
  • 网络Neuron Chip;Neuro chip
  1. 采用双口RAM实现单片机与LON神经元芯片的通讯

    The Communication Between Single - Chip Microcomputer and LON Neuron Chip with Dual-Port RAM

  2. 提出了神经元芯片与微处理器SPI方式实现的请求/响应通讯方式。

    The paper presents one SPI communication method for Neuron chip communicates with MCU .

  3. 本模块以Neuron神经元芯片为核心,采用现场总线拓扑结构进行组网,增强了稳定性和数据传输的可靠性。

    The Neuron chip is the key part of this module and local bus topolopy heightens the stability and reliability .

  4. 文章着重给出了神经元芯片3150与AD芯片接口转换电路的硬件实现方法及相关软件。

    The method of devising hardware and software making use of neutron chip 3150 and A / D chip-AD 1674 is presented in the paper .

  5. 基于神经元芯片的GPIB适配器的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of GPIB Adapter Based on Neuron Chip

  6. 介绍了采用神经元芯片对A/D转换器和双端口RAM进行控制的数据采集与监控系统的硬件实现与软件设计。

    The hardware implementation and software design of neuron chip based data acquisition and monitoring system , which can control A / D converter and dual port RAM , are described .

  7. 采用状态寄存器的方法,减小了神经元芯片控制功能对IO引脚的依赖,提高了系统的实时性。

    Status register is introduced into design to reduce the dependence of control ability of neuron chip on IO pins and increase the real-time of system .

  8. 神经元芯片(Neuronchip)是一种内部集成有3个管线CPU多处理器芯片,它将通讯协议和控制用微处理器有效地集成在一起,实现通信、控制、调度和I/O等功能。

    Neuron chip is a multiprocessor with three pipeline CPU ; its communication protocol and control processor are integrated in effect to carry out the function of communication , control , attemper , I / O , etc.

  9. 为了解决流速仪法测量水轮发电机组流量中多路流速信号的同步测量问题,提出一种现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)与神经元芯片相结合的测量方案。

    A new measuring scheme of field programmable gate array ( FPGA ) with neuron chip is put forward to resolve the synchronization problem of multi-channel signals of the flow velocity in flow measurement of the hydroelectric generating set .

  10. NPS-1数字神经元芯片的实现与应用

    Design and Application of a Digital Neural Network Processor Slice NPS-1

  11. 基于神经元芯片和单片机双处理器结构LON节点的研究节能减排的基础技术-功率半导体芯片

    Research on LON Node Using Dual Processors Based on Neuron Chip and Microcontroller ; Foundational Technology of Energy-Saving Emission Reduction Power Semiconductor Devices and IC 's

  12. 在分层分布式变电站综合自动化系统网络中,现场总线和与其相连的每个节点间必须要经过用于驱动信道媒介的网络收发器和用于接口的神经元芯片Neuron。

    In the net of hierarchy and distributed substation synthetic automatic system , between the field bus and the nodes monitoring data must pass through the network transceiver used to drive channel media and the Neuron chip used as interfaces .

  13. 基于神经元芯片的智能控制网络的研究与应用

    Research Application of Intelligent Control Network Based on Neuron Chip

  14. 它采用神经元芯片和电能计量芯片实现,较好的解决了这个问题。

    It adopts neuron chip and power IC and solves the prob - lem well .

  15. 主处理器处理应用程序任务,神经元芯片作为通信处理器。

    Neuron Chip as a communications processor , Host processor deal with the application tasks .

  16. 基于神经元芯片的智能探测节点

    Intelligent Detection Node Based on Neuron Chip

  17. 神经元芯片的应用

    Applications of Neuron Chips

  18. 介绍了神经元芯片的基本构造和基于神经元芯片的智能探测节点及其在开放式、数字化、多测点的测量与控制系统中的应用原理。

    Basic structure of neural chip , intelligent detection node based on neuron chip and its application in open , digital measuring and controlling system are introduced .

  19. 结合火灾报警系统的要求,分别就系统结构、神经元芯片的I/O对象分配和定义、硬件和软件等方面进行了讨论和分析。

    Combining with the requirements of fire alarm system , the system structure , I / O object distribution and definition of neuron chip , hardware and software are discussed and analyzed accordingly .

  20. 人们预计,这种后来被称为神经元的芯片成本一旦下降到1美元左右,将会广为传播。

    Those ' neurons , ' as they came to be called , were expected to spread widely once their cost fell to around $ 1 .