
  • 网络Bangor;Bangor University;University of Bangor;Bangor, University of Wales;University of Wales, Bangor
  1. TalkTalkMobile公司与班戈大学的语言学教授VyvEvans合作进行了这项“表情符号智商”测试的研究,帮助理解表情符号的意义。

    TalkTalk Mobile teamed up with Vyv Evans , linguistics professor at Bangor University to launch the study and improve understanding of emoji with the ' Emoji IQ ' tutorial .

  2. 班戈大学成立于1884年,位于英国北威尔士。班戈依山傍海,景色壮美,是英国最为安全的城市之一。

    Founded in1884 , Bangor University is one of the oldest and most prestigious degree awarding bodies in the UK .

  3. 现在科学家们希望在班戈大学开展的试验可以说服农民改善牲畜的饮食结构。

    Now it 's hoped trials being held at Bangor could persuade farmers to change the source of their animals'diet .

  4. 一支由中国教育部和数所高校组成的代表团于近日访问班戈大学。

    Bangor University was the location for a study tour for a delegation from the Chinese Education Ministry and a number of Chinese Universities .

  5. 直到后来它被送往实验室进行研究,这时英国班戈大学的科学家们才发现它如此长寿,科学家们断言它已经有400岁高龄了。

    It was only when it was taken to a laboratory that scientists from Bangor University studied it and concluded it was 400 years old .

  6. 杰米·福克斯今年22岁,他刚从威尔士的班戈大学毕业,之后他要依靠尤克里里琴、手风琴和牛铃等乐器来驱赶诺福克郡乡间田地里的山鹑。

    Jamie Fox , 22 , who recently graduated from Bangor University , will use a ukulele , accordion and cowbell to frighten partridges away from a field in Norfolk .

  7. 班戈大学海洋科学学院的劳尔·巴特勒教授说:“我们一开始就估计错误,也许我们当时发表自己的研究成果过于仓促了。但是现在我们能完全确定、我们估算出了它的准确年龄。”

    Dr Paul Butler , from the University 's School of Ocean Sciences , said : " We got it wrong the first time and maybe we were a bit hasty publishing our findings back then . But we are absolutely certain that we 've got the right age now . "