
  • 网络AAm;air to air missile;missile
  1. 一种空空导弹武器系统综合作战效能模糊评估方法

    A Method of AAM Systems Comprehensive Operational Efficiency Fuzzy Evaluation

  2. 基于最优末制导律的主动雷达空空导弹的弹道研究

    Trajectory Simulations on Active-Radar-Guided AAM Based on Optimal Guidance Law

  3. Air(初三适用)空空导弹研究与发展的世纪审视

    Century scanning on the air to air missile research and development

  4. Air(初三适用)空空导弹毁伤概率若干问题探讨

    Kill Probability of Air to Air Missile

  5. 基于GPS的空空导弹它机制导技术

    Air-to-air Missile 's Other Airplane Guidance Technique Based on GPS

  6. 基于BP神经网络的空空导弹攻击区精确拟合

    Accuracy Fitting of Air to Air Missile Impact Area Based on BP Neural Network

  7. 然后,用BP网络实时计算了直升机发射空空导弹的空中攻击包线;

    Thirdly , the launch envelop 's real time calculation is studied using BP neural networks .

  8. 基于VISA控制的空空导弹通用测试系统设计

    The Design of AAM Test System Based on VISA Control

  9. 本文基于自抗扰PID控制理论,设计了某型含有结构不确定性的空空导弹非线性鲁棒自动驾驶仪。

    Based on an auto-disturbance-rejection PID control , a robust nonlinear autopilot is designed for an uncertainty air-to air missile .

  10. 基于RBF神经网络的大迎角机动空空导弹控制系统设计

    A / A Missile Control System Design for High Angle of Attack Maneuvering Based on RBF Neural Networks

  11. 空空导弹反作用侧向力/气动力复合控制系统设计增强型ABS控制系统及其对汽车侧向稳定性的影响

    Reaction jets / aerodynamics blended control system design for air-to-air missile Improved ABS and its influence for vehicle lateral stability

  12. 目的了解中国空空导弹研究院20~59岁职工体重指数与代谢综合征(MS)及其组分之间的关系。

    Objective Explored the relationship between weight index and metabolize synthetic on the employees ( 20 to59 years old ) in China Air-borne Missile Academy .

  13. 美国空军最近已开始实施双距离空空导弹(DRM)计划。

    The USAF has begun to carry out the dual-range missile ( DRM ) project .

  14. 多路ADC,DAC在空空导弹发射架自动测试系统中的应用

    Application of multichannel adc , DAC in the automatic test and measurement system of the air-to-air missile launcher

  15. 然后以空空导弹、飞机为仿真对象,分析了导弹攻击空中目标仿真系统的功能,建立了空空导弹的HLA分布式仿真系统结构。

    Then air-to-air missiles 、 plane were main simulation objects and the functions of missile attacking air target simulation system was analyzed .

  16. 基于BST的空空导弹测试性设计

    Air-to-Air Missile 's Testability Design Based on BST

  17. 空空导弹自动驾驶仪BTT控制算法发展综述

    Development of BTT Control Technique for Air-to-Air Missile Autopilot

  18. 对空空导弹ATS软件的面向对象框架开发进行了探讨。

    Discussing the development method of air-to-air missile auto test system ( ATS ) software based on object-oriented framework .

  19. 本文介绍了混合语言编程技术在空空导弹发射架自动测试系统中的应用,说明了系统软件的结构,并简要阐述了C与汇编接口的一般方法。

    This paper introduces the application of hybrid programming in the AAM launcher automatic test and measurement system . The configuration of the system software and the general methord of the interface between C and assembly language are depicted .

  20. 针对多项式拟合和插值法解算空空导弹攻击区所存在的问题,提出了采用纯BP神经网络和BP网络-插值方法计算空空导弹攻击区。

    According to polynomial fitting and interpolation method resolving existence problem of air to air missile impact area , presents two methods of pure BP neural network and the interpolation of BP neural network .

  21. 空空导弹弹载SAR平台的大斜视角和大机动特点对成像算法的实时性、运动补偿提出了更高的要求。

    The air-to-air missile borne SAR has important characteristics including high flight speed with non-constant velocity and big squint angle , which forward a greater requirements for the real-time performance , motion precise compensation .

  22. 最后介绍了在微机局域网(LAN)下采用多线程和Winsock编程技术进行空空导弹分布式实时仿真系统的设计过程。

    In the end , we researched the design process of the Air-air Missile Distributed Realtime Simulation System with the technology of multithread and Winsock in the LAN .

  23. 本文研究BTT空空导弹越肩发射制导控制系统设计问题。

    This paper studies the guidance and control system design of OTS Bank-To-Turn ( BTT ) Air-to-Air missile ( AAM ) .

  24. 它携带中国设计的空空导弹,像是雷达制导的洛阳PL-12。

    It carries Chinese-designed air-to-air missiles such as the radar-guided Luoyang PL-12 .

  25. 在空对空攻击中,通过确定空空导弹的攻击区,减小了UCAV任务执行的难度,同时也提高了命中概率。

    In the case of air-to-air attacking , the air-to-air missile launch area is confirmed , so the difficulty of executing task for UCAVs is reduced .

  26. 论文以未来先进中远程空空导弹工程应用为背景,采用古典控制理论设计BTT导弹自动驾驶仪。

    This paper takes the project application of the future advanced intermediate-range air-to-air missile as a background , uses the classical control theoretical design BTT missile autopilot .

  27. 最后,介绍了OpenGL研制空战动画软件需要解决的关键技术,通过编制空空导弹攻击目标的三维动画仿真软件,生动地演示了导弹攻击目标的全过程。

    At last , this paper introduced the key techniques of researching and developing real-time 3-D OpenGL missile fight animation software . A 3-D animation simulation software was developed to show vividly the process of air-to-air missile attacking target .

  28. 同时也没有升级的J-11可以兼容发射中国的主动雷达制导空空导弹PL-12。

    Neither are the upgraded J-11s compatible with China 's own active-radar AAM , the PL-12 .

  29. 仿真结果表明,所设计的BTT导弹自动驾驶仪无论在动态响应与稳定性方面,能够满足未来先进中远程空空导弹对快速性与机动性等方面性能的要求。

    The simulation results indicate that the BTT missile autopilot can satisfy the requests of the future advanced intermediate-range air-to-air missile , regardless in the aspect of response or stable .

  30. 对空空导弹攻击区辨识的仿真结果验证了AFNN网络的有效性。

    The effectiveness of the model is tested on the identification result of missile attacking area .