
bàn shì
  • work;handle affairs;visit;conduct (direct,manage) an affair
办事 [bàn shì]
  • (1) [handle affairs;conduct (direct,manage) an affair]∶处理公务

  • 办事公平

  • (2) [work]∶做事

  • 办事认真

  • (3) [visit]∶因公逗留,出差

  • 在去那几个商店办事的中间空隙通电话

办事[bàn shì]
  1. “百羚”企业的一贯宗旨是:诚实做人、老实办事。

    The consistent objective of BL : honest behavior and handle Affairs with veracity .

  2. 且办事效率也是决定收入的一个关键因素。

    And to handle affairs the efficiency is also a key factor determining earning .

  3. 这份报告描绘了一幅办事效率低下和贪污腐化的可怕景象。

    The report drew a grim picture of inefficiency and corruption .

  4. 假若由我负责,我不会这样办事的。

    If I was in charge , I 'd do things differently .

  5. 同事认为他办事可靠。

    Colleagues regard him as a safe pair of hands .

  6. 老板派她进城办事去了。

    Her boss sent her on an errand into town .

  7. 他这个人年纪轻轻,办事如此稳当,真是了不起。

    He 's incredibly together for someone so young .

  8. 他们是在按照上级的指示办事。

    They were acting on instructions from above .

  9. 她总是一丝不苟地秉公办事。

    She has always been scrupulously fair .

  10. 我钦佩他办事认真仔细。

    I admire his thoroughness .

  11. 我不赞成他们现在的办事方式。

    I don 't hold with the way they do things nowadays .

  12. 他最初表现出的是一个充满爱心、办事有效的总统形象。

    The initial image projected was of a caring , effective president .

  13. 他那直截了当、往往还粗鲁生硬的办事方式无疑会激怒一些人。

    His direct , often abrasive approach will doubtless ruffle a few feathers

  14. 一名办事员会感到如此受人忽视,令人觉得不可思议。

    It was strange , how invisible a clerk could feel

  15. 要想再现辉煌,他可能得更多地依照习惯办事。

    He may have to become more conformist if he is to prosper again

  16. 他办事之麻利让我深感叹服。

    I was amazed at his speed of working .

  17. 他知道行政机关办事效率低。

    He knows the wheels of administration turn slowly .

  18. 有个神态安适的办事员在当班,在手动打字机上啪嗒啪嗒地打着字。

    There was a comfortable-looking clerk on duty , tapping away on a manual typewriter

  19. 公务员办事拖沓,你可能认为政治家会把事情顺利解决。

    You might expect politicians to smooth things out when civil servants are being dilatory .

  20. 与被告的简短交流体现了她独特的办事方式。

    An example of her modus operandi was provided during a terse exchange with the defendant .

  21. 她办事去了。

    She went off on some errand

  22. 她办事很有效率,也很可靠。

    She was efficient and reliable

  23. 幸运的是,作为弗雷德的私人助理,休办事效率很高,工作很出色。

    Luckily , Sue is very efficient and does an excellent job as Fred 's personal assistant .

  24. 办事应有个先后次序。

    Things should be taken up in order of priority .

  25. 他办事很老练。

    He is experienced and works with a sure hand .

  26. 她整天跑跑颠颠的给别人办事。

    She is bustling about all day long , serving the people .

  27. 她办事认真,从不敷衍了事。

    She is very conscientious and never skimps her work .

  28. 别管是谁,一律按原则办事。

    No matter who it is , we 'll act according to principle .

  29. 因一方拒绝按章办事,谈判破裂了。

    The negotiation broke down because one side refused to play the game .

  30. 他在一家银行当办事员。

    He serves as a clerk in a bank .