
  1. MarkMatunga是肯尼亚微软东非办事处工作人员。

    Mark Matunga is with Microsoft East Africa in Kenya .

  2. 世卫组织驻尼日尔办事处工作人员今天报告,目前没有关于可能感染H5N1的人间病例的调查。

    Staff at the WHO country office in Niger reported today that no human cases are presently under investigation for possible H5N1 infection .

  3. AdrianeBurman是华盛顿西雅图办事处工作人员。

    Adriane Burman is with the PATH office in Seattle , Washington .

  4. 评价办事处业务人员,并协助制定和实施绩效改善计划。

    To formulate office quarterly , and monthly plans and forecasting programs ; 4 .

  5. 该集团新加坡办事处的人员在一年内增加了一倍,达到30人,并计划继续增加人手。

    That office has doubled in size to 30 people in a year and plans to keep hiring .

  6. 除了派驻海外办事处的人员外,政府各局及部门共设有逾30个新闻组。

    Excluding those attached to the overseas offices , more than 30 information units operate in government departments and bureaux .

  7. 新孟邦党减少在孟邦和仰光办事处的人员,下令所有党的干部回到丛林新孟邦党总部,如果必要,准备作战。

    The NMSP has decreased their presence at party offices in Mon State and Rangoon , ordering all party officials to return to the NMSP jungle headquarters and prepare to go to war if necessary .

  8. 我们办事处的人员会在登机口负责帮助转机的旅客办理手续。头等舱和公务舱的旅客,以及携带小孩或者需要特殊帮助的旅客,现在请您开始登机。

    Our ground representatives at the boarding gate will be able to help you with your transit formalities . At this time we 'd like to pre-board passengers in first class and business class , and passengers with young children or those who need special assistance .

  9. 伦敦办事处的工作人员给予了帮助,但他们掌握的信息有限。

    The staff in the London office are helpful but only have limited information

  10. 已经有许多人因为设备陈旧引起的导弹爆炸和飞机失事而丧生。CDG国际设计机构目前在北京设有办事处,设计人员三十余人。

    Many have already given their lives in missile explosions and aircraft accidents caused by the old age of their equipment . At present there is a main branch of CDG in Beijing , including about thirty designers .

  11. 世卫组织驻这些国家办事处的工作人员正在与政府官员密切协作,监测局势。

    WHO staff at offices in these countries are monitoring the situation closely in collaboration with government officials .

  12. 最重要的是,国家办事处的工作人员技能应与国家具体的卫生问题和需求相吻合。

    Above all , skills available in country offices should closely match the specific health problems and needs of countries .

  13. 旅馆办事处的工作人员在我们登记入住时告诉我,我们是她在那儿工作以来看到的最年轻的住客。

    The clerk at the hotel office had commented to me at check-in that we were one of the youngest couples she had ever seen there .

  14. “要是每个人都能做好分类的话,就有很多有用的东西可以循环利用,而且还能减少污染,”麦子店街道办事处的工作人员杨晔说。

    " If everyone classifies their garbage , we can recycle useful materials and reduce pollution ," says Yang Ye , who works for the local government .

  15. 我期待着与总部、我们的区域和国家办事处的工作人员进行讨论。

    I look forward to discussions with staff in headquarters , and our regional and country offices . I owe it to you – and the populations you represent – to get things right .

  16. 一个大办事处需要雇用好多人员。

    A large office requires the employment of many people .

  17. 你们办事处有多少急救人员?

    How many first-aiders are there in your office ?

  18. 对于重大工程,我公司可设立办事处,派专业人员,配合施工单位圆满完成工程任务。

    For major projects , our company can set up an office to send professionals , with the successful completion of project construction tasks .