
  • 网络cash flow;DCF;FCF;CFO
  1. 他做到了不可能做到的事,既让伦敦城满意,又增加了企业的现金流量。

    He has squared the circle of keeping the City happy and doing something to improve business cash flow

  2. 旋转螺桨叶面流场显形实验合并现金流量表编制方法的选择

    SURFACE FLOW VISUALIZATION OF ROTATING PROPELLER The Alternative of Making Consolidated Statement of Cash Flow

  3. ST类上市公司的经营现金流量对公司的财务失败具有较好的预警功能。

    Third , the operating cash flows of the ST companies have good forecasting function towards the defeated finance .

  4. 本文试图通过引入计算机模拟模拟语言GPSS(GeneralPurposeSimulationSystem)来对未来现金流量的预测提供一种新的途径。

    The thesis tries to propose a new approach to forecast future cash flow by a computer simulation language , GPSS ( General Purpose Simulation System ) .

  5. 实证结果证明,以自由现金流量指标为变量建立的灰色预警模型对ST珠江公司的财务风险进行了有效的预测。

    The research result testified that the gray prediction model could well forecast the financial situation of ST Zhu Jiang .

  6. 本项研究对四种投资方案模拟运作企业的未来现金流量进行了预测,并分别采取增量内部收益率和EVA法进行方案比较研究,研究的项目计算期为11年。

    The future cash flow of the four investment priorities is not only predicted accordingly , but also optimized with the adoption of the internal increment yield and EVA method .

  7. 特别是结合现金流量的概念,对Zeta模型开展必要的改造,以达到对财务风险进行科学预测的目标。

    Especially , the study holds the amendment to Zeta model combining the concept of cash flow , in order to forecast financial risk scientifically .

  8. 在以上分析的基础上,针对战略环境复杂、动态的特点,提出了SWOT分析的理性化思路,以投资企业现金流量灾变分析为例子,探讨了建立其它预测模型的可行处。

    According to the complex and dynamic character of strategic situation , the reasoning thought of SWOT analysis is put forward . Making the risk analysis of investment enterprise as example , discussing the possibility of building other predict model .

  9. 在分析高速公路BOT项目各种风险因素的基础上,通过现金流量模型和蒙特卡洛仿真技术,建立高速公路BOT项目融资结构决策模型,为BOT项目融资结构的确定和决策提供理论依据。

    It presents the NPV model and Monte-carlo to bring forward a financial structure model of highway BOT project considering all kinds of risks . This model can provide the theory foundation of financial structure decision-making for highway BOT project .

  10. EVA估价法与现行的企业自由现金流量折现法相比较,具有与企业价值相关联又便于对价值实效进行计算考核的双重优点。

    Compared with discounted free cash flow method that enterprises use currently , EVA valuation approach has double advantages , that is , it is not only relevant to enterprise value but also useful in calculating and checking the actual value effect .

  11. 在第二章中,本文运用CAMEL框架,分别从资本充足性、资产质量、收益状况、流动性以及现金流量五个方面对工商银行的财务指标进行横向和纵向的分析。

    And then , in Chapter two , this thesis analyses the financial ratios of ICBC from horizontal and vertical trend using CAMEL model , in terms of capital adequacy , asset quality , earnings , liquidity and cash flow respectively .

  12. 采用线性回归和非参数Kruskal-Wallis检验方法,实证分析了处于不同生命周期阶段的企业在各项现金流量变化特点及现金流量优化差异。

    Linear regression and Kruskal_Wallis nonparametric test methods are used to analyze the difference of cash flow and improving characteristics of corporation at different life cycle stages .

  13. 第二章分析了折现现金流量法(DCF)的理论模型,探讨折现现金流量法在实际当中的应用,遇到的主要问题及其解决办法。

    Chapter II presents an analysis of the theoretical model of the Discount Cash Flow ( DCF ) Method , and expounds the application of the DCF Method in actual practice and the major problems encountered and their solutions .

  14. 传统的投资分析工具如贴现现金流量法(NPV)将未来的现金流量按照一定的贴现率折算到决策时点,以项目的净现值与投资额的比较结果决定投资与否。

    Traditional investment analysis tools , such as NPV , discount the future potential cashflow at a certain discounting rate to the time point where the decision is made and compare the NPV versus Investment , and by which to determine whether the investment is valuable or not .

  15. FASB第5号财务会计概念公告《企业财务报告的确认和计量》提出了历史成本、现行成本、现行市价、可实现净值、未来现金流量现值5种计量属性。

    No. 5 financial statement of FASB on " the Recognization and Measurement of Enterprise Financial Report " has put forward 5 kinds of measurement attributes including historic cost , current cost , current market value and net realizable value , present value of future cash flow .

  16. 而IFRS9对金融资产的分类依据主要是依据业务模式测试和合同现金流量特征测试,把可供出售金融资产期间价值的变动计入其他综合收益,并引入FV-OCI模式,处置时不允许转入损益。

    The classification in IFRS 9 is mainly based on testing and contract business model based on cash flow characteristics of the test , the change of financial assets available for sale introduced the FV-OCI mode , which does not allow disposal profit or loss .

  17. 资金营运中现金流量的功能分析

    The Functional Analysis of the Cash Flow in the Capital Working

  18. 现金流量的间接法与直接法之比较

    The Comparative between Direction and Indirection Methods on the Cash Flow

  19. 投资项目现金流量估计和风险度量研究

    Cash Flow and Risk in Investment Projects : Calculation and Measurement

  20. 企业价值评估方法研究&现金流量贴现法

    Research on Business Value Appraisal Method & Discounted Cash Flow Method

  21. 营运资金与现金流量基本原理的初步研究

    Initial Studies in the Principles of Working Funds and Cash Flow

  22. 而权责发生制并不关注现金流量,而是看重收益。

    The former emphasizes profit and ignores the flow of cash .

  23. 旅游上市公司现金流量分析

    Analysis of Cash Flow in the Tourism Listed Companies in China

  24. 自由现金流量理论发展和应用的三大难题

    Three Problems in Application and Study on Free Cash Flow Theory

  25. 第二部分介绍了现金流量分析的一般方法;

    The second part introduces general methods of Cash Flow analysis .

  26. 医院现金流量表编制方法初探

    The primary exploration of drawing method of hospital cash flow chart

  27. 企业的现金流量有其内在的本质属性,其主要表现为共存性、非完全相关性、阶段性、非对称性和非同步性等。

    The cash flow of the enterprises has their internal natures .

  28. 开始理解和评价现金流量表。

    Begin to understand and appreciate the statement of cash flows .

  29. 现金流量表的编制是会计报表实务中的一个难点。

    Preparation of cash flow statement is a difficult problem in practice .

  30. 第五部分,现金流量分析。

    Chapter five focus on the analysis of cash flow .