
  • 网络Modern Chinese dictionary;The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary
  1. 《现代汉语词典》中这样解释,激发:刺激,使奋发。

    The contemporary Chinese dictionary explains that inspire : exciting , make to go .

  2. 品质,在《现代汉语词典》中的注释有两条:○1行为、作风上所表现的思想、认识、品性等的本质。○2物品的质量。

    Quality , in the contemporary Chinese dictionary comments in two : 1 behavior , style , have demonstrated thought , knowledge , the essence of character , etc.20082 quality of the item .

  3. 关于成语注释&《现代汉语词典》札记

    On the Annotations of Idiom & Comments on Modern Chinese Dictionary

  4. 《现代汉语词典》(修订本)与现代汉语教学

    Modern Chinese Dictionary ( Revised Edition ) and Modern Chinese Teaching

  5. 《现代汉语词典》三字词语研究

    A Study on the Three-character Words and Phrases in Modern Chinese Dictionary

  6. 《现代汉语词典》中收录的四字格异形成语的构成情况复杂。

    The composition of synonym idioms in Modern Chinese Dictionary is complicated .

  7. 议现代汉语词典中外来词的翻译方式

    Translation Methods of Loanwords in the Modern Chinese Dictionary

  8. 浅谈《现代汉语词典》对地名用字的收录原则

    The Principles of Collecting Words of Place Names in the Modern Chinese Dictionary

  9. 《现代汉语词典》所收的詈词研究

    A Study of Li Words of Modern Mandarin Dictionary

  10. 新版《现代汉语词典》体育词汇举凡

    Examples of sports terms chosen from Modern Chinese Dictionary

  11. 《现代汉语词典》所收词缀探析

    The Probe on Affixes in Modern Chinese Dictionary

  12. 学习新旧版《现代汉语词典》的一些收获

    Reflections through Comparative Study of the New and Old Edition of Contemporary Chinese Dictionary

  13. 第四章是介绍《现代汉语词典》介词释义的方法。

    Chapter IV is to introduce the approach of Modern Chinese Dictionary in preposition interpretation .

  14. 《现代汉语词典》四音节成语注音的按词分写问题

    On Word-by-word Practice in Notating the Pinyin of the Quadrisyllabic Idioms in Contemporary Chinese Dictionary

  15. 《现代汉语词典》若干释译指正

    Discussion on Explanatory Translation of some Entries in New Bilingual Edition of Modern Chinese Dictionary

  16. 《现代汉语词典》补编

    Supplement to A Modern Chinese Dictionary

  17. 《现代汉语词典(修订本)》应补量和单位课

    Modern Chinese Dictionary ( Revised Edition ) should make up missed lessons of quantities and units

  18. 据《现代汉语词典》,上声的好共有15个义项。

    According to " Modern Chinese Dictionary ", rising tone of " Hao " has 15 meanings .

  19. 方言词是《现代汉语词典》收录词语的一个重要组成部分。

    Dialect words is an important component in the collected words for the " Modern ChineseDictionary " .

  20. 《现代汉语词典》中的方言词

    Dialects in Modern Chinese Dictionary

  21. 《现代汉语词典》条目义项与词语义位的不对应及其弥合空间

    The Non-correspondence Between the Senses of Entries and Sememes in Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese & its Improvement

  22. 文章首先对反义合成词作了严格界定,并据此从《现代汉语词典》中搜集例词。

    And then according to it , we collect many example words from The Modern Chinese Dictionary .

  23. 与《朗文当代英语辞典》比较,《现代汉语词典》并非典型的语文词典。

    Compared with Longman Dictionary of contemporary english , modern Chinese dictionary is not a typical language-writing dictionary .

  24. 《现代汉语词典》(增补本)凡例部分也要修订

    Notes on the Use of " Modern Chinese Dictionary " ( the Enlarged Edition ) Must Be Revised

  25. 新旧版《现代汉语词典》双音节动词释义对比研究

    The Comparative Study about the Interpretation on the Disyllabic Verb in the Earlier and the New Modern Chinese Dictionary

  26. 《现代汉语词典》(第5版)修订计量考察

    The Quantitative Analysis of Revising of the 5 ~ ( th ) Edition of " Contemporary Chinese Dictionary "

  27. 《现代汉语词典》第一版与第五版双音节形容词释义对比研究《诗经》中单音节形容词的语用考察

    Comparative Study on the Explanation of the Two-syllable-adjectives in the First Edition and Fifth Edition of Modern Chinese Dictionary

  28. 本文研究的对象是《现代汉语词典》(第5版)中的方言词。

    The paper uses the dialect words from Modern Chinese Dictionary ( the Fifth Edition ) as the research object .

  29. 第四,《现代汉语词典》(第5版)中存在的问题及修订建议。

    Fourth , the questions exists in " Modern Chinese Dictionary " ( the 5th edition ) and revision suggestions .

  30. 并借用一些研究者把《现代汉语词典》1983年版与1996年修订版进行对比分析的结果,将两者集中在一起,进行相互比较。

    And we also borrow some researchers the results got from comparison the Modern Chinese Dictionary 1983 edition and the 1996 revised edition .