
  • 网络hollow fiber;air-core fiber
  1. 空心光纤中的多模干涉及在折射率传感中的应用

    Multimode Interference in the Hollow Fiber and the Application in Refractive Index Sensing

  2. 本文主要研究了一种新型的基于多模干涉的空心光纤折射率传感器。

    In this paper , a new refractive index sensor using a hollow fiber ( HF ) is introduced .

  3. 空心光纤中LP(01)模的场分布和消失波场特性分析

    The Electric Field Distributions from the LP_ ( 01 ) Mode in Hollow Optical Fibre

  4. 该系统采用了悬膜可电调谐MEMS红外光源和中红外空心光纤作为气体样品吸收腔。

    Hanging film by power tuning MEMS infrared light source and mid-infrared hollow optical fiber absorption chamber are used in the system .

  5. 空心光纤原子导引的实现

    To realize laser guiding of atoms in a hollow optical fiber

  6. 空心光纤的传光机理及其应用性能的研究

    Study on Transmission Theory and Application Performance of Hollow Optical Fiber

  7. 空心光纤传感技术在断裂测量中的应用

    Research on the Rupture Place Using Hollow Center Optical Fiber

  8. 空心光纤用于机敏结构自诊断、自修复的研究

    Research on Self-diagnose and Self-repair Using Hollow-center Optical Fiber in Smart Structure

  9. 大直径空心光纤压缩性能的研究

    Research on the compress of hollow - center optical fiber with large diameter

  10. 空心光纤网络埋入复合材料中性能影响的研究

    The Performance Research on Hollow Center Optical Fiber Network Embedded in Composite Materials

  11. 实现了利用空心光纤改造已有红外线轴温探测器。

    A temperature detector for train axles was modified with hollow optical fibers .

  12. 空心光纤用于纸蜂窝结构自修复的研究

    Research on self - repair of paper honeycomb structure with hollow optical fibers

  13. 圆形电介质包层金属空心光纤

    The circular dielectric coated metallic hollow optical fibers

  14. 把苯注入10米空心光纤制成苯液芯光纤。

    Benzene was injected into 10m hollow optical fiber to make benzene liquid-core fiber .

  15. 空心光纤特性分析与实验研究

    Experiment and Theory Analysis of Hollow Optical Fiber

  16. 利用空心光纤探测飞秒脉冲在氩气中成丝过程中的光谱演变

    Probing the spectrum evolution of femtosecond pulse filament in argon gas with a hollow fiber

  17. 测试结果表明,空心光纤随薄板材料形变输出光功率发生明显的变化。

    The test results show that the luminous intensity of hollow center optical fiber changes obviously with the strain of the sheet .

  18. 首次提出利用空心光纤灌注胶液的方法进行复合材料的自诊断与自修复。

    The method for self diagnose and self repair of composite materials using hollow optical fiber with injected adhesive is first put forward .

  19. 论述了空心光纤与混凝土结构强度的匹配,为空心光纤用于混凝土结构损伤的自诊断与自修复提供了研究依据。

    The strength matching of concrete structure is considered to pro-vide a proof for hollow-center optical fiber used in concrete structure self-diagnose and self-repair .

  20. 空心光纤网络可用来进行复合材料力学性能的监测,同时又可对材料的损伤进行自修复。

    Hollow center optical fiber network can be used to inspect the mechanics performance , and embedded to repair the damage and crack in composite materials .

  21. 从而为空心光纤网络用于复合材料的自诊断与自修复提供了研究的依据。

    Finally , the mechanical performance matching is demonstrated to provide a proof for self diagnose and self repair with hollow center optical fiber network in composite materials .

  22. 对空心光纤的结构特点做了细致的分析,采用迅衰波场的概念来解释空心光纤纤芯与空心处的传光损耗。

    The paper illustrates the characteristics of hollow optical fiber in detail and uses the concept of evanescent wave to explain the beam transmission in interface of hollow and core .

  23. 最后,对空心光纤弯曲、拉伸、压缩等机械性能作了实验研究并做出了解释,为空心光纤应用打下了基础。

    Finally , mechanical performance is studied by experiments , both the bending 、 tensile and compression results and their explanation are presented , therefore the foundation of application of hollow optical fiber is settled .

  24. 为了对复合材料结构的损伤进行自修复,提出了利用空心光纤实现智能复合材料结构中难度较大的自修复功能,对其中的一些关键技术进行了初步的研究。

    For the damage self repair of the smart composite structure , this paper puts the self diagnose and self repair net in smart composite structure by hollow center optic fiber forth and some key technologies in it are discussed .

  25. 保持空心光纤的其他参数不变,只改变纤芯层与包层之间的相对折射率差,不会引起空心区域内消失波场分布的改变,只会导致光纤包层中场分布的改变。

    The difference of the relative refractive index between the core and the cladding results only in a change in the evanescent wave fields in cladding and does not alter the distributions of the evanescent wave field in the hollow region .

  26. 研究芯液注入光纤后的传光性能,以及不同芯液材料主要参数的变化,分析其变化的原因和规律,比较空心光纤与液芯光纤的参数与性能。

    The author studies capacity of optical transmission of liquid core optical fiber , and compares the effect of core materials in optical transmission and the difference of liquid core optical fiber and hollow core optical fiber , and gives analysis results .

  27. 文中具体分析了空心光纤的传光机理,介绍了利用空心光纤进行复合材料断裂位置测量的原理、方法和实验研究。

    The investigation and analysis of pass light mechanism of hollow optical fiber are made in detail . The measurement principle , method and experimental research on self diagnose of the rupture place in composite materials by using hollow optical fiber are also put forward .

  28. 空心光子晶体光纤

    Hollow-Core Photonic Crystal Fibers