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  1. 这次会议的效率不算低,几天解决了这么多的问题,而且解决得比较好。弱凝胶调驱措施有较好的提高采收率效果。

    This session has been quite efficient : we have solved a lot of problems quite satisfactorily within a few days . and the weak gel has good effect in EOR .

  2. 老人需要爱护和照顾.我们应该照顾好老、弱、

    Old people need loving care and attention . We should take good care of the elderly , the weak , the sick and the disabled or handicapped .

  3. 健康状况自我评价标准为与上1年相比自我感觉健康状况好为优,弱为差。

    The standard for self-assessment of health : better than the condition of the last year was regarded as excellent , worst than that as bad .

  4. 而且,水平高的球队运用快速反击战术在数量和效果上均好于水平相对弱的球队,从中也进一步证实快速反击战术对评价一个球队攻击力强弱的不可或缺的重要评价指标。

    Moreover , stronger team are better than relatively weak team in number and effect of using of rapid counter-attack tactics , which also confirmed that it is an indispensable standard of evaluation of a team . Suggestions : 1 .

  5. 总的来说,高层效果好于低层,具有强周期变化规律的变量效果好于周期性弱的变量。

    In general , the simulation effect in upper layers is better than in lower layers , and the simulation effect of variables with strong cycle signals is better than that with weak cycle signals .