
qiú gǎn
  • feel of the ball
球感[qiú gǎn]
  1. 我真的很喜欢球拍的控制和球感。

    I really liked the control and feel from this racquet .

  2. 谈体育院校足球课中的球感训练

    On the Ball-Feeling Training in a Football Class in a Sports Institute

  3. 这款柔韧的网球拍可以提供很好的球感和控制感。

    This flexible racquet offers lots of feel and control .

  4. 整体比赛速度和球感比以前改进了很多,头球也多多使用了哦。

    The acceleration and the ball awareness has introduced more headers than before .

  5. 羽毛球运动员球感与腕关节动作记忆表象的关系

    The Relation between the Feel of Badminton Player and the Wrist Movement Memory Image

  6. 谈少年排球运动员球感的培养

    Training of Youth Volleyball Athletes Ball - feeling

  7. “球性”是“球感”的成份,是“球感”的外在表现。

    " Ball-handling Skills " is the part and out-expression of the Game Senses .

  8. 试论篮球球感及其练习设计原则

    Discussing On the Game Senses in Basketball And the Principle of the Training Design

  9. 排球正面扣球技术教学的球感练习法GB/T849-1988球面垫圈

    On methods of training feelings of face spike of volleyball ; Washers with ball face

  10. 排球运动员的球感好坏在排球运动训练与比赛中具有十分重要的意义。

    The " ball sense " of volleyballers is of significance in volleyball training and matches .

  11. 慢慢建立起的信心和球感在穆沦斯汀的计划中占有重要位置。

    The in-built confidence in possession and comfort with the ball is vitally important to Meulensteen 's programme .

  12. 这是一个机会,凭借着良好的球感,我打进了,甚至连我自己都没看清进球。

    It was one of those where I just took a chance without even looking at the goal .

  13. 球感的熟练程度直接影响着运动员对球的支配。

    Sphere of inertia The skilled degree of game senses is influencing athlete 's domination of the ball directly .

  14. 接触式击打仍有明显的球感,而快速包裹式的截击则有足够的稳定性和友好感觉。

    There 's ample feel for touch shots and enough stability and pop to punch volleys away with pace .

  15. 本文就优秀羽毛球运动员的球感与手腕动作记忆表象能力作了初步的研究。

    This study is a tentative test on the requirements of players ' feel and wrist movement memory image .

  16. 优势:非常出色的球感,有出众的带球过人技术,而且是一个在场上眼界很开阔的球员。

    Strengths : Excellent composure on the ball , a good passer of the ball and a player with great vision .

  17. “球感”具有先天性、后天获得的年龄制约性、可塑性等特征。

    It influences the accuracy of the technological usage and has some features such as inborn , acquired years-restricted , plasticity etc.

  18. 在训练中如何培养运动员的球感并能让其在比赛中发挥作用,这是教练员关注和要解决的问题。

    How to develop the feel of training and make use of it in competition is a critical problem for the coaches .

  19. 广东省少年女子乙组篮球运动员球感的测定与评价研究

    A Research in the Determination and Evaluation of the Ball Sense in Juvenile Female Basketball Players in Group B in Guangdong Province

  20. 他是一位高大、强壮的球员,他的球感很好,他很有机会。

    He needs to get football – he 's a big , powerful lad with good feet and he has a chance .

  21. 他的球感,传球,跑位都是顶呱呱的,他很努力也很职业。

    He 's really good on the ball , with good passing , good movement , he works hard and is a good professional .

  22. 贝巴的球感一直很好,而现在他开始进入禁区,开始进球了。

    Dimitar has always had a great touch and gave us composure but because he is also going into the box , he is scoring goals .

  23. 洛佩斯生涯球感已大有改进。过去3年,在10至16英尺距离,洛佩斯命中率实际能达45%或说是出手效果更好了。

    Lopez has developed his touch over his career and actually shot 45 % or better on attempts between 10-16 feet over the last three years .

  24. 艾伦:我明白了。于莉,我对挂在我们上方的那只贴有珍珠的绿色彩绘球感兴趣。我想看清楚一点。

    Allan : I see . Emily , I am interested in that green painted ball with pearls hung above . I 'd like to have a clear look .

  25. 运球是培养球感的重要手段,球感在于手和球的接触面积和时间;

    Dribble is the important means to train the ball feeling and the feel of the ball lies in the contact area and time of the hand and ball .

  26. 姚是一个正统中锋,这个身长7尺6体重310镑的大个子,有很好的球感,他可以站得离篮框更近。

    Yao is a true center – a giant at7-6,310 , and although Yao has a nice touch for a man this size , he stays much closer to the basket .

  27. 通过对球感有直接影响的诸因素进行分析,论证其内在的积极影响和不利因素,以期为篮球训练水平向高层次的发展提供理论依据。

    Through has the direct influence to the ball-feeling the various factors to carry on the analysis , Proves intrinsic its positively affects with the disadvantage factor , Provides the theory basis take the time as the basketball training level high level development .

  28. 本人根据多年足球教学实践,通过增加“球感”练习内容,有助于加快足球基本技术的掌握,对提高普通高校足球技、战术水平有较好的效果。

    According to the author 's football teaching experiences in many years , more exercises of the senses of ball can help the students command the football basic skills more quickly and have a better effect to improve the students ' football skills and tactics .

  29. 保罗的跑动进攻和中投能力在球队中都是独一无二的,如果没有他的领导能力,强劲的韧性和球感,当勇士起势的时候,火箭是无法坚持下去的。

    Paul 's ability to run an offense amid chaos and create shots from the midrange was unique on the team , and without his leadership , toughness and feel , the Rockets were unable to hold on when the Warriors turned up the heat .

  30. 就网球的球感和手感在体育教学与训练中的运用,通过文献资料法、访谈法、逻辑分析法,论述了网球的球感和手感的重要性及教学与训练方法。

    In view of the application of touching of tennis and feeling of touching in tennis teaching and its physical training , this essay discusses the importance and training method of touching of tennis and feeling of touching by means of documentary data , interview and logical analysis .