
  • 网络Shenzhou-8;Shenzhou 8;SZ-8
  1. 神舟八号计划于明晨发射

    Shenzhou-8 scheduled to be launched tomorrow morning

  2. 中国载人航天计划发言人在今天宣布,神舟八号无人飞船计划于明晨北京时间11月1日5时58分发射。

    CHINA 's unmanned spacecraft Shenzhou-8 is scheduled to be launched at 5:58am tomorrow , the spokesperson for China 's manned space program announced today .

  3. 周二凌晨5时58分酒泉卫星发射中心,神舟八号搭载长征二号F型火箭发射升空,进入预定轨道。

    The spacecraft was successfully sent into the designated orbit after the blastoff at 5:58 am at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern desert area , carried by an upgraded Long March-2F rocket .

  4. 今天是2011年11月1日,祝贺神舟八号发射成功!

    Today is Nov.1, 2011.Congratulations on the launch of Shenzhou VIII !

  5. 神舟八号将在完成两次对接任务后返回地球。

    The spacecraft will return to Earth after two docking operations .

  6. 据报道,神舟八号飞船将在太空与天宫一号实现两次对接。

    Shenzhou VIII will dock with Tiangong I twice in the outer space , as is reported .

  7. 在神舟八号的返回舱11月中旬返回地面之前,将进行两次这样的对接。

    Two such dockings will be conducted before the Shenzhou VIII capsule returns to earth in mid-November .

  8. 神舟八号的发射地点为中国西北部的甘肃省酒泉卫星发射中心。

    The spacecraft will be launched from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China 's Gansu Province .

  9. 埃菲社认为,神舟八号的发射,为中国建立永久空间站的计划掀开了新篇章。

    EFE thinks that the launch of the Shenzhou VIII has made a new step for the plan of China 's Permanent space station .

  10. 神舟八号带有一个德国制造的生物培养装置,里面装有植物、细菌和人体细胞试验样品,用于在太空进行生物和医学试验。

    The spacecraft is carrying a German-built incubator loaded with plant , bacteria and human cell samples for biological and medical tests during the mission .

  11. 第一次对接是在2011年11月与神舟八号无人飞船对接,这也是中国首次太空对接任务的一部分。

    The first visit was by an unmanned spacecraft called Shenzhou VIII in November 2011 , as part of China 's first space docking mission .

  12. 万众瞩目的交会对接任务将在神舟八号发射升空的两天内完成,交会对接轨道距离地球表面343公里。

    The docking will happen within two days after the launch of the Shenzhou VIII at a height of 343 km above Earth 's surface .

  13. 天宫一号目标飞行器与神舟八号飞船先后成功发射并顺利交会对接,成为我国载人航天发展史上新的里程碑。

    The Tiangong-1 space module and the Shenzhou-8 spacecraft were launched , and Shenzhou-8 successfully docked with Tiangong-1 , marking a new milestone in China 's development of manned spaceflights .

  14. 随着神舟八号发射任务的准备工作进入最后阶段,另一颗卫星的的测试工作已经在装备和测试中心有条不紊地展开。该测试中心离发射台有1.5公里的距离。

    While preparation work for the launch of Shenzhou-8 is in its final stages , testing on another satellite is going on at the assembly and testing center , 1.5 kilometers away from the launch pad .

  15. 随着神舟八号载人飞船即将发射以及探月工程陆续开展,我国航天器的数量将极具增加,这也对其长期在轨工作提出了严峻的挑战。

    With the imminent launch of the Shenzhou 8 spaceship , and gradually progress in lunar exploration , the number of spacecrafts will increase highly , which will be a severe challenge for long-term work in orbit .

  16. 不久的将来,我国还要执行神舟七号、神舟八号飞行任务。

    In the near future , I will accomplish my missions in Shenzhou VII and Shenzhou VIII .