
  • 【物】theoretical physics
  1. 他在读理论物理。

    He studies theoretical physics .

  2. [UNESCO获得资助的]很大一部分用于支持它在荷兰代夫特的水教育研究所(UNESCOInstituteforWaterEducationinDelft),以及在意大利城市的里雅斯特的国际理论物理中心。

    Large proportions [ of the funding ] support the UNESCO Institute for Water Education in Delft , the Netherlands , and the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste , Italy .

  3. 万有引力常数G是一个与理论物理、地球物理和天体物理密切相关的基本物理常数,但G值的高精度绝对测量面临着种种困难。

    The gravitational constant G is an important fundamental physics constant closely related to theoretical physics , astrophysics and geophysics , the precise measurement of G is faced with various kinds of difficulties and challenges , however .

  4. 否则,在这个RIM共同打造的市场中,它或许会面临被边缘化的窘境,最后只剩一家圆周理论物理研究所(PerimeterInstitute)。

    Otherwise , rim might as well fold into its perimeter institute because that is exactly where it will end up & on the outskirts of the very market the firm helped create .

  5. 现代计算机运算能力及理论物理的发展为EB-PVD薄板沉积过程模拟提供了必备的条件。

    Nowadays , the developments of computer and theory physics have present necessary conditions for EB-PVD sheet deposition simulation .

  6. 黑洞Hawking辐射是理论物理学科中的一个重大发现。它的出现是广义相对论、量子力学和热力学的有机结合的产物。

    Hawking radiation of black hole is an important discovery in theoretical physics , which is an output of the combination among general relativity , quan-tum mechanics and thermodynamic .

  7. Bernoulli数、Stirling数、Euler数在组合数学、函数论、理论物理及近似计算等方面均有广泛的应用。

    Bernoulli numbers , Stirling numbers and Euler numbers have a wide range of applications in many fields such as combinatorics , function theory , theoretical physics , approximate calculation , and so on .

  8. 从理论物理的角度看来宇宙学不但应当是自洽的,而且应当是自足(self-contained)的,因为,按照定义,没有东西可以存在于宇宙之外。

    Cosmology , as a field of theoretical physics , should not only be consistent , but also self-contained . It is because that according to the definition of the universe nothing can be outside of it .

  9. 之前我在加州理工学院教过理论物理和计算物理,2008年我参加了Y-Combinator企业家计划。

    Previously , I taught theoretical and computational physics at the California Institute of Technology ( Caltech ), and in2008 I participated in the Y-Combinator entrepreneur program .

  10. KITPC作为中国科学院理论物理所的一个国际交流平台,每年将会有几百位国内外杰出科学家参与,可为大家提供一流的国际合作交流平台。

    KITPC as a platform for international exchange of ITP , every year there will be hundreds of great scientists visiting it , so it offers great opportunities for you to make international exchanges .

  11. A.Einstein把引力现象解释成黎曼空间的曲率性质,使得物理现象变成几何现象,从而使黎曼几何在广义相对论和理论物理中得到了广泛的应用。

    A. Einstein took the gravitation phenomenon as the curvature property of Riemannian space , the physics phenomenon may be considered as geometry phenomenon . Therefore , Riemannian geometry may be applied in general relativity theory and theoretical physics .

  12. 额外维是当前理论物理研究的热点。

    Theories of extra dimensions are hot topics in theoretical physics .

  13. 理论物理研究与光纤通信新概念探索

    Theoretical physics and the exploration of new concepts in fiberoptic communication

  14. 经典力学&理论物理课程改革初探

    Classical mechanics & A tentative reform of theoretical physics curriculum

  15. 当代理论物理各前沿课题是互相密切联系的

    Various branches of contemporary theoretical physics are closely linked with each other

  16. 理论物理中常用特殊函数之间的关系

    The relations among common special functions in theory physics

  17. 普通物理与理论物理打通的必要性

    The Necessity on Combining Common Physics and Theories physics

  18. 我就是理论物理界的威廉?夏特纳

    I am the William Shatner of theoretical physics .

  19. 对称性支配相互作用在发展理论物理中的作用

    Role of the " symmetry-dominated interaction " in the development of theoretical physics

  20. 关于理论物理与理论生命科学的一些思考

    Thoughts on Theoretic Physics and Theoretic Lite Science

  21. 水平井开发理论物理模型研究

    Physical model of horizontal wells in development theory

  22. 普通物理与中学物理及理论物理的衔接与分工问题

    The Division and Interrelation Between General Physics , Theoretical Physics and High School Physics Courses

  23. 2009年,他前往剑桥大学理论物理中心。

    In 2009 , he left to head the Cambridge University Center for Theoretical Physics .

  24. 有关结果在理论物理的某些研究中具有重要的理论与应用价值。

    The concerned result possesses important theory and application value in some research of theory physics .

  25. 新建成的理论物理所科研大楼也将为博士后提供良好的科研工作环境。

    The new building of ITP will also provide good research environment for the post doctors .

  26. 对理论物理界的威廉?夏特纳最需要的就是自我膨胀

    Yeah , the one thing the William Shatnerof theoretical physics needed was an ego boost .

  27. 众所周知,对称性破缺与夸克禁闭问题是理论物理中悬而未决的两大疑难。

    It is well known that symmetry breaking and quark confinement are two open problems in theoretical physics .

  28. 然而,兰根最终也没能在哈佛教授理论物理&他只是密苏里的一名农场工人。

    However , Langan isn 't teaching theoretical physics at Harvard & he 's a rancher in Missouri .

  29. 然而,兰根最终也没能在哈佛教授理论物理—他只是密苏里的一名农场工人。

    However , Langan isn 't teaching theoretical physics at Harvard - he 's a rancher in Missouri .

  30. 他把自己的理论物理知识用于医学,并开始了积极反对核武器的人生之路。

    He swapped theoretical physics for the medical kind and began a life of vigorous opposition to nuclear weapons .