
General Situation of the Study on Reef Coral δ ~ ( 13 ) C and the Related Environment information
The relationship between coral skeletons δ 13C and δ 18O , including positive correlation , inverse correlation and non-correlation , can be used to explain the environmental condition .
What 's more , anemones placed on the coral received four times less UV radiation and showed about seven times less damage to their DNA than those placed on the tape .
According to the X-ray imaging principle of skeletal band , this paper provides image analyzing methods of coral skeletal band by using digitalization and image procedures of computer . The methods can acquire growth information of coral with higher resolution and precision than conventional methods .
Digital Image Analysis of Coral Skeletal Growth Characteristics
The team placed the anemones on top of either coral skeletons or white plumbing tape in the lab.
Christmas tree worms bore into the coral 's skeleton for protection , swirling out and grabbing food particles with their feathery gills .
The relationship between skeleton calcification and photosynthesis of zooxanthellae is a controversial question , and the mechanism of calcification is still being explored .
We can analyze the geochemical changes in coral skeletons such as boron isotope and trace elements like iron and manganese and probe into characteristics of corals so as to investigate the historical red tides .
The average contents of heavy metals in coral skeleton follow : Cu > Zn > Pb > Cd > Cr , and the enrichment coefficients of heavy metals follow : Cd > Pb > Cu > Cr > Zn .
and big patches of dead skeleton that would get overgrown by algae .
Coral is actually the exoskeletons of coral polyps .
Past studies have found that the calcium carbonate exoskeletons of corals that make up reefs fluoresce under ultraviolet light , suggesting that they absorb UV rays .
Reef coral has proved to be an excellent material with which to research into the tropical ocean environment , and its skeleton δ 18O is an important tracer for analyzing the recorded environmental information .