
  • 网络Space charge;space charge region;SCR-space charge region
  1. 三梨糖醇对PE空间电荷和耐水树性能的影响

    Effect of Sorbital on Space Charge Distribution and Resistance to Water Treeing in Polyethylene

  2. X射线形貌法观察空间电荷缀饰的α&LiIO3单晶的缺陷

    X-ray topographical study on defects in α - liio_3 decorated by space charge due to the applied DC fields

  3. 空间电荷对PE薄膜电击穿的影响

    The Effect of Space Charge on the Electrical Breakdown in PE Films

  4. PET驻极体的空间电荷衰减的实验和理论分析

    Analysis of Decay of Spatial Charges in PET Electrets

  5. 纳米MgO掺杂聚乙烯中空间电荷行为的研究

    Study of the Space Charge Behaviour in Polyethylene Doped with Nano-MgO

  6. 指出大电流时,SIT的电流-电压特性与空间电荷限制效应密切相关。

    The high-current analysis reveals that the unsaturated I-V characteristic is correlated closely to the space-charge limited effect .

  7. PTO/NFO复相陶瓷介电行为符合Hybrid介电模型,其介电常数的大幅度提高是空间电荷极化和偶极子极化共同作用的结果,同时满足微电容模型。

    The dielectric behavor fits Hybrid dielectric model , which is caused by space charge polarization and dipole polarization and fit micro-capacitance model .

  8. 该模型同时考虑了二极管的反向恢复、端区复合以及空间电荷区边界移动效应。能更精确地模拟PIN二极管的开关特性。

    The model takes into consideration of reverse recovery , emitter recombination and moveable bound effect .

  9. 用Lie代数方法分析了带电粒子束在二极磁铁中的非线性传输,包含了空间电荷效应。

    Lie algebraic methods are used in the analysis of nonlinear transport of charged particle beams in dipole magnets .

  10. SiCMOS结构空间电荷区杂质离化的研究

    Study of impurity ionization in SiC MOS structures

  11. 纳米TiO2掺杂对低密度聚乙烯空间电荷行为的影响

    Influence of nano-TiO_2 doped low density polyethylene on space charge behavior

  12. 扫描型变象管X射线皮秒分幅相机在强X射线情况下,由于空间电荷效应,像质变坏,甚至无法工作。

    Image distortion of the electro-optical tube X-ray framing camera becomes serious for intense X-ray pulse operation because of the space charge effect .

  13. 注入空间电荷对SF6气体中尖&板间隙正冲击击穿电压的影响

    Effect of Injected Space Charges on the Positive Breakdown Voltage of Point-plane Gaps

  14. 对a-SiC∶H膜平面电极结构样品的空间电荷限制电流的测量

    A Measurement of Space-Charge-Limited-Current for GD a-SiC : H Films with Coplaner-electrode Structure

  15. 空间电荷对SF6及其混合气体冲击击穿的作用

    The effects of space charges on breakdown voltages of sf_6 and its mixture gases

  16. CSR空间电荷效应的研究

    Space Charge Effects of CSR

  17. 用解一维poisson方程的方法分析了SiCPMOS空间电荷区的电特性;

    The characterization in space-charge region of SiC PMOS structure is analyzed by solving one dimension poisson equation .

  18. 用温度调制空间电荷限制电流法研究GD-a-Sic∶H膜的隙态密度

    Measurement of Density Gap State in GD-a-Sic : H Films by Temperature-Modulated-Space-Charge-Limited-Current Method

  19. CSR电子冷却系统电子束空间电荷效应对电子束温度的影响

    Studies of electron beam temperature rise due to space charge effect of intense electron beam in CSR e-cooler system

  20. 考虑空间电荷效应的FEL的相对论粒子模拟研究

    Relativistic cloud-in-cell simulation of free-electron laser ( fel ) with considering space charge effects

  21. PEA谱图显示:适量的纳米蒙脱土可以降低聚乙烯内部的空间电荷量。

    The PEA spectrums indicate that the involvement of nano-MMT can decrease the amount of space charge in dielectric .

  22. 本论文取得的主要研究成果有:①改进了一种PEA法的交流空间电荷测试系统。

    This paper achieves following results : ① An AC space charge measuring system of PEA method was improved .

  23. 用于电介质中空间电荷分布测量的Tikhonov反卷积算法

    The Application of Tikhonov Deconvolution Algorithm for Space Charge Distribution in Dielectrics

  24. EAA改性XLPE中空间电荷和电树、水树的关系

    Relationships of space charge accumulation with electrical and water treeing in XLPE modified by EAA

  25. 本文利用Green函数求解电子回旋谐振脉塞(ECRM)中的空间电荷场。

    The problem of the space charge fields in ECRM has been solved by means of Green function in this paper .

  26. 双掺杂单结型p-n结空间电荷区静态特性理论及其实用

    The Static Theory of p-n Junction Space-Charge Region with Double Doping-Single Junction Type and Its Practicality

  27. 本文介绍了与日本学者联合制作的用于平板型试品的电声脉冲法即PEA法空间电荷测量系统。

    This paper focuses on a pulsed electro-acoustic ( PEA ) system used for measuring the space charge in sheet samples .

  28. 通过拉伸试验和PEA法对MgO/LDPE复合材料力学性能、空间电荷分布进行了分析。

    The mechanical properties and space charge distribution of MgO / LDPE composites were analyzed by the tensile test and PEA .

  29. 在研究了单电子在静态MILO中的运动规律以后,我们讨论了运动的空间电荷与慢波结构中场的相互作用过程。

    The interaction process between space charge and slow wave structure is investigated .

  30. 同时求解Poisson方程,分别给出非均匀N沟和P沟DMOS的辐照迁移率表示式和辐照正空间电荷阈值电压表示式。

    Resolving Poisson equation , the mobility expression of N-type and P-type non-uniform channel MOS and the mathematics expression of the threshold voltage model of DMOS are obtained .