
  1. 将人才培养计划与高校办学类型和区域经济发展特点相结合。

    Combine the personnel training program for universities and university types and characteristics of regional economic development .

  2. 教会中学教育是中国近代教会教育的有机组成部分,它作为一种相对独立的办学类型与中国近代历史相伴随。

    The missionary high schools , a relatively independent type of education , play a significant role in the contemporary Chinese education .

  3. 对电大系统来讲,更是关系到电大普通班这一办学类型的生存和发展。

    To system of TV university , the graduates ' employment work concerns the survive and develop of ordinary class of TV university .

  4. 通过本文的研究,将为不同办学类型的本科高校寻求个性化发展、凝聚核心竞争力提供一定的借鉴意义。

    The research of this paper would supply reference meaning to those undergraduate universities want to seek characteristic development and condense the core competence .

  5. 根据不同的办学类型实施各自的教材管理和发展战略,是解决选用教材时应以谁为主的关键所在。

    Different kind of running schools and different kind of teaching material management and development strategy is the key to solve the choice of teaching materials .

  6. 不同性别、就读学历、年级、专业、及办学类型等不同背景的大学生,在与媒介的关联程度较高,在与媒介了解奥运信息存在着显著性差异。

    Of different sex , school education , grades , professional , and school types , such as college students from different backgrounds , the association with the media at a higher degree at the Olympic Games information with the media know there are significant differences .

  7. 目标定位方式与办学模式类型的多样化,为广东中等职教的发展注入了活力。

    The diversification of objective-orientation mode and school-running model type infuse vigor for the development of secondary vocational education in Guangdong .

  8. 本论文回顾了国内多校区高校产生与发展的历史,对高校的办学体制类型与图书馆相应的组织管理模式做了简要的梳理。

    In this paper , the history of the multi-campus universities and the organizational management mode of libraries have been reviewed .

  9. 广播电视大学(简称电大)是一所综合性开放大学,它以远程开放教育为主体,多元化办学、各种类型教育相互协调发展。

    As a comprehensive open university , the radio and television university ( TV university ) has a modern distance open education , as well as diversity in schools and coordinated development of various education .

  10. 党政干部专修科是电大早期办学的一种类型,作为干部教育的一项有力措施,为国家培养了大批管理干部。

    The special training program for government and Party cadres was one kind of school-running ways of Radio and TV University in its early times .

  11. 构建和谐高校的具体方式有:努力实现办学层次与办学类型的和谐发展,实现教育管理与教学服务的和谐统一,教学与科研的统一和发挥党组织的战斗堡垒作用等。

    Harmonious unity of teaching management and teaching service ; integration of teaching and research ; and giving full play to the role of Party organizations as the fighting bastion .

  12. 中外合作办学机构应当将办学类型和层次、专业设置、课程内容和招生规模等有关情况,定期向社会公布。

    A Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school shall publicize regularly relevant information on the type and level of its education , its specialties and courses and its enrollment plan , etc.

  13. 从办学目标定位、办学类型和层次定位、办学水平和特色定位等三个方面阐述了独立设置地方医学院校定位的内涵。

    The paper also illustrates the connotation of the orientation of independent regional medical colleges in three respects : goal of schooling , type and level of the school , standard and characteristics of the school .

  14. 广东中等职业学校办学目标定位方式和办学模式类型呈现多样化特点。

    The objective-orientation mode and school-running model type of secondary vocational school manifest the characteristics of variety in Guangdong .

  15. 办学模式众多要素中最核心的有四个:办学理念、办学定位、办学类型、办学特色,它们直接决定办学模式的构建与发展。

    The key factors involving educational modes are : educational idea , educational orientation , educational classification , educational characteristics , which determine the structure and development of educational modes .