
  • 网络Office Furniture
  1. Chieftablepounder(首席拍桌官)指大力拥护新鲜的或者与众不同做事方法、且表现强势的人物。之所以叫“拍桌官”,是因为他们会通过用手掌击打办公家具(多为会议桌)表面的方式来强调自己的观点。

    Chief table pounder is the person who is the most ardent champion of a new or different way of doing things by slapping office furniture ( usually a board table ) with the flat of an open palm for emphasis .

  2. SOHO办公家具设计的分析

    An Analysis on the Designing of Office Furniture for SOHO Clans

  3. 我们以一个办公家具店为例,这家家具店运行着一个COM服务器,负责跟踪公司的库存。

    Take the example of an office-furniture store running a COM server that tracks its inventory .

  4. 基于人性化理念的SOHO办公家具系统设计的研究

    Research on System Design of SOHO Office Furniture Based on Humanity Idea

  5. 办公家具生产商SteelcaseInc.的研究团队“未来办公空间”(WorkSpaceFutures)的主管唐娜・弗林(DonnaFlynn)按照自己的步调工作,而且也让她那些做行为研究的下属这样做。

    At office-furniture-maker Steelcase Inc. , Donna Flynn , director of workspace futures , works at her own pace and lets her staff of behavioral researchers do the same . '

  6. 总的来说,最近几个月与去年同期相比,生意一直很慢,很冷清,广州一家办公家具店优美办公系统(UBOfficeSystems)经理林佳(KayLam,音译)说。

    Generally speaking , comparing recent months to the same period last year , business has been very slow and very quiet , said Kay Lam , the manager of UB Office Systems , an office furniture store in Guangzhou .

  7. 出于SOHO方式对灵活自由空间而不是单独空间的追求,办公家具设计越来越趋向可改造性、自由组合性和不确定性,以及模数化形式的应用。

    Because the SOHO needs a free and flexible but not a separate space , the designing of office furniture is required to be changed , united freely , unfixed and made up of models .

  8. 在凤凰城一家办公家具经销商GoodmansInteriorStructures任办公空间策略师的斯蒂芬妮?范杰(StephanieFanger)指出,相对于女性,男性会将更多空间用来摆在科技设备,他们更愿意添加壁挂来放置多台台式电脑和平板电脑。

    Stephanie Fanger , a workplace strategist with Goodmans Interior Structures , a Phoenix office furniture dealer , says men devote more space than women to tech gear , adding elaborate wall mounts for multiple computers and tablets .

  9. 在中国,LINKNOLL以其专业化的服务团队,将高品质的办公家具运用到了各个行业。

    In China , LINKNOLL has applied the high quality office furniture in various industries with its specialized service team .

  10. 而SOHO家具是信息时代办公家具的拓展利变态,因此具有办公家具所有的功能,但更有其特有的功能和形态特征。

    At the other hand , SOHO furniture is the evolution and metamorphism of office furniture in information era , so it not only has all functions of traditional office furniture , but also has particular function and form character .

  11. 她概述的另一家美国制造商Steelcase,在办公家具上安装了传感器,称这种技术造价非常低廉,所以“基本上任何地方”都可以采用。

    Another US manufacturer she profiled , Steelcase , puts sensors in office furniture and argues that the technology is now so cheap that it can be deployed " practically everywhere . "

  12. 办公家具正是顺应这种趋势的产物。

    The office furniture is precisely complies with such tendency .

  13. 摆放些新的办公家具,再稍微粉刷一遍,都会有帮助的。

    Some new office furniture and a lick of paint would help .

  14. 为人的存在佳境而设计&现代办公家具设计思想

    DESIGN FOR PERSONAL WELL-BEING & the Ideal of Modern Office Furniture Design

  15. 此项独特设计为办公家具生产厂商提供了更多突破性的创新。

    This exclusive design has been used extensively by office furniture manufacturers .

  16. 主要经营:办公家具,加工各种展示柜台;

    Main business : office furniture , processing a variety of display counters ;

  17. 这套新办公家具便宜且难看。

    The new office furniture is cheap and ugly .

  18. 家庭办公家具的开发设计

    The Innovation and Design of the Home Office Furniture

  19. 一种基于人机工程学的办公家具尺寸与结构设计

    Research on the Size and Structure of Office Furniture

  20. 最后提出提升绿色办公家具设计的途径与方法。

    Finally , put forward to promote green office furniture design way and method .

  21. 中国20世纪办公家具的演变及未来发展趋势的初步研究

    Study on History and Development Trend of Office Furniture at 20 Century of China

  22. 欧美斯办公家具规划强调,办公空间也是效率空间。

    Europe , office furniture , office space is also planning emphasize efficiency space .

  23. 注:办公家具以业主最终确认为准。

    Note : the office furniture is subject to final confirmation of the owner .

  24. 浅议国内办公家具企业市场营销策略

    Marketing Tactics of Domestic Office Furniture Enterprises

  25. 家庭办公家具具有其显著的自身特点。

    Home-office furniture has its own characteristics .

  26. 办公家具生产企业发展趋势将更加品牌化、规模化和国际化。

    Development of office furniture manufacturing enterprises will be more brand , size and internationalization .

  27. 工贸一体化的外向型企业。主要经营医疗器械,办公家具,建材和纺织。

    Production and sales of medical devices , office furniture , ceramic tiles and textiles .

  28. 包括作业位置的合理布置、办公家具的适应性设计等相关的建议。

    Including work position reasonable arrangement , office furniturecorrelation and so on compatible design suggestion .

  29. 专业从事中、高档办公家具的设计、制造与销售。

    It involves the design , manufacture and sales of middle and senior office furnitures .

  30. 好的,星期四我会把我们所有办公家具和设备的目录带给你。

    Fine , I 'll bring both our office furniture and equipment catalogs on Thursday .