
  1. 我可不想我们的球球互相摩擦。

    I don 't want our balls rubbing against each other .

  2. 蒸球球内温度分布及测量的研究

    Studies on temperature measurement and its profile in spherical digester

  3. 你还记得球球吗,伦敦的那个男孩?

    You remember that boy in london . jojo ?

  4. 高压辊磨预处理强化巴西镜铁矿球团全球数据处理系统球球数据处理系统

    Improvement in pelletization of Brazilian specularite by high-pressure roller grinding global data processing system

  5. 计算中,假设合金中的各个原子的原子球球内势场为球对称;

    In this calculation the potential inside each of the atom spheres in alloy is assumed to be spherically symmetric ;

  6. 人生不一定球球好球,但是有历练的强打者,随时都可以挥棒。

    In life , not every pitch is good , but a strong hitter with a lot of practice and discipline can swing the bat successfully anytime .

  7. 一种两个游戏者的游戏他们用球拍去打一个球球在杆子顶端的范围内。

    A game with two players who use rackets to strike a ball that is tethered to the top of a pole ; the object is to wrap the string around the pole .

  8. 叶球单球质量1.75kg,抗病毒病和黑腐病,不易裂球,品质优,适于华北、东北、西北地区早秋种植。

    It is resistant to both virus disease and black rot , with characteristics of tolerance to head dehiscence and good quality . It is suitable for early-autumn planting in north China , northeast and northwest parts of China .

  9. 论乒乓球多球训练法的实战应用

    Discussion on the Applying of Multi-ball Training Method in Table Tennis

  10. 模糊球的球坐标描述虎纹蛙眼球呈圆球形。

    Fuzzy Sphere Realized form Spherical Coordinates The eyeball is of sphere .

  11. 饰品,艺品,乐器零件,球具球头。

    Ornaments , arts , musical instrument parts , golf clubs head .

  12. 乒乓球与球桌碰撞的力学模型

    Mechanical Model of Collision between Table Tennis Ball and Table

  13. 不同负荷乒乓球多球训练间歇时间的回归预测

    Different Load Table Tennis Multi-balls Training Quiescent Interval Return Forecast

  14. 他未截住球,球向前滚到禁区中间。

    Off he goes then , the ball across him towards the center .

  15. 墙网球的球拍、球、球

    A squash racket , ball , court , game

  16. 我想接住球时球从我的手中滑落了。

    The ball slipped out of my hands as I tried to catched it .

  17. 古森在大雨中一记近距离击球,球在球洞附近停下。

    Goosen hits approach shot in heavy rain , Ball stops close to pin .

  18. 运动水滴在球&球直流电场中的放电研究

    Study on the DC Discharge of Moving Water Drops in Sphere - sphere Gap

  19. 合适的工艺参数(如配球、球料比及球磨转速)可有效促进合金化和降低杂质含量;

    Proper choice of technique parameters can facilitate the alloying process and reduce impurities .

  20. 球-球电极气液两相体直流击穿现象的研究

    Breakdown Characteristics of the Two-phase Mixture of Gas and Liquid in a Sphere-sphere DC Gap

  21. 一名球员在深深的长草里找到了他的球,球刚刚能看到。

    A player finds his ball in deep rough and the ball is barely visible .

  22. 实验室研究表明:配加轻烧白云石粉之后,生球成球性能有所改善;

    The results showed that the pelletizing performance is improved with addition of dolomite powder .

  23. 旋球与球飞进方向相反的旋转;逆旋转。

    A spin given to a ball opposite to its direction of flight ; a backspin .

  24. 研究了空气和雾组成的气液混合两相体在球-球电极中的直流击穿电压。

    This paper investigates the DC breakdown voltage in the two-phase mixture that is composed of air and mist .

  25. 通过一个虚拟乒乓球掂球实验验证了本系统的高性能与控制方法的有效性。

    Finally , a virtual table tennis experiment is designed to verify the systemic high performance and validity of the strategy .

  26. 警察根据线索追根到底,终于抓住了这个罪犯。塞莱斯打了一个低斜线球,球落到了底线。

    The police followed home the clue and finally caught the culprit . Seles volleys a low crosscourt shot deep to the Baselines .

  27. 球员打了一个临时球,球停在果岭之外,但比原始球更接近球洞。

    The player played a provisional ball which came to rest short of the green , but closer to the hole than his original ball .

  28. 珠光体球化球化反映到金相上,是一种不规则图像的变化,并且具有分形的特征,可望用分形几何的方法来进行描述。

    Pearlite spheroidization is irregular changing of metallographical image and has the features of fractal , so it can be described by technique of fractal .

  29. 球手应当确保任何他造成的打迹和球对球洞区造成的损坏,都应小心地修理好。

    A player should ensure that any divot hole made by him and any damage to the putting green made by a ball is carefully repaired .

  30. 他很有创造力,拿球出球都很不错,所以他应该为自己高兴。

    He was inventive , he received it well and his movement off the ball was good as well , so he can be very pleased .