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  • mother-of-pearl;pearl oyster
珠母 [zhū mǔ]
  • [pearl oyster] 能产珍珠的蚌

珠母[zhū mǔ]
  1. 她刚走进店里,就一眼看中了一件黄褐色的小外套,上面缀着大大的珠母钮扣。这种款式这年秋天很新潮。

    When she entered the store , she already had her heart fixed upon the peculiar little tan jacket with large mother-of-pearl buttons which was all the rage that fall .

  2. 陈世英尤其喜欢蝴蝶,这是他作品中常常出现的主题,比如:在“鼓翼的蛱蝶”(Fluttery-PaintedLady)中,蝴蝶与花草一起出现,在“拉格泰姆”(Ragtime)中,蝴蝶火焰般的翅膀用薄如纸张的珠母片做成。

    Mr. Chan particularly loves butterflies , a motif that appears in works such as Fluttery-Painted Lady , patterned with grass and flowers , and Ragtime , with flamelike wings crafted from paper-thin sheets of mother of pearl .

  3. 为些珍珠都是用真正的珠母裹上一层进口雪花石玻璃制成。

    These pearls are imported alabaster glass enrobed in real pearlescence .

  4. 烯醇丙酮酸磷酸羧激酶合浦珠母贝壳制备碳酸钙、丙酸钙的工艺研究

    Study on the technology of preparation of calcium carbonate and calcium propionate from Pinctada martensii shell

  5. 由珠母层组成的或类似于珠母层的。

    Consisting of or resembling mother-of-pearl .

  6. 他们或许是最鲜明的考克尼象征之一——这就是所谓的“考克尼皇室”:珠母纽王和王后。

    They are probably among the most recognizable Cockney symbols - the so-called Cockney royalty : Pearly Kings and Queens .

  7. 他们或许是最鲜明的考克尼象征之一&这就是所谓的考克尼皇室:珠母纽王和王后。

    They are probably among the most recognizable Cockney symbols – the so-called Cockney royalty : Pearly Kings and Queens .

  8. 这些“穿着缀满珠母纽扣节日盛装的伦敦小贩”的历史可以追溯到一个世纪之前,那时有位名叫亨利•克罗夫特的清洁工。他将伦敦苹果商贩所穿的以纽扣镶边的服装加以改造,以吸引人们来参加他的募捐活动。

    The " pearlies " have their origins a century ago in a street sweeper named Henry Croft , who adapted the button-festooned clothes worn by London apple-sellers to help draw attention to his charity * fundraising .