
tiān qì léi dá
  • weather radar
  1. 介绍了一种C波段脉冲多普勒天气雷达接收机。

    A C-band pulse Doppler weather radar receiver is described in detail in this paper .

  2. X波段双通道同时收发式多普勒偏振天气雷达

    Dopple-Polarization Weather Radar of Simutaneous Transmissions and Receivers of X-Band Double-Channel

  3. 一种X波段多普勒天气雷达信号处理器的研制

    Development of the signal processor of an X-band Doppler weather radar

  4. 地理信息系统(GIS)在新一代天气雷达选址中的应用

    Application of Geographical Information System to CINRAD ′ s Siting

  5. 新一代天气雷达中GPS校时技术应用

    Application of Time Calibrating Technology with GPS in CINRAD / SA Radar

  6. X波段车载型多普勒天气雷达结构总体设计综述

    Summery for the Structural Design of X Band Vehicle-borne Doppler Weather Radar System

  7. 基于ANSYS的天气雷达站塔楼结构分析

    Construction Analysis of a Weather Radar Tower Based on ANSYS

  8. 多普勒天气雷达速度回波图的UHF信道传输

    UHF channel transmission of the velocity echo image on Doppler Weather Radar

  9. 利用K邻域频数法对714SDN型多普勒天气雷达原始资料进行预处理,分析了参数的选取对处理结果的影响,得出了一些重要结论。

    A K-Neighborhood Frequency method is used to preprocess the Doppler weather radar data and its effect is analyzed , some significant conclusions are educed .

  10. 基于先进的C波段双线偏振多普勒天气雷达的系统构成、工作过程和性能指标,分析了双线偏振天气雷达测量精度。

    This paper describes the components , operation and technical specification of a system of advanced C-band dual-polarization Doppler weather radar . The measurement precision of the radar is analyzed .

  11. 多普勒天气雷达单PPI探测强风暴的方法

    Detection of Severe Storm Using Doppler Weather Radar Single PPI Data

  12. 用ADSL作为新一代天气雷达备用传输线路的设计

    Design of ADSL as the backup transmission line of the new generation weather radar

  13. VAD技术在3830多普勒天气雷达中的应用

    Application of VAD Technique to the 3830 Doppler Weather Radar

  14. 利用太原C波段多普勒天气雷达基数据资料和自动雨量站资料,对2006年4月11日发生在山西省的一次区域性暴雪过程进行了分析。

    By using the data of C-Wave Band Doppler weather radar and the precipitation data from AWS in Taiyuan , a regional snowstorm event occurring in Shanxi on April 11 , 2006 was analyzed .

  15. 常规天气雷达涨落回波中湍流速度的伪彩色PPI显示

    PPI pseudo-color display of turbulent velocity in the fluctuating echoes observed by a conventional weather-radar

  16. X波段双基站多普勒天气雷达系统是一种新型气象探测雷达系统,主要用于测量降雨回波的三维风场。

    X band bistatic Doppler weather radar is a new kind of weather detection radar system . It can detect three dimensional wind vector fields from the echo of rain .

  17. 这为FFT变换算法应用到新一代多普勒雷天气雷达信号处理系统上做了很好地铺垫。

    It paves the way very well for the FFT algorithm applied to the signal processing system of the new generation Doppler weather radar .

  18. 第五部分介绍天气雷达地理信息组件,一个小型的GIS系统,该组件为系统提供了定位天气系统的能力,更直观的反映天气系统的演变。

    The fifth part introduce weather radar GIS component , a mini GIS . This component provide system locating ability for weather system . It can reflect weather system evolvement more directly .

  19. 利用16个冰雹个例,通过VC编程语言,重新实现了基于新一代天气雷达的冰雹算法模块并进行检验。

    The new hail detection algorithm is rebuilt by using the VC programming language and is tested with the radar and surface report data of 16 hailstorm cases .

  20. 本文根据FCM算法初步建立了一种适用于我国多普勒天气雷达反射率资料的质量控制方案。

    This paper gives a method of reflectivity quality control for CINARAD Doppler weather radar in China on the basis on FCM algorithm .

  21. GLC-12型X波段全相参双线偏振脉冲多普勒天气雷达技术

    The GLC-12 type X-band Fully Coherent Pulsed Doppler Weather Radar Technology with Dual-linear Polarization Capability

  22. 数字化3cm天气雷达定量测量降水的结果和讨论

    The results and discussions of quantitatively measuring rainfall with a digital X-band weather radar

  23. 阐述了VAD技术的基本原理,以CINRAD-CC多普勒天气雷达为例,介绍了在多普勒天气雷达中利用VAD技术探测垂直风廓线的的具体应用。

    The basic principle of VAD technique and its application in Doppler weather radar are described in this paper .

  24. 介绍了一种X波段多普勒天气雷达信号处理器的设计,给出了硬件系统和软件系统的基本构成并对基本算法及一些处理方法作了描述。

    This paper introduces the development of the signal processor of an X-band Doppler weather radar , provides the basic composition of the hardware and software systems , and describes some basic algorithms and methods of signal processing .

  25. 新一代天气雷达VIL产品修正方法初探

    Primary study on the revised method to the VIL products of the New-Generation Weather Radar

  26. 武汉数字化天气雷达系统微机远程终端网络(WMSN)及其应用

    A microcomputer-based remote terminal network of Wuhan digitized weather radar system and its application

  27. 给出了P波段风廓线雷达结构总体设计,针对天气雷达的特点、技术和环境条件的要求对总体结构的几个主要组成作了简要的介绍,可以作为风廓线雷达结构设计参考。

    In this paper , we present the structural design of a P-band wind profile radar and give a detailed introduction to the main parts of its structure . It can be used as reference for the structural design of similar P-band weather radar system .

  28. 本文讨论了3cm天气雷达在兰州地区定量测量降水及其精度;

    The accuracy of quantitatively measuring rainfall in Lanzhou area with a X-band weather radar has been discussed .

  29. 将安徽合肥新一代天气雷达观测的回波强度按上述方法加入到MM5中,形成敏感试验的初始场。

    The echo intensity data of Hefei Doppler radar observations come into being the initial fields of MM5 sensitive experimentation .

  30. WSR-88D多普勒天气雷达拥有70余种产品(包括基本产品和导出产品),大大提高了对天气现象的探测和预报能力。

    There are over 70 products ( base and derived products ) in the WSR 88D .