
  • 网络Shenzhou 9;Shenzhou X;Shenzhou-9 Capsule;SZ-9
  1. 神舟九号飞船也实现了空间人工操作对接。

    Shenzhou-9 also saw the crew perform the first manned docking in space .

  2. 2012年6月,神舟九号飞船搭载中国首名女航天员进入太空。

    The launch of the Shenzhou-9 came in June 2012 , carrying China 's first female astronaut into space .

  3. 神舟九号的返回舱已按照预定的计划顺利着陆于内蒙古自治区。

    The return capsule of Shenzhou IX spacecraft touched down in north China 's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region as planned .

  4. 第二次和第三次对接任务都是载人交会对接任务,分别是在2012年6月与神舟九号对接,以及在2013年6月与神舟十号对接。

    The second and third missions were both manned : Shenzhou IX in June 2012 and Shenzhou X in June 2013 .

  5. 不管怎样,在神舟九号飞船升空之前,我们无法确定到底谁会获胜。中国官方说,此次发射将在6月中旬进行。

    In any case , we won 't know for sure who won until just before the Shenzhou-9 lifts off , an event authorities have said will happen " in mid-June . "

  6. 在6月24日,三位中国航天员成功完成了神舟九号宇宙飞船与天宫一号太空实验室的手动对接,这是中国太空探险历史上的首次尝试。

    On June 24 , the three Chinese astronauts successfully completed a manual docking between the Shenzhou IX spacecraft and the orbiting Tiangong-1 lab module , the first such attempt in China 's history of space exploration .

  7. 此次天宫一号与神舟九号宇宙飞船的成功交会与对接,标志着中国太空对接技术的巨大突破,也标志着中国载人航天工程在完成第二战略目标中决定性的进步。

    The successful rendezvous and docking between the target orbiter Tiangong-1 and the Shenzhou IX spacecraft marks a significant breakthrough in China 's space docking technology , and it also marks decisive progress in fulfilling the second strategic target of China 's manned space program , reads the note .

  8. 他2008年参加了神舟七号任务,2012年参加了神舟九号任务。

    He was on the Shenzhou 7 mission in 2008 and the Shenzhou 9 mission in 2012 .