of new technology and theory of the industrial to the manufacturing factory .

  9. SPC在现代制造业品质控制中的应用

    Application of SPC in Quality Control of Modern Manufacturing Industry

  10. 最后提出统一BOM的概念,在很大程度上简化了BOM的开发,以适应现代制造技术的要求。

    Lastly united BOM is put forword to fit the claim of modern manufacturing technology .

  11. GT应在现代制造系统中焕发青春

    To Radiate Vigor of GT in Manufacturing System Modernization

  12. 现代制造业面临小批量、个性化的生产方式,这要求PDM具有迅速配置产品的能力。

    The modern manufacture industry faces the small and characteristic mode of production , which needs PDM to configure product quickly .

  13. 针对现代制造系统的开放性需求,设计并实现了集成化的STEP工具集GS-STEP。

    To meet the open nature of modern manufacturing systems , we designed and implemented the integrated STEP toolkit GS-STEP .

  14. 本文针对制造企业工艺管理的实际需求,结合现代制造工艺管理的发展与趋势,研究分析了制造工艺管理在WEB方面的实际应用,提出了制造工艺管理的系统总体框架。

    This paper aim the actual demand management of manufacturing enterprises , combining manufacturing process management with the present development trends , study and analyze the manufacturing process management in the practical application of WEB and proposed manufacturing process management system framework .

  15. 为了适应现代制造企业动态性、多变性的特点,要求CAPP系统具有良好的柔性、可扩展性、可重用性和动态适应性;

    In view of the dynamic and changeable characteristics of the modern manufacturing enterprises , CAPP is required to have such qualities as flexibility , expansibility and re-configurability and dynamic adaptability .

  16. 介绍了现代制造技术的发展,分散网络化制造基础框架、QoS概念和实现框架及其在网络化制造系统中的应用。

    This paper simply discuss the development of modern manufacture and the basic frame of distributed network manufacture . It also describes the concept of QoS and the application of QoS in distributed network manufacture .

  17. 同时,为了满足现代制造对高精度加工的要求,对NURBS曲线预测-校正自适应插补算法进行初步研究。

    Simultaneity , in order to satisfaction the requirement of modern manufacture for high precision processing , this dissertation do some preliminary study on forecast-adjustment adaptive interpolation algorithm for NURBS curve .

  18. 本文分析了先进制造技术和各种现代制造模式,阐述了基于ASP模式的网络化制造以及计算机支持的协同设计的产生和发展;

    In this text , analyzed the advanced manufacture technique and various kinds of advanced manufacturing models , expounded the birth and development of the network manufacture based on ASP 's model and the cooperation design of the computer support ;

  19. 列举了已出现的多种先进制造技术(AMT),对现代制造技术的发展趋势和特征进行了分析探讨,并描述了构成21世纪AMT发展前景的几个重点领域。

    Existing advanced manufacturing technologies are described . The developing trend and features of the modern manufacturing technology are analyzed and discussed and the several fields for priority development in AMT in the 21st century put forward .

  20. MRPⅡ以其数据的集成功能、敏捷的反映机制、快捷的递送效应促进企业信息流、物流、资金流的重组与优化,从而成为向现代制造业获得核心竞争能力的有力武器。

    MRP ⅱ, promotes the recombination and optimization of business progress by its information integration , efficient customer response and express delivery systen , has become an edged tool by which modern manufacturing organizations can obtain core competition ability .

  21. 结合现代制造业的信息量变化快、数量多的特点,提出了基于DMIS规范的CAD/DME集成系统。

    The amount of information of combining the modem manufacture changes the fast , characteristics in large quantity , proposed CAD / DME integrated system on the basis of the DMIS .

  22. 例如,南非设计师霍尔丹马丁(HaldaneMartin)说,虽然在他的工作中良心的因素很大,但他尝试当地的工匠技艺的主要原因在于,他没有其它的现代制造业选择。

    South African designer Haldane Martin says , for example , that while conscience plays a large role in his work , the main reason he experiments with local craft techniques is the lack of modern manufacturing options available to him .

  23. 现代制造过程是多变量高度相关的,对这类生产过程的过程监控称为多元质量控制(MQC)或者多元统计过程控制(MSPC)。

    Modern manufacturing process often involves several variables that are highly correlated . Process monitoring for a manufacturing or service process with correlated variables is referred to as multivariate quality control ( MQC ) or multivariate statistical process control ( MSPC ) .

  24. 因而,要实现价值创造型企业的发展目标,对现代制造业的价值管理就要上升到比传统的价值工程更高的层次&全面价值管理(TVM)。

    To realize the target of " Enterprises of Value Creating Model ", the value management of modern manufacturing industry should rise to a higher level than the traditional VA & " Total Value Management "( TVM ) . What ′ s the TVM ?

  25. 青岛市职业教育现代制造业公共实训基地设计

    Design of vocational education modern manufacture public practice in Qingdao city

  26. 基于现代制造理念的数字化敏捷工艺准备系统研究

    Research of Modern Manufacturing Conception Based Digitization Agile Process Preparation System

  27. 适应了现代制造业的信息化、网络化需要。

    Adapted to the modern manufacturing industry information and networking needs .

  28. 摘要虚拟制造是现代制造技术中的一个研究热点。

    Virtual manufacturing is the hotspot in the modem manufacturing technology .

  29. 现代制造技术和现代制造模式简介&现代制造技术系列之一

    A Brief Introduction of Modern Manufacturing Technology and Modern Manufacturing Paradigms

  30. 并行工程在现代制造生产系统中的应用

    The Application of Concurrent Engineering in Modern Manufacturing Production System