
  • 网络class teaching
  1. delphi毕业设计02学校班级教学管理系统。

    ZIP-delphi design of02 schools graduating class teaching management system .

  2. 丰富体育课班级教学组织形式;

    To enrich the PE class teaching ;

  3. 我的目标一直就是想把数学透过我的班级教学、书本、DVD课程和现场表演带给民众。我也希望我的表演能长长久久。

    My goal has always been to bring mathematics to the masses through my classes , books , DVD courses and live presentations , and I hope to be able to continue to do that for a long time .

  4. 完全学分制下选课班级教学质量监控的层次分析模型

    An Analytic Hierarchy Process of Teaching Quality Control under the Full Credit System

  5. 你认为你培训的技巧有充分的运用到实际班级教学中吗?

    Do you think your training is sufficient and relies on classroom reality ?

  6. 平等体验的生成与班级教学共同体

    The Forming of Experience of Equality and Learning Community

  7. 夸美纽斯的班级教学技术与声乐教学小组课

    On the classroom teaching skills of Johann Amos Comenius and a vocal music teaching group

  8. 英语大型班级教学中学生略读和寻读技能的培养

    Teaching Skimming and Scanning in Large Classes

  9. 实际对你的班级教学。

    Teach the lesson to your class .

  10. 教学组织形式是教学论中的一个重要问题,教学组织形式的总体发展上看是从古代的个别教学到近现代的班级教学制,在这条主线的基础上呈现出多样化的发展格局。

    The organizational form of teaching is an important problem in the theory of teaching .

  11. 实验表明,在使用现代信息技术以后,班级教学的各个方面都有了较大改观,学生的成绩提高很快。

    Experiments show that the use of modern information technology , teaching classes in all aspects have changed .

  12. 在班级教学组织形式上,以自然班为主,按男女分班、兴趣分班较少。

    Teaching classes in the form , nature classes based on gender classes , less interested in class .

  13. 在班级教学组织形式上应尝试按男女分班、按兴趣分班。

    Teaching classes in the form of organizations should try to split classes by gender , by interest classes .

  14. 同时,现代网络教育的发展,对传统班级教学中的教师作用也提出了新的要求。

    Meanwhile , the development of modern on-line education makes a new requirement for the teachers in class teaching .

  15. 它充分发挥了班级教学的优势,合理弥补了原有的局限性。

    The modern on-line education has well showed the advantages of classing teaching , and reasonably made up its limitation .

  16. 论体育课班级教学的个别化问题&基于掌握学习理论的教学模式

    Discussed the Individual Problem in Class Teaching of P · E & Based on grasp the teaching pattern of learning theory

  17. 本论文主要从教学实践角度,研究以班级教学为组织形式的、多媒体投影教学环境下的初中物理概念教学。

    The present paper mainly studies junior middle school physical concepts teaching under multimedia projector environment from the angle of educates practices .

  18. 当前发展全纳教育面临的挑战主要来自教育理念、教育政策法规、师资建设、意识观念和班级教学系统等方面。

    The development of inclusive education faces challenges from the education concept , education policy , teachers'construction , consciousness and system of class teaching , etc.

  19. 在如今无法回归个别教学,班级教学仍为主流的现实下,差异教学的提出可以适度缓解班级教学的发展态势,体现教育对每个学习者的个体差异的关注。

    In this condition , the pose of differentiate instruction can partly alleviate the class-teaching current situation and reflect the concern that education should give every student .

  20. 通过对大二年级的三个班进行实际跟踪调查了解,寻找出三个班级教学差异性和对同学影响的差异性。

    Through to the big three of the class grade actual tracking survey understanding , find out three class teaching diversity and difference of the influence to classmates .

  21. 时代的发展和社会现实促使我们对网络教育下的班级教学和教师作用进行新的研究。

    The development and reality of the era and the society requires new researches on the subject of class teaching and the teachers ' roll in on-line education .

  22. 作为个别教学组织形式的历史产物,因材施教原则与现代班级教学组织形式产生冲突。

    As a historical product of the organizational form of individual teaching , leaching students in accordance with their aptitude conflicts with the modern organizational form of class teaching form .

  23. 小班化教学是知识经济社会对人才的高要求,是在对传统班级教学制度的弊端的认识以及个性化教育的需求的背景下而产生的新型班级授课形式。

    Small-sized class teaching , as a branch in small classes education , has now become a new area of expertised research , and resulting in a number of researches .

  24. 差异教学最初运用于被认为具有学习天赋或具有学习缺陷的学生身上,现在逐步推广到班级教学中各种能力的学生。

    Differences in type teaching initially use is thought to have learning talent or the student body with learning disabilities , and now gradually extending to class teaching students of various abilities .

  25. 文章深刻地从英语教学内容的综合化、语篇语境的一体化、课堂结构的一体化、班级教学的个体化四个方面阐述英语教学法应用的新趋势。

    This essay has completely stated the new tendency of English teaching at the four aspects of English teaching content comprehensive . Language chapter and Language-integration structure of class 、 integration 、 class teaching .

  26. 根据我国的现实情况,班级教学,面对面的课堂教学组织形式仍是主流,并且在相当长一段时间内还可能占据主导地位。

    According to the present situation in our country , class teaching and face to face teaching methods are the popular main way , and would continue to play an important role in a long period .

  27. 自从实施班级教学以来,统一的教学内容、方法、起点、时间与学生们不同的知识经验、智力、意志、性格等种种个别差异之间一直存在着矛盾。

    Since implementing class teaching , there has been contradiction between the unified content of courses , method , starting point , time and the different knowledge experience , intelligence , will , personality , etc. in students .

  28. 笔者通过对群体教学与个别化教学问题的理论分析,讨论了掌握学习模式的基本原理,及其对体育课班级教学取得个别化教学效果的指导意义。

    Through analyzing for theory of group teaching and individual teaching problem , this paper discussed to grasp the basic the principle of learning patter and got the guidance meaning of individual teaching effect for the class teaching of physical education .

  29. 在教学质量监控系统中引入科学决策分析方法,对班级教学管理监控建立层次分析数学模型,研究完全学分制下选课班级的质量监控问题。

    In order to solve the problems in teaching quality control under the full credit system , a scientific method of analyzing decision-making is introduced into the teaching quality control system and a model of analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ) is constructed .

  30. 为了验证相互作用阅读模式对于培养高中学生阅读能力的积极作用,笔者与同事合作,对自己所在学校的班级教学进行了一年多的调查和实验。

    In order to prove that the " interactive model " is the best one at present that suits high school students in their work , I , collaborating with some colleagues , kept working on an experiment for over one year , which involved two classes of students .