
  1. 研究一种适用于抢救失血性休克与骨折伤员的充气裤,该裤是伤员现场转运和医院急救复苏中不可缺少的装备。

    A kind of inflatable trousers for treatment of hemorrhagic shock and fracture is studied , which is used for on-site evacuation and hospital emergency resuscitation .

  2. 一半以上的伤员在10min内得到现场诊治和转运。

    Half of the injured received on site assessment , treatment and transportation within 10 minutes .

  3. 结果距医院5公里以内的出诊,10分钟以内可到达现场,经现场急救后,转运途中无死亡,急诊抢救成功率92%;

    Results The ambulance could arrive to the scene within 10 minutes if the distance in 5 kilometers . There were no death during the transport from the scene to the emergency center , success resuscitation rate was 92 % ;