- 名nervousness;nerve

[jumpy;neurotic] 指人的神经过敏、胆小怯懦、容易冲动的性质
Nervousness is often constitutional .
Boys and girls in rural elementary schools have remarkable differences on nervousness ( N ) .
She became neurotic about keeping the house clean .
There are also unpleasant brain effects such as anxiety and neurotic behaviour .
She was apparently a very nervous woman , and that affected her career .
She was a nervous wreck , crying when anyone asked her about her experience .
Malcolm is a brilliant but frustrated surgeon who is married to a neurotic and sexless woman .
People of a nervous disposition should not watch this movie .
Her nervous giggles annoyed me .
The study shows that those living the longest are more outgoing , more active and less neurotic than other people .
I was a temperamental genius in need of reining in by stabler personalities .
The nervous loquacity and opinionation of the Zenith Athletic Club dropped from them .
A worry wart in an office environment , for example , may spend most of his or her time fretting dismissal .
Adam : I thought6 Susan was7 a cool person8 until9 I moved in with her and turns out she 's a major10 closet11 psycho .
And " N " -- " neurotic individuals , " in contrast to those who are more stable .
NC was correlated positively with neuroticism ( N ), and negatively with extraversion ( E ) and conscientiousness ( C ) .
In Neuroticism factor of the non depression group , The only child significantly higher than non-only child ( p0.05 ) 4 .
Stepwise regression shows neuroticism , dreaming , social health , psychological health , inner controlling , extroversion and solving problem affect the sense of frustration of senior school students .
In the comparison with the national norm : The P and N scores in EPQ test in the acute glaucoma group were higher than the national norm and those in the chronic glaucoma group .
In the late 70s , one agent with abysmal self-esteem and a nervous disposition was told ( falsely ) by his case officer that his intel tidbits had been reported to the White House to rave reviews .
The physical health of young offenders and the level of mental health is mainly affected by neuroticism ( N ) and open ( O ) the impact of mitigation and pleasant performance anxiety and tension from happening .
Jack is a neurotic New Yorker meeting his French girlfriend Marion 's eccentric family in Paris .
Combining with past researches , this research attempts to probe into the relationship between handwriting characteristics and nervousness ( N ), psychosis ( P ), extraversion or introversion ( E ) in EPQ .
RESULTS : N scores in EPQ in the female infertility patients were higher than those in control group ( P < 0.01 ), which showed that the patients had emotional lability .
Eysenck personality questionnaires and coping style questionnaires were used to study the patients with acute leukemia and health persons . The results showed that N scores of the acute leukemia group were significantly higher than that of the health control group .
During a regulation , the FT of higher extraversion greatly went up , the FT of neuroticism weakly increased , and the intensity of expressional behaviors became stronger .
Neuroticism moderates the relationships between internet social , recreational , business service preference and PIU .
Significant difference was found by EPQ-E and EPQ-N ( P < 0.05 ) . The higher the social support , the better the mental health . The lower the score of EPQ-N , the higher the score of EPQ-E.
Conclusion FC patients had the personalities of introversion , nervousness , anxiety and depression , and had the relation with negative life events , thus they might need more support from the society .
Writing in the journal Scientific Reports , the researchers said : As pessimism and neuroticism are detrimental to the formation , quality and stability of relationships , this connection between the G allele and psychological disorders might decrease carriers dating opportunities or lead to romantic relationship failure .