
  • 网络balling;pelletize
  1. 圆盘造球机是造球的重要设备之一。

    Disc balling machine is kind of major equipment in pellet production .

  2. 采用均匀送风治理造球室环境

    Using Uniform Air Blast to Improve Balling Room Conditions

  3. 介绍了宣钢使用巴西MBR精矿进行造球试验及工业试验的情况。

    The laboratory test and the industrial experiment of applicating Brazilian MBR concentrates for pelletizing production was conducted .

  4. 基于模糊控制原理和PID控制原理,设计了自动造球系统的模糊控制器和自动配料系统的PI控制器,并通过实验方法确定了PI参数;

    Founds on the principle of fuzzy control and PID control , the fuzzy controller of automatic palletizing system and the PI controller of automatic mixing system were designed . PI parameters were also ascertained by experimentation .

  5. 造球法可采用圆筒和圆盘两种方式,适宜的造球时间为10min~15min,水分为21%左右。

    It is shown that a suitable pelleting time is 10min ~ 15min , moisture is about 21 % .

  6. 济钢在球团膨润土中配加碱性物料,采用雷蒙磨细磨,试验成功了低SiO2含量、造球粘结性能良好的碱性复合球团用粘结剂,取代以SiO2含量为主的膨润土类粘结剂。

    A new alkaline complex binder with low SiO2 content and good balling binding behaviour , substituted for bentonite binding which the main content is SiO2 , is got by adding alkaline material to pellet bentonite .

  7. Φ5500mm圆盘造球机推力轴承采用稀油润滑的寿命测算

    Calculating Life of Ball Thrust Bearing in Ф 5 500 mm Rotary Disk Type Pelletizer with Oil Lubrication

  8. 试验结果表明适宜的水分为84%~10%,适宜的造球时间为30min,内配煤量对生球强度影响很小。

    The experimental results show that the proper pelletizing parameters are 8.4 % ~ 10 % of water addition and 30 minutes of pelletizing time . The coal addition has little influence on strength of green pellets .

  9. 将粒度很细的含锌铅高炉粉尘和不含锌铅的转炉粉尘混合造球,实验表明,球团的最佳条件为造球时间20min,水分为21%;

    The Zn-Pb-bearing dust from BF and LD dust without Zn were mixed and then made to pellets . The results show that the water content of 21 % and time of 20 min , for pellets making were considered to be the best conditions .

  10. 圆盘造球机调角装置的设计计算

    Design and calculation of an angle adjusting device for disk pelletizer

  11. 不同品种粘结剂对除尘灰造球质量的影响

    Influence of different kinds of binder on precipitator dust micro-pelleting

  12. 圆盘造球机采用大型轴承支托的探讨

    An approach to application of large-size ball bearing support in balling disc

  13. 造球工段自动控制系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implement of Automatic Control System of Pelletizing Workshop

  14. 造球圆盘底衬材质的选择

    Selection of materials for botton liner of disc pelletizer

  15. 造球系统在线最佳负荷寻优策略的分析与研究

    Analysis and research on online optimizing strategy of optimum load in pelleting system

  16. 钢铁厂含锌、铅粉尘基本物性及造球工艺

    Basic Properties and Pellet Making Process for Iron and Steel Plant Zn-Pb-Bearing Dust

  17. 改进圆盘造球机工艺性能的研究

    Study on improvement of technological function of balling discs

  18. 造球喷加炼钢污泥试验

    Test of Adding Steelmaking Mud in Pelletizing Production

  19. 该模型可为研究连续操作的圆筒造球机的工作特性提供参考依据。

    This model can provide references for the performance characteristics of continuous drum pelletizer .

  20. 炼制不锈钢除尘灰的造球特性

    Pelletizing Properties of Dust of Stainless Steelmaking

  21. 炼钢污泥对造球的作用及其替代膨润土比例的研究

    Experimental Research on Function of Steelmaking Sludge in Pelletizing and Its Substitute Ratio for Bentonite

  22. 可编程逻辑控制器在圆筒造球机上的应用

    Application of PLC at balling drum

  23. 含锌电炉粉尘的造球特性

    Pelletizing properties of zinc-bearing EAF dust

  24. 造球盘衬板对生球质量的影响及改进措施

    Influence of granulating disc 's lining on quality of green pellets and measures to improve the lining

  25. 綦江式赤菱混合矿粉矿造球还原焙烧磁选试验研究

    Pelletization , Reducing Roast and Magnetic Separation Tests of Mixture Fine Ore of Qijiang-type Hematite and Siderite

  26. 这种状况使得成球的产量和质量完全依赖于造球工艺段的状态;

    It results in the quality and output of finished pellet absolutely depended on the status of making pallet part .

  27. 本课题研究的重点和难点是粘结剂的开发,因为粘结剂是硫铁矿烧渣、污泥、除尘灰造球技术的关键,同时该技术对粘结剂有特殊的要求。

    Pay more attention to research of adhesives in the paper , because adhesive is the key of the technology .

  28. 所给公式已经实践证明比较合理,可应用于造球机设计。

    The expressions have been proved to be reasonable by practice and can be used in the design of pelletizer .

  29. 水分对生球性能影响显著,最佳的造球水分范围为7.9%~8.4%;

    Moisture has markedly effect on green ball properties , optimal balling moisture should be 7.9 % ~ 8.4 % ;

  30. 极大改善了磁铁矿精矿的造球性能,提高了生球质量。

    As a result , the balling performance of magnetite concentrate was greatly improved and the quality of green ball raised .