
qiú tuán
  • pelletizing
球团[qiú tuán]
  1. 介绍了西门子S7可编过程控制器在峨口球团工程中的应用以及利用西门子自动化网络设备搭建网络的一则实例。

    The paper describes the application of Siemens S7 PLC in Ekou pelletizing project and the example of constructing a network using Siemens automatized networking equipment .

  2. 为降低球团工艺的粘结剂用量,提高球团矿品位和产量,采用ZX-Ⅱ型粘结剂进行了生产酸性球团矿的工业试验,并取得了良好的效果。

    In order to decrease consumption of binder in pelletizing process , increase pellet grade and output , the commercial pelletizing experiment with addition of ZX - ⅱ binder was conducted in Ji Nan I & S Co , and satisfactory result was obtained .

  3. 用手把生面团揉成一些球团。

    Form the dough into balls with your hands .

  4. 均一的混合和湿度,没有球团或者滴水斑点的产生

    Homogeneous mixing and moistening without the formation of agglomerations or wet spots .

  5. 过共晶Al-Si合金中球团状初生Si的形成机理

    Formation Mechanism of Spheroidal Primary Si in Hypereutectic Al-Si Alloys

  6. 氧化球团矿中Fe2O3的结晶规律

    Crystal rule of Fe_2O_3 in oxidized pellet

  7. DCS在球团竖炉中的应用

    Application of DCS System in Pellet Furnace

  8. 南非HI磁铁精矿球团试验

    Pelletizing test of hi magnetite concentrate

  9. 在950~1000℃时,氧化反应为混合控制;在较低氧化温度下,加入MgO可以降低化学反应阻力,提高球团的氧化率;

    The addition of MgO can slow down the oxidation rate at lower temperatures .

  10. 降低酸性球团SiO2含量的措施及效果

    Measures and effectiveness of reducing SiO_2 content in acid pellet

  11. MgO在球团矿中赋存形式的研究

    State of MgO existing in pellets

  12. BL法竖炉还原过程中球团内碳与硫元素含量的变化

    Change of Carbon and Sulfur Contents in the Pellets During Direct Reduction in BL Shaft Furnace

  13. 笔者提出:采用解耦算法,最优预估控制算法,以DSP为核心硬件,提高球团矿的合格率、抗压率、转鼓率。

    The author puts forward : using uncoupling algorithm 、 optimal predictive algorithm based on DSP hardware , it can promote the percent of pass , bearing , rolling drum .

  14. Li2CO3在含碳球团还原中催化机理的研究

    Study on the catalysis mechanism of li_2co_3 for reduction of iron ore pellet with carbon

  15. 介绍了国外SRC法即铬矿预还原球团的生产工艺和使用该球团冶炼炉料级铬铁的概况。

    This paper introduces the general situation of SRC process and the produced pellets being used for the production of charge chrome at overseas .

  16. 含Zn,Pb等有害元素较高的尘泥,生产高炉用还原球团是一条较彻底的尘泥利用途径。

    As for those dusts containing more Zn , Pb and / or S , a method of relatively thorough utilization is to make them up as metallization pellets for blast furnace .

  17. 首钢球团厂降低球团矿FeO的实践

    Operating practice of decreasing pellets FeO during 1999 to the first half year of 2000 , shougang pelletizing plant

  18. 文章针对球团这类特殊的不规则球体的粒度检测,提出基于模糊C均值聚类(FCM)的快速圆霍夫变换(CHT)算法。

    Aimed at measuring the size of irregular spherical pellets , we bring forward a faster Circle Hough Transform ( CHT ) algorithm based on fuzzy C-means clustering .

  19. 2D炭/炭复合材料的性能与微观结构有重要联系,球团状结构的性能较片层状结构的性能差,抗拉强变降低了约58%,抗拉模量降低了约63%。

    The properties of the 2D carbon-carbon composite with accumulated granules structure are lower than those with laminar structure . The tensile strength reduces by 58 % and tensile modulus decreases by 63 % .

  20. 成品球团矿抗压强度大于2480N/个,ISO转鼓大于97%,耐磨指数小于2%。

    The compression strength of the finished pellets was in excess of 2480 N / P , the ISO tumbling index over 97 % and the abrasion index less than 2 % .

  21. 实现Fe/V、Ti有效分离的关键在于采用冷固球团直接还原专利技术及球团内添加高效添加剂。

    The key technology for separation of Fe from TiO 2 and V 2O 5 is dependant upon the patented process direct reduction of cold bound pellets and the high effective additives embeded in the cold bound pellets .

  22. 300t高碳冷压球团高炉冶炼试验表明,该球团能大幅度降低焦比。

    Blast furnace test of 300 t of the pellets shows that coke rate can be decreased largely by smelting the pellets .

  23. 冶金性能检验表明,配用巴西PF精矿的球团矿,除低温还原粉化变差导致压差略有升高外,还原性、还原速率、还原膨胀、熔滴性能的变化不大。

    In addition , no obvious changes were observed in metallurgical properties , such as reducibility , reduction rate , expansion after reduction , except for a little worse of RDI index and pressure difference .

  24. 针对唐山建龙烧结厂竖炉球团添加OG泥后抗压强度出现的变化进行了研究。

    The change of pellet compression strength after OG sludge was added to pelletizing mix in shaft furnace pelletizing production in Jianlong Sintering Plant , Tangshan was researched .

  25. 在球团焙烧特性研究的基础上得出了球团矿强度、FeO含量和脱硫率三个经验模型。

    Based on the results from the studies of pellet firing characteristics three empirical models of pellet strength , FeO & content in pellet and desulphurization rate have been developed .

  26. MHA粘结剂的加入,改变了镜铁矿球团的结晶过程,有利于改善镜铁矿的高温焙烧性能,获得高强度的成品球团矿。

    Therefore , these changes in the induration process of specularite at high temperature improve the roasting properties of the pellets with MHA binder .

  27. 生产实践表明,配用秘鲁精粉、巴西CVRD精粉、巴西卡拉加斯精粉均可生产出强度较高的球团矿,而配用PF精粉生产出的球团矿强度次之。

    The production practice indicated that pellets produced with Peru and Brazil CVRD and GPRJ concentrates have higher strength , but those produced with PF concentrates have slightly lower strength .

  28. 本文通过用焦炉煤气对金属化球团进行冷却试验表明:在焦炉煤气中加入定量的水蒸汽,可避免煤气中的有机硫由于转化成H2S而造成对产品质量的影响。

    The results of cooling test of metallized pellets conducted with coke-oven gas has indicated that adding a certain quantity of water steam into the coke-oven gas could prevent the effect of H_2S converted from cooling gas on the quality of metallized pellets .

  29. PT-I型球团矿炉外冷却器的设计研究

    Study on Designing for PT-I Out-Furnace Pellet Cooler

  30. 新工艺核心为弱还原焙烧脱锡、锌和砷,以及强还原焙烧制备金属化球团(DRI)。

    The cores of the new technology were selective separation of tin , zinc and arsenic by weak reduction roasting , and preparation of metallic pellets ( DRI ) by strong reduction roasting .