
xiàn dài ɡōnɡ yè
  • modern industry
  1. 现代工业全集中在有限的几个市中心。

    Modern industry has been concentrated in a few urban centres .

  2. 这架大型客机被誉为"现代工业之花"。

    The large passenger aircraft is praised as " the flower of modern industry " .

  3. 人们经常举例把日本作为现代工业国家的典范。

    Japan is often quoted as the prime example of a modern industrial nation .

  4. 可编程逻辑控制器PLC和组态软件已经成为现代工业控制中监控系统开发的主要工具,而组态软件的严格的通讯点数限制往往影响了其编程的灵活性。

    PLC and configuration software have been important tools of monitoring system .

  5. 将实时数据与流程图结合起来,通过Web的方式发布,实时显示现场的信息,已经成为现代工业的一大热门。

    Combining real time data with flow drawings and publishing by Web pages to display field information has become one kind of trend for modern industry to develop .

  6. 现代工业过程控制系统&DCS和FCS

    Modern Industrial Process Control System & DCS and FCS

  7. 现代工业控制特别是造纸领域中,西门子PLCS7-300是应用最广的大中型PLC。

    In the control of the modern industry , in particular , in the papermaking field , Siemens PLC S7-300 is a widely used large / medium sized PLC .

  8. 嵌入式NT以多任务处理能力强、稳定性高和丰富的系统资源,能较好地满足现代工业对检测仪器的功能要求。

    The embedded NT well met the functional requirements of modern industrial detecting instruments because it features powerful processing capability , high stability and rich system resource .

  9. AVI缺陷检测已经成为现代工业生产与质量控制的一个重要组成部分。

    AVI ( Automated Visual Inspection ) are now playing an important role in contemporary industrial manufacturing and quality control .

  10. OSHMS产生的重要基础是现代工业文明程度的提高。

    OSHMS produced important foundation is the modern industry civilization degree rise .

  11. 随着计算机辅助设计(CAD)的迅速发展,现代工业生产设计已渐渐离不开计算机辅助几何设计技术(CAGD)的理论支持和应用。

    With the rapid development of Computer Aided Design ( CAD ), the modern industrial design has been gradually inseparable with the application and theoretical support of Computer Aided Geometric Design Technology ( CAGD ) .

  12. 可编程控制器(PLC)在现代工业中得到了越来越广泛的应用,同时由于计算机的日益普及,在许多应用中需要在工控机(IPC)与可编程控制器(PLC)之间进行数据交换。

    PLC ( Programmable Logic Controller ) gets wider and wider application in modern industry , at the same time , computer is increasingly popularizing . Data exchange between PLC and IPC ( Industrial PC ) is required in many applications .

  13. 软PLC技术是目前工业自动化领域研究的热点之一,相对于传统的硬PLC而言,软PLC具有开放的体系结构、更强的网络通讯能力和数据处理能力,能更好地满足现代工业自动化的要求。

    The research of Soft-PLC system becomes the focus of industrial automation field . Compared with the traditional PLC , it has open architecture , more capacity in the network communication and data processing . Besides , the system can meet the requirement of modern industry automation control .

  14. 探讨基于激光导航的自动导引车系统AGVS的设计策略,这种AGVS应用于现代工业物流系统中的自动化仓库管理系统。

    Design scheme of AGVS is proposed , where AGVS is discussed on the base of laser navigation AGV and applied in the automatic WMS in field of modern industry logistics system , where automatic warehouse is the core of logistics systems .

  15. 硼及其硼化物在现代工业中有着广阔的应用前景。

    Boron and boride have been widely applied to modern industry .

  16. 现代工业机柜造型设计浅谈

    Simple Discussion about the Appearence Shaping Design of Modern Industrial Cabinets

  17. 论现代工业工程技术与先进制造模式的关系

    About the Relationship between Modern Industrial Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing Mode

  18. 用现代工业理念发展皖北果业

    Developing Fruit Industry of Northern Anhui with Modern Industry Idea

  19. 现代工业工程柔性开放式教学实验体系的构建

    Construction of the flexible and opening laboratory system in modern industrial engineering

  20. 高频感应加热电源在现代工业中有着广泛的应用。

    High-frequency high-power induction heater is widely used in the modern industry .

  21. 面向医院管理的现代工业工程技术体系应用

    The Application Research of Modern Industrial Engineering Technology System in Hospital Management

  22. 从传统工业的快速增长到现代工业的科学发展&苏南加快工业化进程的成功实践

    From Fast Growth of Traditional Industry to Scientific Development of Modern Industry

  23. 现代工业社会对人的控制已经达到全面的程度。

    The control of modern industrial society has reached an all-round level .

  24. 温度控制系统在现代工业生产以及日常生活中有着广泛的应用。

    Temperature control is widely used in modern industry and daily life .

  25. 轿车产业是现代工业的重要组成部分。

    Car industry is an important part of modern industry .

  26. 现代工业企业评价的实证分析

    Evaluation Index System and Empirical Analysis On Modern Industrial Enterprises

  27. 反映现代工业发展趋势的先进制造技术

    Advanced manufacturing technology of reflecting modern industry development trend

  28. 现代化是指人类从传统的农业社会向现代工业社会转变的历史过程。

    Modernization is a process of transition from agricultural society to industrial society .

  29. 日本基础教育政策的变革与发展代表了现代工业发达国家教育政策发展的一种模式。

    Japanese basic education reform policy development symbolizes the model for industrialized countries .

  30. 安全可靠性&现代工业可持续发展的支持技术

    Safety & Reliability ── Emerging Technology for the Sustainable Development of Modern Industries