
  • 网络Tiangong-1;TG-1;Tiangong 1;Tiangong
  1. 天宫一号的主要任务就是解决信号传递的问题。

    The main mission for Tiangong-1 is to solve this problem .

  2. 中国准备发射首个太空实验室‘天宫一号’。

    China isdue to launch its first space laboratory , Tiangong-1 .

  3. 9月29日,中国在酒泉卫星发射中心用长征二号F运载火箭将天宫一号目标飞行器发射升空。

    A screen shows the blast-off of the Long March-2FT1 carrier rocket loaded with Tiangong-1 unmanned space lab module at Beijing Aerospace Control Center , Sept.29,2011 .

  4. 展览也有基于“天宫一号”失重条件的相关活动。

    There are also activities based on the weightless conditions of Tiangong-1 .

  5. 预祝神八与天宫一号对接成功!

    Wish a successful docking with the Tiangong-1 .

  6. 天宫一号已经完成了6次空间交会,并和3艘飞船实现了对接。

    Tiangong I had completed six space rendezvous and docking missions with three visiting spacecraft .

  7. 明年,天宫一号即将退出轨道运行,由一个更大的太空舱取代。

    It will be taken out of orbit next year and replaced with a larger module .

  8. 没必要。被天宫一号的残片击中的可能性几乎为零。

    No. The chances of being hit by part of the space station are basically zero .

  9. 据报道,神舟八号飞船将在太空与天宫一号实现两次对接。

    Shenzhou VIII will dock with Tiangong I twice in the outer space , as is reported .

  10. 在轨飞行期间,三名航天员完成了与天宫一号空间实验室的两次交会对接任务。

    While in orbit , the three astronauts completed two docking tests with the Tiangong-1 experimental space lab.

  11. 对此,中外媒体纷纷予以关注,期待“神八”飞船追吻“天宫一号”。

    Chinese and foreign media attach great attention about it and expect Shenzhou VIII to dock with Tiankong I.

  12. 项目发言人称,“天宫一号”将作为空间交会对接的目标飞行器,完成交会对接试验。

    The program spokesman said that Tiangong-1 will serve as " a target spacecraft " for rendezvous and docking experiments .

  13. 天宫一号发射地点是在中国西北部戈壁沙漠中的酒泉卫星发射基地,没有载人任务。

    The unmanned Tiangong-1 will blast off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the Gobi Desert in Northwest China .

  14. 对接后,天宫一号最终会转为载人空间实验室。

    Following the docking , Tiangong I , or Heavenly Palace , will eventually be transformed into a manned space laboratory .

  15. 天宫一号作为实验基地已服役了四年多,差不多是最初预期寿命的两倍。

    The Tiangong-1 served as a base for experiments for more than four years , roughly twice as long as originally anticipated .

  16. 中国计划在2011年下半年发射无人目标飞行器“天宫一号”,并完成中国首次空间交会对接任务。

    China plans to launch an unmanned space module , Tiangong-1 , in the second half of2011 for the nation 's first space docking .

  17. 到2011年年中,“天宫一号”模块的建设已经完成,电子、机械、热性能方面的测试也已全面展开。

    By mid-2011 , the construction of the Tiangong module was complete , and testing of its electronic , mechanical and thermal properties was underway .

  18. 神十载人飞行任务于6月11日至26日进行,期间神舟十号飞船两次与天宫一号轨道空间实验室成功实现对接。

    The mission was carried out from June 11 to 26 , during which time the Shenzhou-10 docked with the orbiting space lab Tiangong-1 twice .

  19. 接下来几天,“天宫一号”目标飞行器的各个系统将接受综合的质量检查,并完成燃料的加注工作。

    The " Tiangong-1 " target spacecraft will receive comprehensive quality review on all of its systems and complete fuel filling in the next few days .

  20. 天宫一号是中国发展载人空间站的第一步,北京希望空间站在2020年之前全面运转。

    The module represents the first element of China 's plan to develop a manned space station , which Beijing hopes will be fully operational by2020 .

  21. 天宫一号发射的时候没有载人,但是设计初衷是可载人的,用来测试与其他飞船对接并进行一系列实验。

    It was launched unmanned but was designed to be habitable , to test docking with other craft , and to be used for conducting experiments .

  22. 像神舟9号一样,神舟10号的船员也可能包括两名男飞行员和一名女飞行员,他们将进入天宫一号模拟太空实验室。

    Like in the Shenzhou-9 mission , the crew might include two men astronauts and a woman , who are scheduled to enter the Tiangong-1 space lab module .

  23. 7月8日15时42分,几名游客正在黑龙江省凤凰山风景区游览照相,突然发现空中出现犹如“天宫一号”状的不明飞行物体。

    A Tiangong 1-like unidentified flying object was spotted by a group of visitors when visiting the Phoenix Mountain scenic spot in Heilongjiang Province around 3:42 pm July 8 .

  24. 天宫一号目标飞行器与神舟八号飞船先后成功发射并顺利交会对接,成为我国载人航天发展史上新的里程碑。

    The Tiangong-1 space module and the Shenzhou-8 spacecraft were launched , and Shenzhou-8 successfully docked with Tiangong-1 , marking a new milestone in China 's development of manned spaceflights .

  25. 中国即将发射天宫一号之际,美国正在削减空间项目资金,在今年7月亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机最后一次升空后,让其航天飞机退役。

    The launch comes as the US is cutting funding for its space programme , having retired its space shuttle fleet after a last flight of the Atlantis in July .

  26. 地球上海洋和荒漠面积广大,意味着天宫一号重入大气层后未烧蚀销毁的部分不太可能击中有人居住的地区。

    The large expanses of ocean and desert on earth means that the portions of the lab that do not burn up on entering the atmosphere are unlikely to hit populated areas .

  27. 神州8号有望执行我国首次空间交会对接任务,与九月下旬送入太空的空间实验模块&天宫一号联结。

    Shenzhou-8 is expected to perform China 's first-ever space rendezvous and docking when it joins up with Tiangong-1 , or Heavenly Palace-1 , a space lab module sent into space in late September .

  28. 中国正在为将首名女航天员送入太空做准备,这次飞行也是中国的宇宙飞船与天宫一号目标飞行器进行的首次载人交会对接任务。

    China is getting ready to send a woman into space for the first time in a mission that will also represent the country 's first manned docking mission with its Tiangong-1 space station .

  29. 这艘航天飞船成功实现了与在轨空间模块天宫一号的对接,天宫一号在神州八号发射前两个月升空,并且会在接下来的时间里与神州九号和十号实现对接。

    The spacecraft successfully docked with the orbiting Tiangong-1 space module , which was launched less than two months prior and then went on to dock with both the Shenzhou-9 and Shenzhou-10 in following years .

  30. 在烧毁的航天器里面,天宫一号的体积仅排在第50位,而此前没有任何记录显示有人被烧毁的航天器碎片击中并导致伤亡。

    In terms of size , Tiangong-1 is only the 50th largest spacecraft to come down , and there have been no recorded deaths or injuries from people being struck by debris from any of them .