
diàn wū
  • defile;tarnish;stain;sully;pollution;blemish;smear
玷污 [diàn wū]
  • [stain;sully;tarnish;smear;blamish] 弄脏;污损。比喻名誉受污损

  • 玷污了一个人的名誉

玷污[diàn wū]
  1. 为什么Ian选择这样玷污他爱人的未来?

    Why did Ian choose to stain his lover 's future so much ?

  2. 在我的头脑里,没有任何东西可以玷污到她的美丽。

    There was nothing which could stain her beauty im my mind .

  3. 这篇报道企图玷污该党领袖的声誉。

    The story was an attempt to smear the party leader .

  4. 许多家门被撬的人都感到自己的家被玷污了。

    Many victims of burglary feel their homes have been defiled .

  5. 我的名声受到了玷污。

    My name had been dragged through the mire .

  6. 他玷污了家族的名声。

    He had disgraced the family name .

  7. 我不想玷污家族的名声。

    I don 't want to bring shame on the family name

  8. 他本不想去玷污那清白的过去。

    He wasn 't about to blemish that pristine record .

  9. 他指控他蓄意散布虚假信息以玷污我的人格。

    He accused him of knowingly spreading falsehoods in an effort to blacken my character

  10. 他略略地抬了抬眼皮,仿佛她的话会不小心玷污了他。

    He raised his eyes slightly as though her words might somehow soil him .

  11. 他因擅离职守而玷污了军绩。

    He stained his military record by going AWOL [ a.w.o.l. = absent without official leave ] .

  12. 不正当得来的便士使正当得来的英镑也受到玷污。

    The unrighteous penny corrupts the righteous pound .

  13. 我觉得这些脏话玷污了我

    I felt defiled by the filth .

  14. 你要过去玷污这些人的土地,炸掉他们的棕榈树?

    You 'll go back to desecrating these people 's land , blowing up palm trees ?

  15. 玷污者!它对他耳语道。现在你该为你的罪孽付出代价了

    Defiler ! it whispered to him . The time has come to pay for your crimes .

  16. 不同pH值乙二胺四乙酸盐对根管玷污层作用的体外研究

    A Comparative Study of Root Smear Layer Removal Using Different pH EDTA Salts

  17. 热处理单晶硅片中Fe玷污的深能级瞬态谱分析

    DLTS Analysis on Iron Contamination of Heat-treated Silicon Wafers

  18. 常温下,晶片中的Fe,Ni杂质玷污可产生紫外特征荧光峰。

    The results show that some impurities such as Fe and Ni have characteristic peak wavelength at room temperature .

  19. EDTA可以有效去除根管内牙本质表面玷污层,改善粘结效果。

    EDTA could effectively remove smear layer and improve the bond effectiveness .

  20. 目的研究不同pH值的乙二胺四乙酸盐(EDTA)去除根管玷污层的效果。

    Objective To evaluate the effect of different P H EDTA salts on removing root canal smear layers .

  21. 结果:Er,Cr:YSGG激光可有效去除根切面上的玷污层及碎屑;

    Results : Er , Cr : YSGG laser can abolish smear layer on the resected root surfaces effectively .

  22. C组根管内壁覆盖了大块不规则玷污层,可见少许牙本质小管。

    In group C , it was found that a big irregular decay was coated on the surface of each root canal wall and a few dentinal tubules could be seen .

  23. 光电子材料InP玷污的研究

    Study on Pollution for the Photoelectronic Material InP

  24. 采用Kruskal-WallisH和Mann-whitneyU检验比较各组玷污层去除的差异。

    Kruskal-Wallis H test and Mann-Whitney U test were used for smear layer removal . 2 .

  25. 目的:观察不同能量与照射距离的Er,Cr:YSGG激光照射后,牙本质表面形态变化和玷污层的去除情况。

    Objective : To observe the elimination of smear layer on the dentin exposed to Er , Cr : YSGG laser with different energy and irradiating distance .

  26. 结论Er,Cr:YSGG激光照射根面平整后的牙周病牙根面可有效去除玷污层及表层病变牙骨质,具有潜在的应用价值。

    Conclusion It is effective to remove smear layers and infected cementum of surface layers with Er , Cr : YSGG irradiating on the planed periodontal root surfaces .

  27. 结论:Er,Cr:YSGG激光能有效去除牙周病牙根面玷污层及病变牙骨质,根面无熔融、炭化等改变。

    Conclusions : Er , Cr : YSGG laser could effectively remove the smear layers and infected cementum on periodontal-diseased root surfaces without causing negative changes like melting and carbonization .

  28. MrMurdoch说这份报纸有着令人骄傲的成绩在抵制犯罪以及披露错误的行为。它曾经的行为被错误的行为玷污了。

    Mr Murdoch says the paper has a proud history of fighting crime and exposing wrongdoing , but that the good things it does have been sullied by behaviour that was wrong .

  29. 事实上有一些人在抨击《太阳报》(TheSun)发布录影的举动,说这种对未来女王的形象玷污是不公平的,当时她还太年轻,不理解自己做的事情的含义。

    Indeed , some critics have assailed The Sun for publishing the video , saying it unfairly sullies the image of a future queen who was too young to understand the meaning of what she was doing .

  30. 结果:在根管中段和尖段,C组根管壁的碎屑和玷污层较A、B组少,A组与C组间存在统计学差异(P<0.05);

    RESULTS : At the apical and mid-root levels , less debris and smear layer were observed in group C than in groups A and B , with a significant difference detected between groups A and C ( P < 0.05 ) .