
  • 网络Understanding Human Nature
  1. 知道了组成人体器官和构成人类DNA的三十亿个生物学分子的特性和序列,人类就掌握了提高健康、延长寿命、和理解人性的关键。

    Knowing the identity , and order , of the three billion biochemical building blocks which make up man 's DNA promised the key to improving health , prolonging life and understanding human nature .

  2. 让我想要理解人性,

    that makes me pursue my understanding of human nature ,

  3. 青年灵阶段天蝎座所强调的亲密关系的经验帮助我们理解人性。

    Experiences with intimacy as a Scorpio during the Young cycle develop our understanding of human nature .

  4. 我心里总存在一种力量,让我想要理解人性,而这也让我想到了这幅照片。

    And so there 's one thing that makes me pursue my understanding of human nature , and this reminds me of it .

  5. 二是确立交叉询问制度,增强审判程序的对抗性,进一步提高事实认定的准确性;三是从理解人性的角度出法,建立我国科学的证人出庭作证制度。

    Second , establish the system of cross-examination so as to strengthen the antagonism of the trial procedure and further raise the accuracy of fact-finding ;

  6. 正视历史、尊重时代生成的英雄、正确理解人性应该是起码的底线。

    They are bottom line to face the history directly , to respect the heroes and heroines under the tide , and to understand personality correctly .

  7. 马克思从人的需要、自由自觉的活动和人的社会关系三个方面理解人性,这是我们解析制度的理论依据。

    Max understands human nature from three angles , i.e. want , free conscious activity and social relations , the three of which constitute the theoretical basis of analyzing institution .

  8. 人类学是通过研究别人的文化来理解人性的学科,同时负有研究现实问题和抢救濒危文化的使命。

    Anthropology is a discipline to understand human nature through the research into different cultures while it is endowed with the mission to probe into reality and rescue dying cultures .

  9. 场所性的内涵是指设计要充分考虑人的基本需求,尊重人性,理解人性,有意识的运用行为因素,根据人的需求、行为规律、活动特点等以人为中心进行空间构思。

    The place connotation is design should consider basic need of person well , respect human nature , comprehend the human nature , and should be according to the person 's need , behavior regulation and activity characteristics etc.

  10. 人学理论不仅决定着管理理论的形成和发展,而且还制约着人类的管理实践活动,因此,正确认识和理解人性,对于管理的成功就十分重要。

    The human theories is not only determining the forming and development of the management theory but also restricting the human management practice activity . So , realizing and understanding the humanity correctly is very important to management successful .

  11. 激情是霍布斯所理解的人性结构的核心和实质内容。

    And the passion is the core and substantial content of the Human Nature structure in his understandings .

  12. 而自由理论也是理解康德人性善恶以及根本恶问题的思路。

    And the theory of freedom is the clue to understand the theory of human nature and the radical evil .

  13. 规则系统提供了一种了解工业过程的更加直观、简单、易于理解和人性化、智能化的方法。

    By rule based system we can understand industrial processes in a visualized , simple , understandable , humanistic and intelligent way .

  14. 首先,介绍了不同时期人们对人性的理解,以及人性化管理的内涵、内容和原则。

    First , it introduces the different periods of human understanding of human nature and human nature management , content , content and principles .

  15. 可是以用户为中心的设计理念却往往被错误的理解为依人性,即完全依靠与人。

    However , " user-centric " design has always been misunderstood to relying on human , it means that is totally dependent on human .

  16. 盛可以通过叙述同性间阴暗的互相争斗和明快的互相亲善、互相理解,揭示人性的复杂多变。

    Sheng Keyi has revealed the complex human nature by the description of the somber strife and lively goodwill , understanding between the same-sex each other .

  17. 在理解语言与人性关系的基础上,本文考察了语言与人的民族性和文化性、历史性和社会性的关系;

    Base on the understanding of the relationship between language and human nature , we study the relationship between language and human native , culture , history , and society .

  18. 新颖独特自由《麦田里的守望者》的视角艺术浅析原始回归与人性超越从《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》看陀思妥耶夫斯基对人的理解和对人性的超越

    Originality , Distinctiveness and Freedom & The artistic point of view in The Catcher in the Rye Originality Backdate and Humanity Transcend : Dostoevskys Interpretation of Human Beings and Humanity Transcend

  19. 至此在提供了一种系统设计方法与理论的同时,希望大家能够真正的理解和重视人性化意识,让人性化意识更好的应用于界面设计实践中。

    In providing a system design method and theory , I hope everyone will be able to truly understand the importance of human consciousness , and applied to graphical user interface design successfully .

  20. 修昔底德认为人性是推动历史发展的因素,并且由于人性是不变的,所以分析并熟知人性就可以理解事件背后人性起到了怎样的作用。

    Thucydides thought that human nature is the factor which develop history . And because human nature is the same , so if we are familiar with human nature that can understand what human nature do in events .

  21. 对精神分析动力学的分析不但为我们揭示了艺术创作的动力来源,还对我们重新理解艺术与人性之间的本质关联,产生了重要的启示作用。

    The analysis of the psychoanalysis dynamics not only discover the motive source of the art creations for us , but also makes us to re-comprehend the essence connection between art and human nature to us . it has important apocalypse function .

  22. 因此,论文主要涉及的理论问题有:一、通过对人类酷刑的反思回顾,说明对酷刑的形式、内容、理解深度与人性的发现和文化精神的觉醒,人的价值尊严不断醒悟密切相关。

    Therefore , the theoretical issues involved in the thesis as follows : 1 . It indicates that form , content and comprehension of torture is closely related to the discovery of humanity , cultural and spiritual awakening and the value of human dignity continual awakening .

  23. 本文对精神家园的理解以马克思关于人性的思考作为理论基础。

    The understanding of spiritual home in this paper bases on Marx ' sopinions of human nature .

  24. 一些经济学家很难理解的是,人性远比模型复杂。

    It is hard for some economists to understand that human nature is more complex than their models .

  25. 要理解刑法立法的人性化,首先必须要了解何谓人性。关于人性的概念,中西方自古以来就争议颇多、莫衷一是,至今尚无定论。

    About the concept of humanity , Chinese and western have had a dispute since the ancient times , which is still unable to agree and yet remains to be seen .

  26. 真实性评价的产生是以当代人性观、知识观和学习观为前提的,它是基于对人性的理解而不是对人性的约束与规范,它所关注的是学生的健康和全面发展。

    The contemporary viewpoint on humanism , knowledge and learning is the preconditions of authentic assessment . Authentic assessment is based on the understanding of human nature , not the restriction and criterion of human nature . It pays more attention on the healthy and all-round development of student .

  27. 二是广义的,将宗教理解为整个社会文化生活的基础,理解为人性或生命存在的形而上学根基。

    Whereas , in a broad sense , religion is understood as the foundation of the entire social cultural life , as the metaphysical root of humanity or the existence of human life .