
  • 网络Bose gas
  1. n-维理想玻色气体的讨论

    The discussion of n-dimensional ideal Bose gas

  2. q分布下二维玻色气体的热力学性质量子超化学中的类双缝干涉:玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚原子-三聚物相干转化

    The thermodynamic properties of two-dimensional Bose gas in the q distribution Coherent atom-trimer conversion in a repulsive Bose-Einstein condensate

  3. 简并近理想玻色气体中的广义SU(1,1)相干态之分析

    Analyzing the degenerate almost ideal boson gas by su ( 1,1 ) coherent states

  4. 漏斗势中的超冷玻色气体进入TG区域,随着囚禁原子数的增加,动量分布的峰值变得越尖。

    Ultracold Bose gas enter the TG region in funnel potential , the peaks of momentum distribution become sharper with the number of atoms increasing .

  5. 利用维护代价约束的物化视图选择方法简谐外势约束下二维玻色气体的玻色-爱因思斯坦凝聚(BEC)

    Materialized view selection under maintenance cost constraint Bose-Einstein Condensation of Bose Gas in a Two-dimensional , Harmonic Trap ;

  6. 应用数值计算方法对二维简谐势阱中有限粒子数的理想玻色气体的性质进行了数值分析,讨论了系统在产生BEC时的一些物理量。

    The properties of Bose Einstein condensation with finite number of particles in a two dimensional harmonic oscillator potential are studied by using numerical analysis .

  7. 本文从量子统计中最基本的Liouville-vonNeumann方程出发,利用Wigner分布函数与Bogoliubov方法推导了玻色气体的动力学方程,这是一个改进的BUU方程。

    The quantum kinetic equation of Boson gas is derived by means of the Bogoliubov approach and the Wigner distribution function from Liouville Von Neumann equation .

  8. 1995年,随着低温制冷技术的突破,关于弱作用稀化玻色气体的BEC现象在玻色和爱因斯坦预言了差不多七十年后几乎同时被三个实验组观察到。

    In 1995 , with the breakthrough of cryogenic technology , three experimental groups observed the BEC phenomenon of the weak coupling Bose gases seventy years later after Bose and Albert Einstein predicted .

  9. 本论文在理论上研究了超快激光场中双原子分子的定向和玻色气体中磁诱导Feshbach共振的光控制。

    In this thesis , orientation of diatomic molecule with ultrafast laser field and optical control of magnetically induced Feshbach resonances in Bose gases are theoretically investigated .

  10. 讨论了理想玻色气体和理想费米气体的Cp-Cv在不同的温度范围内有不同的数值,从而可以看出理想气体遵从不同的统计法时对Cp-Cv值有影响。

    This paper discusses the different CP-CV value of ideal Bose gas and Fermi gas at the range of different temperature , revealing that ideal gas has different CP-CV value when it follows different statistics .

  11. n维理想玻色气体的内能和热容量

    General Expressiones of Energy and Heat Capacity of Ideal Bose Gas

  12. 准二维谐振势阱中有限尺度的非理想玻色气体

    The finite-size interacting Bose gas trapped in a quasi two-dimensional harmonic trap

  13. 理想玻色气体布雷顿循环的性能分析

    The Performance Analysis of a Brayton Cycle of an Ideal Bose Gas

  14. 含时弱耦合玻色气体的时间演化及准粒子表象

    Time Evolution and Quasi-particle Representation of the Time-dependent Weakly Coupling Bosonic Gas

  15. 外势场下低维理想玻色气体的热动力性质

    Thermodynamic Properties on the Low-Dimensional Perfect Bose Gas in an External Potential

  16. 弱磁场中弱相互作用玻色气体的低温性质

    Low-temperature properties of a weakly interacting Bose gas in weak magnetic field

  17. 低维囚禁理想玻色气体的玻色&爱因斯坦凝聚

    Bose-Einstein Condensation of an Ideal Bose Gas Trapped in the Low Dimensional Space

  18. 以理想玻色气体为工质的斯特林热机的性能分析

    The thermodynamic analysis of a Stirling power cycle working with ideal Bose gas

  19. 强简并理想玻色气体的热力学性质

    Thermodynamic Properties of a Strongly Degeneracy Idea Bose Gas

  20. 近理想玻色气体哈密顿量对角化

    The Diagonal Hamiltonian of Nearly Ideal Bose Gas

  21. 弱相互作用玻色气体的涡旋解

    Vortex solution of weak interacting Bose gases

  22. 二维自由理想玻色气体

    The Two - dimensional Ideal Bose Gas

  23. 均匀相互作用玻色气体的凝聚温度

    Condensation Temperature of Uniform Interacting Bose Gases

  24. 简谐势阱中有限粒子数二维玻色气体性质的数值分析

    Numerical Analysis of Bose-Einstein Condensation with Finite Number of Particles in a Two-Dimensional Harmonic Oscillator Potential

  25. 理想玻色气体的焦汤系数

    Joule-Thomson coefficient of ideal Bose gas

  26. 理想费米气体和理想玻色气体为工作物质的可逆循环的效率

    Efficiency of the Reversible Cycle Employing Ideal Fermi Gas and Ideal Bose Gas As Working Substance

  27. 相互作用玻色气体的凝聚温度是玻色&爱因斯坦凝聚问题中一个重要的热力学量。

    The condensation temperature of a uniform interacting Bose gas is an important thermodynamic quantity fot the BEC .

  28. 最近人们已经在实验中实现了弱相互作用玻色气体的玻色&爱因斯坦凝聚。

    The Bose-Einstein condensation ( BEC ) of weakly interacting Bose gases has been realized recently in experiment .

  29. 玻色气体的量子简并性对不可逆布雷顿制冷循环性能的影响

    The influence of the quantum degeneracy of a Bose gas on the performance of an irreversible Brayton refrigeration cycle

  30. 第三章用变分的方法来研究漏斗势中超冷玻色气体的性质。

    In chapter three , we study the nature of ultracold Bose gas in the funnel potential through variational method .