
  • 网络The Postmodern Organization
  1. 毫无疑问,这也是后现代组织成本管理不可或缺的内容。

    Undoubtedly , it is absolutely necessary in the cost theory of the postmodern organization .

  2. 在现代组织中,TOGAF必须与其他方法、过程和框架共存。

    In the modern organization TOGAF has to co-exist with other methodologies , processes , and frameworks .

  3. 本文应用现代组织培养技术和现代分子生物学技术,对6个小麦主栽品种的组织培养条件进行了系统研究;对100个株系的1Dx5基因转基因小麦的后代遗传特性及表达规律进行了系统分析。

    In this paper , studies and analyses on tissue culture conditions for 6 wheat cultivars , heritability and genetic mechanism of progenies of 100 transgenic lines were carried out by using the modern technique of tissue culture and molecular biology individually and respectively .

  4. 现代组织人力资源管理要义探析

    On the Essentials of Human Resources Management in Modern Organization

  5. 现代组织管理中应充分发挥负激励的作用

    Modern Organization Management Should Play the Role of Negative Incentive

  6. 彼得·德鲁克是现代组织模式领域的专家。

    Peter Drucker was an expert on the ways of modern organizations .

  7. 论现代组织行为学中的人性假设

    On Assumption of Human Nature in Organization and Behavior

  8. 现代组织机构电子文件鉴定理论和方法研究

    Study on the Theory and Method of Electronic Records Appraisal in Modern Organizations

  9. 现代组织管理的观念更新

    On Renewal of Concepts on the Modern Organizational Management

  10. 阐述了原有的主要的行政决策模式本身在现代组织传播环境下的可行情况以及运行起来所呈现的滞后性;

    Stating feasibility of main originally decision models in modem organizational communication environment ;

  11. 现代组织正处于一个不断发展变化的社会环境中。

    Modern organization is now in the society of constant change and development .

  12. 论传统文化在现代组织建设中的承传与变革

    On the Inherence and Reform of Chinese Traditional Culture in Modern Organization Culture Reconstruction

  13. 现代组织病探微

    A Detailed Study of Modern Organizational Disease

  14. 人本原理是现代组织管理遵循的基本理论之一。

    The principle of humanism is the essential part followed by the modern organization management .

  15. 现代组织越来越依赖网络通讯技术,以团队的形式完成任务。

    Modern organizations are increasingly relying on teams to complete task by internet communication technologies .

  16. 冲突理论与现代组织管理

    Conflict Theory and Modern Organization Management

  17. 从现代组织学和经济学的理论出发,对企业再造工程进行的剖析,有助于我们研究企业再造工程理论基础。

    This paper analyzes the business reengineering on the basis of modern histology and economic theory .

  18. 心理契约的本质是现代组织及其成员对无形的心理内容的一系列期望。

    The essence of psychology contract is modern organization and its members ' expectation of bodiless psychology .

  19. 现代组织中的岗位轮换在员工生涯管理中有着积极的意义。

    A reasonable and effective job rotation system in modern organization plays an active part in career management .

  20. 现代组织管理学是一个非常成熟的学科,相关理论研究和研究成果丰富。

    The modern organization management is a very mature disciplines with a lot of theories and research results .

  21. 在现代组织管理中,激励的功能越来越凸显其重要性。

    In the modern organization and management , the incentive function of more and more highlighted its importance .

  22. 人事信息的规范化与量化管理,已成为现代组织管理中不可缺少的重要组成部分。

    The standardized and quantifiable management of staff information has been an indispensable part of modern organization management .

  23. 现代组织中人的因素是第一位的,人的因素是通过其积极性表现出来的。

    Human factor belongs to primary importance in modern organizations , human factor shows its important through his enthusiasm .

  24. 团队管理是现代组织管理中用于提高组织竞争力的一种方式。

    In Modern organization management , team management is a way used to improve the competitiveness of the organization .

  25. 总结了成功的经验和失败的教训,提出了现代组织传播环境下行政决策模式的路径选择。

    Teaching us many experiences and lessons which will lead us how to choose decision models in modem organizational communication environment .

  26. 无论古典组织理论,还是现代组织理论,都是企业管理实践中组织变革和创新设计的理论基础。

    Both classical and modern organizational theories are the base of organizational reform and innovation in the practice of enterprise management .

  27. 本论文从企业管理的实际出发,探讨项目管理这种现代组织形式在火电设备机械制造企业管理中的运用。

    The paper proceed from enterprise management which the modern organization form of the application in coal power facilities mechanical manufacture enterprise management .

  28. 绩效考核是现代组织的重要管理方法,也是现代企业的核心管理工具。

    Performance evaluation is not only an important method of modern organization management , but also the core of modern business management tools .

  29. 在为现代组织注入新鲜活力的同时,也给组织和管理者带来了挑战。

    At the same time when they inject fresh vitality into modern organization , they have also brought challenge to organization and management .

  30. 现代组织管理理论和实践证明,组织文化可以通过影响组织成员的行为促进组织绩效的提高。

    Modern management theory and practice showed the behavior of organizational members can be affected by organizational culture , which can promote organizational performance .