
lǐ xìng
  • reason;nous;intellect
理性 [lǐ xìng]
  • [intellect;reason] 同理智

理性[lǐ xìng]
  1. 她是个感性的人,不太理性。

    She was a creature of the emotions , rather than reason .

  2. 怜悯是靠理性的教化而获得和发展起来的。

    Pity is acquired and improved by the cultivation of reason .

  3. 这个决定不是基于理性的思考而是基于感情作出的。

    The decision was based on emotion rather than rational thought .

  4. 柯尔律治在之后的30年里一直抨击理性主义。

    Coleridge was to spend the next thirty years attacking rationalism .

  5. 普里斯特利在科学上的理性世界观延伸到了宗教思想上。

    Priestley 's rational outlook in science carried over to religion

  6. 最后一轮投票时,理性占了上风。

    When the final vote came , rationality took over .

  7. 你所有论点的前提都是他是一个理性而聪明的人。

    All your arguments presuppose that he 's a rational , intelligent man

  8. 其结果可能为未来的谈判注入更多的理性。

    The result might inject more sense into future bargaining .

  9. 没有几个大臣具备理解这些后果所需要的理性或直觉。

    Few ministers have the nous or the instinct required to understand the ramifications

  10. 她是个理性的人。

    She was of a rational turn of mind .

  11. 引用恩格尔的话说就是理性的人是成不了艺术家的。

    Engel is quoted as saying that balanced people do not become artists .

  12. 拉夫桑贾尼一直考虑通过各种方式使货币市场趋于理性。

    Rafsanjani has been considering various ways of introducing some sanity into the currency market .

  13. 怀特既有远见又充满理性。

    White was both visionary and rationalist .

  14. 我的感觉是,在华盛顿出版这样一份理性的报纸不是太靠谱。

    Washington struck me as a precarious place from which to publish such a cerebral newspaper .

  15. 他是要求你看到问题的两面后再作出理性的决定。

    He 's asking you to look at both sides of the case and come to a rational decision

  16. 当面临这个问题时,人会变得情绪激动、恐惧不安,你不一定总能采取理性且慎重的方法。

    When you 're confronted with the problem , emotions kick in , fear kicks in , and you don 't always do the rational and thought-out approach .

  17. 他的思维方法不乏条理性。

    There is no lack of method in his way of thinking .

  18. 社会已经进步到理性可以抑制激情的阶段了。

    Society progresses to the extent that reason can suppress the passions .

  19. 谋杀为一切有理性的人们所谴责。

    Murder is condemned by all reasonable people .

  20. 理性是一种记忆功能,将感知组织成可理解的模式。

    Reason , which is a function of memory , organizes perceptions into comprehensible patterns .

  21. 有关理性经济人的思想就正在被一个新兴的、名为行为经济学的学科给推翻。

    Ideas about " rational " economic man are being overturned by new ones from a discipline called behavioural economics .

  22. 这对当下而言是个巨大挑战,可能需要“非理性”的回应。

    This is a grand challenge for our age and it may require an " irrational " response .

  23. 也许,如果我们继续改进信息处理器,很快就能拥有有用的理性助手。

    Perhaps , if we continue to improve information-processing machines , we 'll soon have helpful rational assistants .

  24. 所以我们必须以与理性的机器互补为目标,而不是与之竞争。

    So we must aim to complement the rationality of the machine , rather than to compete with it .

  25. 就像对转基因的非理性恐惧一样,其实一般来讲,我们人类足够英明,能够快速小心地处理好这些问题。

    As with hysteria about genetic modification , we humans are generally wise enough to manage these problems with speed and care .

  26. 如果我们不打算对未来做出理性的决定,其他人可能必须帮助我们这样做。

    And if we 're not going to make rational decisions about the future , others may have to help us to do so .

  27. 如果我没错,那么我们应该培养创新精神,因为不合逻辑的创造力能补充机器的理性。

    If I 'm right , we should foster a creative spirit because a dose of illogical creativity will complement the rationality of the machine .

  28. 实际上,学校和大学就是用来把学生塑造成理性的服从者,培养与过时机器互动的过时技能。

    Indeed , our schools and universities are structured to mould pupils to be mostly obedient servants of rationality , and to develop outdated skills in interacting with outdated machines .

  29. 基于从这一研究中所显露出来的情况,那可能是作出决定的一种理性的方式。

    Based on what is emerging from some of this research , that might have been as rational a way as any to reach a decision .

  30. “很多控制肥胖症的政策措施都假定人们能够有意识并理性地选择吃什么、吃多少,因此这些政策措施重点在于提供有关健康食品的信息和获取渠道,”两位研究者提到。

    " Many policy measures to control obesityassume that people consciously and rationally choose what and how much they eat and therefore focus on providing information and more access to healthier foods , " note the two researchers .