
  • 网络Live music;Live Band;source music
  1. 这类事件对于提高现场音乐的名声没有任何帮助。

    Such incidents do nothing for live music 's reputation

  2. 该节目为90分钟,其中有动感印度民间舞蹈、现场音乐表演和说书。

    The programme is 90 minutes of dynamic Indian folk dance , live music and storytelling .

  3. 广播当时被视为是现场音乐表演的死对头。

    Broadcasting was regarded at the time as the mortal enemy of live music-making .

  4. 全日航空将提供现场音乐表演,客舱乘务员将像读飞行广播那样宣读贺词。

    ANA will provide live music performances , and cabin attendants will read out congratulatory messages as if they were making normal in-flight announcements .

  5. 当很多人预测音乐产业即将终结时,是现场音乐(livemusic)帮助拯救了它。

    They have helped to save the music business when many were predicting its demise .

  6. 里德离开唱片业,进入了现场音乐行业,现在负责领导全球演唱会承办商LiveNation的欧洲分部。

    Mr Reid left the recorded music industry for live music and now leads the European operations of global concert operator , Live Nation .

  7. 而且流行经典《HowSweetItIs》也囊括其中。《KeystoneCompanians》对于粉丝们而言是梦想成真—它包含几乎相当于四个小时现场音乐的两套完整版。

    Among them : a take on the pop classic " How Sweet It Is . " " Keystone Companions " is a fan 's dream come true - it contains two complete sets equaling almost four hours of live music .

  8. SiáKaráCafé(Industria街502号,www.siakaracafe.com)位于哈瓦那旧城,提供价格合理的古巴美食。现场音乐演奏也很不错。

    Si á Kar á Caf é ( Calle Industria No. 502 , www.siakaracafe . com ) offers reasonably priced Cuban cuisine in the heart of Old Havana . It is also known for live music .

  9. 而且,我感觉你的(JEP)有广阔音场在非现场音乐文件,不会过多但我喜欢。

    Also , I get the feeling yours have wider soundstage for non live file , not too wide but I like it .

  10. 砂槌在庆典和特别活动的现场音乐中经常出现。

    Maracas are often played at celebrations and special events .

  11. 你知道那家夜总会有现场音乐演奏吗?

    Do you know any good clubs with live music ?

  12. 现场音乐和表演也是香港的代名词。

    Live music and performance , too , Hong Kong .

  13. 晚会以一个现场音乐的演出作为尾声。

    The party ended with a live music performance .

  14. 这附近有现场音乐的地方吗?

    Any places near here that have live music ?

  15. 周末加插现场音乐或者。

    Bringing in live music on the weekends .

  16. 我们或许会拥有一个小委员会,或许还会组织一些现场音乐秀或游戏。

    We might have a little Committee and perhaps organise live music or games .

  17. 是说学跳萨尔萨舞曲或是在现场音乐中起舞来度过潮湿的夏季夜晚吗?

    Spending a steamy summer night learning salsa or grooving to some live music ?

  18. 有现场音乐表演吗?

    Do they have live music performances ?

  19. 他说,录制音乐与现场音乐的最大差别在于音质。

    He said the biggest difference between recorded and live music is the sound quality .

  20. 贾森喜欢听现场音乐,这是我们最喜欢一起做的事。

    Jason loves listening to live music ; it 's our favorite thing to do together .

  21. 现在还不太清楚。我想听一些现场音乐。

    B I do not really know yet . I 'd like to hear some live music .

  22. 色彩皇后中有现场音乐和绘画表演,让我们一起来玩颜色吧!

    Queen of Colors is a play with and about colors , with live music and live painting .

  23. 今天你们演奏了不插电的现场音乐,可不可以再演奏一首?

    Today , both of you played the unplugged live music , could you play another one for us ?

  24. 如果反感幽闭的好莱坞剧场,现场音乐表演场应该很适合你。

    If you get claustrophobic at the Hollywood Bowl , then neither of the live music venues is for you .

  25. 从恐惧到嘻哈,拉丁爵士乐,心情很有趣,现场音乐是太棒了。

    From funk to hip-hop , latino to jazz , the mood is fun and the live music is fantastic .

  26. 我们会准备现场音乐,还有鞋盒还有蜡烛。

    We 're gonna have music , we 're gonna get a shoe box we 're gonna have candles . Yes .

  27. 北京计划推出一系列夜间活动,比如戏剧、喜剧表演、电影、歌剧和现场音乐等。

    Beijing is planning to launch nighttime activities such as plays , comedy performances , films , operas , and live music .

  28. 下等酒吧总有最棒的现场音乐&乐队的好与坏直接与他们服务的蛇头多与少成正比。

    Dives always have the best live music & directly proportional to how many felons they 're serving at any given time .

  29. 活动中,您可享受鸡尾酒饮料、现场音乐表演以及一场由中外知名艺术家与设计师共同设计的四合院院门的缄默拍卖会。

    Enjoy cocktails , live music and silent auction of distinctively designed courtyard gates by artists and designers , both local and foreign .

  30. 尽管悉尼的音乐场所比不上墨尔本的活跃,一周的大多数晚上仍都可以在这里找到现场音乐表演。

    While Sydney doesn 't have as dynamic a music scene as melbourne , you can still find live music most nights of the week .