
xiàn cún
  • existing;extant;living;in stock;in store
现存 [xiàn cún]
  • (1) [in stock;in store]∶现有或备有的--随时可以交货的

  • 现存物资

  • (2) [living]∶现在有或仍然有生命力的

  • 现存的昆虫种类

现存[xiàn cún]
  1. 现存最古老的文献出自1492年。

    The oldest extant document is dated 1492 .

  2. 它包含着现存的关于耶稣的生平,教导,受难和复活的最早文献。

    It contains the earliest documents extant on the life , teaching , crucifixion , and resurrection of jesus .

  3. 他被视为现存制度的大敌。

    He was seen as a threat to the established order .

  4. 科学家正试图把已灭绝动物的特征与现存类似动物相比较。

    Scientists are attempting to compare features of extinct animals with living analogues .

  5. 一些女权主义者寻求在现存的社会制度内进行改革。

    Some feminists sought reforms within the existing social order .

  6. 现存体制是对司法的嘲讽。

    The present system is a mockery of justice .

  7. 她的文献据信是现存最古老的、由女性内科医生留下的手稿。

    Her text is believed to be the oldest surviving manuscript by a female physician .

  8. 为挽救现存兽群和它们的栖息地,国家公园部计划选择性捕杀2,000头大象。

    To save remaining herds and habitat , the national parks department is planning to cull 2000 elephants .

  9. 我们有多种现存的式样供你选择。

    We have many patterns in stock for you to choose from .

  10. 这些观点逐渐与现存的宗教信仰结合而形成一套新哲学。

    These ideas gradually incorporated with the existing religious beliefs to form a new philosophy .

  11. 但是,各个国家纷纷急于在此扩张自己的影响力,不仅期待那些保护协议到期,而且还觊觎现存的战略和商业机会。

    But an array of countries are rushing to assert greater influence here , with an eye not just towards the day those protective treaties expire , but also for the strategic and commercial that already exist .

  12. 例如,依托现存技术的新技术缺乏吸引大众的基础,因为在很多情况下,这些技术需要与其他的设备有效配合才能展现其真正的魅力。

    For instance , new technologies that are building upon existing technology have not found their footing well enough to appeal to a mass audience , because , in many cases , they need to work effectively with other devices to realize their full appeal .

  13. 现存的社会福利被指责为是无价值的、残暴的

    The existing social benefits are considered to be stigmatizing and repressive .

  14. 新机构的职能与那个现存机构的职能部分重叠

    The new office overlaps the functions of the one already in existence .

  15. 通过观察某些现存的动物群和植物群,我们就能更清楚地了解这种困难了

    We shall appreciate this difficulty more clearly , by looking to certain existing faunas and floras .

  16. 他还拥有双头山羊、淡水龟,以及世上现存唯一的三头乌龟。

    He also owns a two-headed goat , a two-headed terrapin and the world 's only living three-headed turtle .

  17. 不过,也有手办套装展现的是更加宽泛的主题,有恐怖片、科幻片、魔幻片、电视和漫画书中的人物,也有原创艺术作品中的人物,还有现存套装模型升级换代的版本。

    However , kits are produced depicting6 a wide range of subjects , from characters from horror , science fiction , fantasy films , television and comic books to original works of art , as well as upgrade and conversion7 kits for existing models .

  18. IP电话现存主要问题及解决办法

    Current Problems and Solutions of IP Telephony

  19. 指出了现存的V带当量摩擦系数计算公式的不足,并做了更正;

    The fault of present V-belt friction coefficient calculation formula has been pointed out .

  20. IPPHONE的基本通信模式,与现存的电话网络及国际互联网的连接框架结构。

    The basic communication model of IP Phone and the framework of connecting PSTN and Internet are presented .

  21. 目前,河南省已累计报告HIV阳性感染者48000余例,现存活34000余例。

    Up to now , Henan province has reported more than 48,000 HIV-positive infectors , and 34,000 of them are still alive .

  22. 首先,针对FED显示器现存的亮度不均匀、灰度失真等质量缺陷和FED驱动系统功耗较高的问题进行了分析讨论和归纳总结;

    Firstly , analyzed the present problems of FED display quality such as luminance non-uniformity , grayscale loss and high power consumption on FED driving system .

  23. 为了避免对频带内现存的无线电系统造成干扰,在进行脉冲波形设计时必须对UWB脉冲波形提出一些要求。

    To avoid interference with the existing radio systems in the band , there are some requirements for UWB pulse waveforms design .

  24. 得出结论,MBO仅是对现存缺陷的公司治理结构进行修正的一种手段;

    And make such conclusion , MBO is only a kind of means to amend the defective structure of corporate governance ;

  25. AOP还将使我们在关注的形态中,对现存系统以一种有组织的方式增加新的特点。

    AOP would let us add new features , in the form of concerns , to existing systems in an organized manner .

  26. 课题寻求了一种抑制CCD输出噪声的新方法,这种方法较之现存的相关双采样技术具有稳定性高、制作成本低、便于与A/D转换器连接等优点。

    We discover a new method to reduce the noise of CCD which is better than the current methods in stability , cost and interfacing with the A / D converters .

  27. 现存的存储方案,在根据XMLSCHEMA建立关系模式的过程中,会产生模式信息丢失、关系模式不合理等情况,基于XMLSCHEMA的XML文档在关系数据库中的存储技术仍不成熟。

    At present , in process of setting up relational mode based on XML Schema , it might happen to the existing storage strategy that schema information to be lost and relational mode to be unreasonable .

  28. 群落现存生物量中,Cu、Zn、Mn、Pb、Cd元素的现存累积量分别为27.18、49.83、1687.26、35.67和1.18mg/m2;

    The existing accumulating of Cu , Zn , Mn , Pb and Cd in the biomass of the community are 27.18 , 49.83 , 1687.26 , 35.67 and 1.18mg/m 2 respectively .

  29. 阐述了CO2气体保护焊飞溅的产生原因,介绍了各国在该领域的研究现状,详细分析了现存控制方法在原理上存在的问题,归纳出有效降低焊接飞溅的关键。

    In this paper , the cause and mechanism of welding spatter in short circuit transfer CO2 gas shielded arc welding are investigated , and the current research and development status in this field is introduced .

  30. 结合上海电信在宽带IP城域网上做的工作,首先分析和阐述了网络建设中的关键技术、组网方案以及与宽带ATM城域网、上海热线等现存网络的关系;

    In combination with development of broadband IP MAN in Shanghai Telecom , key techniques and networking plans in network construction , the relationship with broadband ATM MAN and Shanghai Online network , are explained .