
  1. 到了20世纪70年代初期,随着理性预期革命的兴起,受到使用代表性个人假定的理论研究方法的影响,导致经济理论界对收入分配的研究兴趣有所下降。

    By the early 1970s , with the rational expectations revolution , by using theoretical approaches of representative persons , the interest about income inequality has declined .

  2. 凯恩斯革命、货币主义反革命和理性预期革命等重大经济学事件构成了20世纪西方宏观经济学发展的主线。

    The major events in economics , the Keynesian Revolution , Monetarist Counterrevolution , Rational Expectation Revolution , etc. , made up main path of development of modern macroeconomics .