
shān hú chónɡ ɡānɡ
  • Anthozoa
  1. 本文在重点介绍了柳珊瑚种群遗传多样性和柳珊瑚种上阶元系统发育学两方面的研究进展和所取得研究成果的同时,也讨论了珊瑚虫纲的系统发生关系。

    This paper not only gives the progress and findings in the researches on genetic diversity and phylogeny of gorgonian , but also a simple discussion of the phylogenetic relationship of anthozoa .

  2. 其实珊瑚一词所指的动物甚多,包括大多数属珊瑚虫纲及数动属水螅虫纲的刺胞动物。

    Actually , the term coral is much broader and refers to most of the animals in the class Hydrozoa of the Phylum Cnidaria .

  3. 多孔螅,千孔虫多孔螅目的一种石状水螅建立的珊瑚礁,产于热带海域,形成白色或黄色的石灰质结构,与珊瑚虫纲的真正珊瑚礁相似。

    Any of various reef-building hydrocorals of the order Milleporina of tropical marine waters , forming white or yellowish calcareous structures and resembling the true corals of the class Anthozoa .